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Status Replies posted by Soccerballzs

  1. gonna run the XXX at .5 ohms. hopefully it wont blow up...

  2. Tomorrow is Troubleshooting day. Dropppin volts to like 11.5, mids alone are dopping me to 13.8 or 9. Hella weird. We shal see what tomorrow brings.

  3. ain't nothing wrong w/trying to make improvements in your life & wanting to do better, don't let anyone talk you out of it either & have a great day!

  4. Just traded for a Digital Designs SS4a!! I could not be happier. Got back to my house and had one of my roomates friends tell me it wasnt shit compared to his dual's with the lights. lol

  5. Just traded for a Digital Designs SS4a!! I could not be happier. Got back to my house and had one of my roomates friends tell me it wasnt shit compared to his dual's with the lights. lol

  6. life is a road we all must travel, but on that road stay in your own lane, keep watching for obstacles go over some & around some but you've got to keep going, have a good day, later...

  7. It's my birthday today. 32!!!!

  8. Industrial unit across the road from my college got raided, 1800 plants found. Well shit.

  9. Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. (NIV) Mom passed away this morning

  10. Picked up a nice used router, $25

  11. Picked up a nice used router, $25

  12. Time to make some more sawdust

  13. Westboro Baptist church coming to Oregon sunday to protest a soldiers funeral, Literally the scum of the earth :/

  14. Every time I click my mouse I get a little noise sent through my speaker. Slightly annoying.

  15. Every time I click my mouse I get a little noise sent through my speaker. Slightly annoying.

  16. Is this just me or does anyone else put fries on their cheeseburger? To me it enhances the flavor.

  17. I "Will" be heading to Huntsville, Alabama to Finals later on today for the 1st time to be w/all the other BASS HEADS living that loud BASS LIFE, repping, Metter Georgia, Team Deadly Hertz & Team SKAR Audio, I'm not worried about winning or placing I'm just gonna have a good time because I was there, I'm 37 & still accomplishing 1st's in my life, don't sweat the small stuff, attitude's everything!

  18. I have been meeting some cool people on this forum lately!!!

  19. At the Cleveland Clinic getting bicep looked again after surgery. 2.5 hour drive! I need a beer!!!

  20. At the Cleveland Clinic getting bicep looked again after surgery. 2.5 hour drive! I need a beer!!!

  21. Finally got my build posted, let me know what you think.

  22. Took 6000 volts to the knee today while painting at work... Accidentally jammed my knee into a transformer when I went to kneel down. Talk about chest and knee pain.

  23. I need some birthday gifts for the lady, she wont tell me what she wants. Already gonna take her out and stuff but i have no clue what to get her haha

  24. Sweet! Turns out 1" mdf is exactly 1". Not .8" like 3/4 mdf. This will make life a bit easier

  25. 75 degrees and overcast out. Perfect day to wax the car!

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