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i didnt read ANY posts from here so forgive me if its been brought up........but that ridiculous "occupy" shit came here to sacramento this week and it didnt look like ANY of those people were contributing members of society. It looked like a bunch of washed up hippies that are mad at the government because they didnt get anywhere in life. The ones i saw on the news looked like a cross between a hobo, living by the tracks, who hasnt shaved in a year and someone who sleeps on the sidewalk in a tent waiting for the new Star Wars movie to open.

Seriously, there will always be people with more then others and thats usually because they WORKED FOR IT.

by the way, the protests will do nothing except make a mess which city workers, who GO TO WORK will have to clean up. COPS, which they appear to hate, will be on overtime making even more money. The jails will get fuller from these retarded protesters being "peacefully arrested" and then guess where the money goes (if they had a job and money to pay the fine)? Thats right.....keep protesting and making fools of yourselves.

Typical uneducated statement... You must have forgotten your history... Protests can make changes. It worked in France when they had a disappearing bee population as we have now. They got the plants back to organic, rather than the seeds where the pesticides are already in it, and their bee population returned to normal. Most of these "occupy" cities are very organized, all the way down to having permits, and plans in place... LINK

i didnt read ANY posts from here so forgive me if its been brought up........but that ridiculous "occupy" shit came here to sacramento this week and it didnt look like ANY of those people were contributing members of society. It looked like a bunch of washed up hippies that are mad at the government because they didnt get anywhere in life. The ones i saw on the news looked like a cross between a hobo, living by the tracks, who hasnt shaved in a year and someone who sleeps on the sidewalk in a tent waiting for the new Star Wars movie to open.

Seriously, there will always be people with more then others and thats usually because they WORKED FOR IT.

by the way, the protests will do nothing except make a mess which city workers, who GO TO WORK will have to clean up. COPS, which they appear to hate, will be on overtime making even more money. The jails will get fuller from these retarded protesters being "peacefully arrested" and then guess where the money goes (if they had a job and money to pay the fine)? Thats right.....keep protesting and making fools of yourselves.

none of these people that are protesting against the corporations that make jobs or the investors that invest in the company's to allow them to hire people .. seem to realize that capitalization is the thing that made America the greatest country on the planet ..... the " occupy people " need to stop looking for a hand out and take a shower. IF YOU DON'T LIKE AMERICA GET THE FUCK OUT

I'm not looking for a handout, I probably make more than you do, and I'm part of it. I'm not some hippy, or pissed off college kid that doesn't wanna repay my student loans. Corporations that take their jobs overseas, and use slave labor, then ship it back over here and sell it for just as much as it was when it was made here. Thats ok with you? I'm for this country and whats good in this country, but when the "investors" FUCK OVER MILLIONS of us hard working citizens annually, and get away with it, something is fucking wrong... I just hope it doesn't happen to your mom or dad, or family members... Or, maybe it should, so you can see that they took over 1 BILLION in these peoples retirement funds, mutual funds, and stocks. Doing so, on bullshit info, knowing damn well that it would fail. Thats fucking robbery. But it must be ok, since its America...

Not gonna read through this but initially when I heard of "Occupy Wallstreet" I thought hell yeah. I don't like how the stock market is used as an economic barometer that controls peoples spending and saving. I then dug a little deeper into the subject and looked at their demands and all I can say is EL OH EL! Now I think its ridiculous, they don't even know what they're out there holding signs for by the looks of their demand LIST...thats right LIST...they don't want one thing they literally want 20 things, let me know how that works out.

If they come to my city I'll be the only one standing on the other side of the street with a sign stating GETAJOB!

Again, Josh, I have a job... You think its easy to get a job? Ever look around lately? Go try and get a job, good luck with that... Maybe you should look into it a little more, and actually see what its about before you go and chastize it...

Not gonna read through this but initially when I heard of "Occupy Wallstreet" I thought hell yeah. I don't like how the stock market is used as an economic barometer that controls peoples spending and saving. I then dug a little deeper into the subject and looked at their demands and all I can say is EL OH EL! Now I think its ridiculous, they don't even know what they're out there holding signs for by the looks of their demand LIST...thats right LIST...they don't want one thing they literally want 20 things, let me know how that works out.

If they come to my city I'll be the only one standing on the other side of the street with a sign stating GETAJOB!

I normally avoid political arguments because I make my opinion off common sense nit just my base beliefs.

But this protest is retarded. Their demands fuck the economy up even more. One example is clearing debt, htf do you fix a deficit if you dont collect?

And a fixed living wage no matter your work status? Where is the incentive to work or work harder then anyone else?

The job market is hard and you might have to work for less then youd like to but do you wanna get raped by taxes on top of that?

Should the system be fixed? Yes most definatly but is it as simple as hitting reset? No if you reset a system it will destroy the country.

