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Status Updates posted by ghostrider59927

  1. bout to post a big update on my build like 40+ pics

  2. can an admin pm me plz i need help

  3. come on guys im at 7 ppl who want the free steam games. if we hit 10+ ppl well up the count of games from 5 to 10

    1. DubNDodge



      If not is there any strings attatched?

    2. Carbon
    3. ghostrider59927



      just gatta send me a friend invite if you win so i can send it to you. after you get it you can unfriend me or whatever

  4. damn its at the time of the day i hate. when i have to get off and go to sleep :(

  5. do you need to fuse runs that are 2ft long at most?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      You should really fuse everything. If it's from batt to the amp - even if the wire won't short out it will stop the car from burning down if something goes haywire in the amp

    3. KillaCam


      Probably if you still have that machete in your trunk.

    4. ghostrider59927


      thank you guys good thing i already got the fuses mounted :) once again thank you

  6. first day of work was awsome

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Miguels


      i rather not get ghosted

    3. ghostrider59927
    4. Miguels


      how many butt connectors did you go through today?

  7. for those who want to know im spinning again

  8. funny thing is i work at 501 mead st. damn so close

  9. goodbye to you assholes' yall know who you are, which is like 2 ppl

  10. got something being shipped to me should be here in a week or so :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ghostrider59927


      nope db's in a truck might be 40's

    3. JeremyN


      not if your doing it

    4. Azagtoth502


      yes 30's is cold here, slightest ice or snow & folks flip the fuck out. makes fer mighty entertaining traffic news

  11. great no somethings going on with the 4ch, can i plz get a break today

  12. guy im spinning

    1. sound.of.life


      it looks like that you don't need sleep. lol

    2. ghostrider59927


      no im spinning tracks and i couldnt fall asleep

  13. having 1 of those days where you do not want to get out of bed and do something :P

    1. ghostrider59927


      well might as well clean out my car and get started on the new amp rack

  14. hi my names ghost im a SMD forum addict. ive currently been logged in here for 29hrs now thank you

  15. hmm should i just get a 1000-1200 wrms amp or jump to the dc2k?

  16. how do you get rid of warning points? i did somthing stupid not long after joining since then ive read most of the rules

  17. i can now solder wires correctly. all my 1/0 has been and heatshrunk for now and half of my 4ga has been too. i love my new job except when the say here drive this 100k+ car outa this tightass spot

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ghostrider59927


      and im not saying I didn't learn anything that's far from it. im doing a bunch of stuff and learning so much already.

    3. Neckbeard


      i had to drive a huge f350 dually through the tiny ass shop doors when i worked at a audio shop. Nearly pissed myself

    4. thefourth


      Congrats on the job bud

  18. i can post but i cant edit my post?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. cjvue


      Scroll to the very bottom... left hand side

    3. ghostrider59927
    4. cjvue


      lol.... my red carbon is working again now

  19. i got the job at harbor freight, all i can say is my sleeping schedule is going to be screwed

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. OrionStang


      Good to hear what you all really think of me though. Some people just can't take the truth. I say shit how I see it, don't sugar coat a goddamn thing.

    3. KillaCam


      Kyle and Ken got it right. Better to be straight up then to beat around the bush.

    4. Jessica


      Ken, we love you sugarcakes.

  20. i got the job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i start tomorrow

  21. i hate this weather gusting up to 40mph i cant do shit on mocking up a center conlose/enclosure

  22. I like it when the bass goes booom, and shakes everything in the room.... i like it when the bass goes booom.... the mavrik makes the bass go booooooooooom.

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