I love this country but no offense but the people here just piss me off both rich and poor. The super rich take advantage of EVERYONE and the poor the middle class go into mob mentality and Often don't even understand the underlying reasons.

If I had my way I'd eliminate all the social bull shit programs, I can barely support myself comfortably AND save and I'm making $40k+ a year right out of college. For me it's not the people that need it that bother me but the larger group of people that abuse it that make me feel this way which IMHO is extremely unfortunate.

This is my only post so bash it all you want. I'm out.

I agree with most of what you said... Change NEEDS to happen.

how can you state that you make more than me if you dont know me .... Yes the corrupt people that ruined tons of lives with criminal behavior should be in jail but that 1% on wall street and in other corporations should not be a represent of the system as a whole..

2 12" Jeff Vue Customs
1 set MB Quart FSB 216 in doors
1 American Bass 100.1 on sub
1 Hertz EP2 on doors
JVC deck IPOD control
Stock 105 amp alt
big 3
new build in Chevy caviler http://www.stevemead...chevy-cavalier/

last set up in the ZX2 http://www.stevemead...-current-build/

old build log http://www.stevemead...-1998-ford-zx2/

Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, debt is the money of slaves. Just my .02c

that shop needs keep those doors open so they have to charge for it

if people think 10k is a lot then they should get into other hobbies.. like masturbating, cause any hobby cost money to maintain

Lol no, I'm smarter than that bro haha. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice..............go fuck yourself lol

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Again, Josh, I have a job... You think its easy to get a job? Ever look around lately? Go try and get a job, good luck with that... Maybe you should look into it a little more, and actually see what its about before you go and chastize it...

I've worked steadily since I was 13-14 Ryan, only recently did I quit to go back to school to further my education...and even then they want me back during any freetime that I have. I have never been unable to get a job, I am very fortunate because of this I know...

The thing with looking more into it is I have. Occupy wallstreet will never work if the people protesting don't even know what they're protesting for. They have some ideas, but no solid footing. When interviewed the protesters each are giving way different answers to very basic questions, seems like they're just running on a treadmill. Maybe when they get their act together and come up with a reasonable goal I'll change my mind, but until then I'm anti occupy wallst.

1986 C20 Suburban

9 American Bass XFL 15's


14v XS Power Batteries

Maxwell Caps

Acoustical energy is free. Electrical energy is not

you havent lived until you've hit a screw with a router.

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I need to find the link I was reading early and bring it over here.

it pretty much mocked the whole movement becuase they all had ipods ipads imacs etc but yet they all fail to realize that steve jobs made his money off an IPO. That just so happened at the stock exchange they are all protesting.


1998 Chevy Silverado ext cab

Alpine CDA-9887

4 Team Fi 15s

2 Ampere Audio TFE 8.0

2 Ampere Audio 150.4

3 Digital Designs CS6.5 component sets

Dual Mechman 370XP Elite alternators inbound!

8 XS Power d3400

6 XS power d680

Second Skin


Tsunami Wiring

Sky High

A Real Voltmeter not a piece of shit stinger.

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Is everyone here against this movement perfectly happy with what the CEO's and investment bankers on Wall St. are doing with our economic situation?

Is everyone here against this movement simply because the media tells them it's bad?

Do you think it's not possible for the media to purposely portray all of the weird ones in order to rally support against a movement which could potentially bring down these breathing scum that walk around with our money in their pockets?

As far as the iPods and such, Nate, a necessary evil. We now have today something our previous revolution leaders didn't, instant communication.

Facebook, Twitter, SMS, etc.

Anyone defending these rich bastard thieves is a pure masochist. You can say these people are "leftist", "hippies", whatever you want to label them as- the fact of the matter is, if you're not drinking that champagne on Wall Street and mocking the working class, you are, indeed, withing the 99% of the rest of us.


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"What They did not want you to ever find out is that your

generation, the generation born between 1980-1995, actually

outnumbers the Baby Boomers. They knew that if you ever

turned your eye towards political reform, you could change the


They tried to keep you sated on vapid television shows and vapid

music. They cut off your education and fed you brain candy.

They took away your music and gave you Top Ten pop stations.

They cut off your art and replaced it with endless reality shows

for you to plug into, hoping you would sit quietly by as They ran

the world. I think They thought you were too dumb to notice.

Indeed, I thought They had won.

But I watched you occupy the capital of Wisconsin. I see you

today as you occupy Wall Street. And I see a spark, a glimmer

of the glorious new age that is yours. A changing of the guard, a

guard that has stood for entirely too long and needs your young

legs to take his place.

I watch you turn away from what is easy and stand up for what

is right. I see you understand we as a society are only as strong

as our weakest link. I see you wise beyond your years. And I

am proud. Give ‘em hell, kids. You are beautiful."

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Wall St. doesn't give a damn unless it affects their bottom line.

which is logical. if you're making financial decisions on a national level, you've got to make decisions based on the nation as a whole, not the opinions of a few disgruntled people.

Just say no to Ground Pounder Customs.

More box builds

some cars do over 170db with one sub, so clearly my two 12"s can do that in my car, with my knowledge too! look out bitches!

I'm with captain stupid.

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what the answer boils down to is and will be as long as corruption in the financial/government institutions exists is


We as citizens of the United Sates of America have lost our touch to what democracy really was

We as citizens of the United States of America need to take back control of our government

We as Citizens of the USA need to take control of how our lives are run, How are money is handled, and what this money goes to fund

We as Citizens of the USA need to stop being slaves to the system and actually make the system about us again and not corporations, not senators/congeressmen, not wallstreet bankers

The First words of the Constitution says "We the People" and we need to put that back into our governance.

that's why I support Occupy Wallstreet as well as all the other Occupy protests.

Don't let the media fool you into thinking that only crackpots are there because there is alot of intelligent people fighting in these protests, and with good reason...

Those of you who are risking your relationships need to grow up. Bass can't make you sandwhiches.

You clearly haven't tossed lunch meat, cheese, and bread in your port yet. Makes a hell of a bologna sandwich salad. Jiggles the balls pretty good too.

If i ain't learning, I ain't living.

Steve blocked me on YT... I think i irritated him a few years ago.... LOL sorry man

I don't have any serious builds goin on... currently i have an Interfire IF-2400b pushing 2 Alphasonic PSW610J's...

I'm broke and i don't want my son deaf before he's 2 haha

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I had to watch this film for a class I'm taking (social sciences). Didn't know much about "Occupy Wall Street" or even corporations for that matter until I watched this film. They talk about the HISTORY of the corporation from when they were small groups of people Chartered to do public service works for the benefit of community and the strict laws that were put in place to regulate their business ethics. They explain how corporate lawyers manipulated the system to overturn those laws and turn Corporations into LLC's and gained Limited Liability rights. How corporate lawyers took advantage of the 14th amendment which was supposed to protect african americans after the civil war and give them equal rights as human beings. Corporations are now protected under the 14th amendment and are now considered to be an actual human being or person!!! If the big wigs are robbing and stealing and fucking people over they don't get in trouble for it THE CORPORATION DOES. None of the owners or managers get punished or ever go to jail for crooked business practices (unless your like that one guy that fucked up like 50 billion dollars or some ridiculous amount like that). I mean you REALLY have to be a fukin snake to go to jail, not mentioning any names......... (martha stewart)!

Anyway, its a pretty interesting film if you got TWO and a HALF HOURS to spare haha! 15 min 30 sec. says it all!


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Is everyone here against this movement simply because the media tells them it's bad?

Half of the shit surrounding the movement starts with "the little secret "they" didn't want you to know"... That ruins it because those people see a conspiracy in their forking Cheerios. Seriously, look at the next post you made...

""What They did not want you to ever find out is that..."" Sure man population stats are a huge secret... lmfao

I'm not looking for a handout, I probably make more than you do, and I'm part of it. I'm not some hippy, or pissed off college kid that doesn't wanna repay my student loans. Corporations that take their jobs overseas, and use slave labor, then ship it back over here and sell it for just as much as it was when it was made here. Thats ok with you? I'm for this country and whats good in this country, but when the "investors" FUCK OVER MILLIONS of us hard working citizens annually, and get away with it, something is fucking wrong... I just hope it doesn't happen to your mom or dad, or family members... Or, maybe it should, so you can see that they took over 1 BILLION in these peoples retirement funds, mutual funds, and stocks. Doing so, on bullshit info, knowing damn well that it would fail. Thats fucking robbery. But it must be ok, since its America...

First off we are all investors, those of us that don't blow every dime we have on car audio anyways and actually save. These are publicly traded fucking companies and ANYONE with a retirement is one of your evil investors... This is the number one problem with this is that you confuse where the problem lies and who needs to fix it not to mention how. The story begins with the banks and ends with federal re-regulation. It's not some huge secret or some massive undertaking as that is what it took to make deregulation happen... The regulation that has been removed over the last 30+ years has obviously backfired.

The one thing I think we can all agree on is that some of these motherfuckers should be in jail. Some of the shit these individuals "ok'd" at the banks is unreal (as I said in older posts). Turning junk into A rated investments is basically treason.

If at first you do not succeed, you are doing it wrong! -ARS
Check out my walled TBSS build over here
4 Fi Team 18s on 2 Cactus K9
DS18 doors on 2 MBQ 1Ks, Vifa pillars on a STL4.500
Pioneer X8500
6 XS Power D7500, 1 3400S
Second Skin
2 270a Mechman Alts

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