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Mitt Romney pays 13.9 % Tax rate. I pay 26%.

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Think about it this way. How much is 13.9% of what he makes? How much is 26% of what you make? When you look at the numbers that way, should we go to a Flat-tax system? It wouldn't work because either the people making more money would pay less giving the country less money or those of us that don't make much would have to pay more to equal what they pay and we can't afford it.

ETA: just went and looked at the site and you'll notice they only talk about percentages, no real numbers because the less informed people don't think about it that way.

Example- Someone makes $2 million/yr and pays 13%= $260,000

Someone else makes $35,000/yr and pays 25%= $8750

Still think they aren't paying their fair share?

Yeah they pay more total in taxes even with the lower percentage, but at the end of the day, if someone makes 2 mil and pays $260k in taxes they still have 1.74 mil in the same economy where stuff cost the exact same for them as it does everybody else.

1.74mil vs $26250

How is that fair? Taking a higher percentage from the little guys leaves them with less with alot to have to do with it. At the end of the day we all live in the same place where things cost the same for everyone, just because the rich are used to a certain life style doesnt mean anything, they dont have to spend 100k on a car, when a $50k car is just as nice, they dont have to eat at the finest restaurants and pay $200 per person for a meal. If you put that money back in the pockets of the middle class, that is how you grow the economy. Who do you think goes out and spends the most money? Yeah the filthy rich have more of it to spend on themselves, but its the middle class that go out and spend the most money and make the economy what it is.

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So here's something that I don't really get.

Let me start out by saying I'm a 22 year old college "senior" I have two semesters left before I graduate if I don't add more to my major again. I make about 15k a year, roughly working full time at $8.00/hr. My average monthly income is about 1200. I get student loans that cover school, books, a tank of gas (two if i'm lucky), and a taco bell run for me and the girlfriend. I don't get any extra government help other than my student loans. Now, I'm not sure exactly what I pay into taxes every year, but it isn't much to start with.

So at the end of every year, I get what I paid into taxes from the federal government, most of what I paid into for state, PLUS about $1500 because I'm a student. Why do I need an EXTRA $1500 every year for being a student? I know it's not much, but a lot of students get this tax credit. Why not cut crap like this out and apply it towards our deficit? I'm sure there are plenty of other tax credits that could be cut out too that apply to our deficit as well.

Side Rant: I work in a call center environment with the majority of our employees being in college. Why are half of these people on food stamps with no family to support and no other real reason as to why the need to be fed. If I fall short in November or December I take another small student loan to float me by. I just think it's crap that I work 40 to 45 hours a week to make ends meet, and these people work 10 to 15 and get paid by our government to eat more/better food than I can afford busting my ass.


Next time she tries to punch you in the stomach, whip your wiener out and chase her around. Show her who's boss.

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I might regret this comment later, but I say bring back Hillary Clinton. She ran the country for 8 years while Bill sat in his big chair gettin BJs.

One thing that I absolutely cannot stand about Obama is that he trashed the Bush administration for his debt deficit.

Here are the number for Bush and his 8 years in office.

Start(1/1/2001)- 5.6 Trillion debt

Finish(12/31/2008)- 10.6 trillion debt

5 trillion added over 8 years.

Now for Obama

Start- Bush left office with 10.6 Trillion in debt.

Current Date- 16 Trillion in debt.

Obama and his administration have managed to add over 5 trillion in new debt over the last 4 years when it took Bush 8 years to do the same thing.

If we allow Obama to stay in office, the debt wont be our problem, the problem will be that we will be speaking Chinese in 4 years as our primary language!

You should take a moment to read this link. It's not all cut and dry as you make it seem. This is what happens when people get fired up and don't take a look at all the FACTS.

I will post the link instead of copying and pasting. I am very curious to see what you have to say after reading this


Game on!


btw I can't stand either!

When your at the top everyone is coming for you, friends, family, haters and even those who don't know you.. my advice.. KILL EM ALL

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Regardless of how much money Romney or Obama makes or pays taxes on etc. I already know who I am voting for in Nov. I think most people already have their minds made up. Neither Party has a clear good direction for the country. Both sides are laden with greedy self satisfying people that are out to line their pockets and do little or nothing for the people of this country; yet they pretend like they do.

I choose my lesser evil based on which ever side makes the most sense to me. Which side has policies that make my situation better, does not intrude on my way of life, has [potentially] a more positive effect on my financial situation, and is at least perceived to me as having a more well thought out plan.

You have to think past the news and what the politicians are saying and think of how their agenda will affect you and other people.

  • Both sides are pro-big government; they just want big Gov in different directions.
  • Do the majority of Americans REALLY want gay marriage / gay rights, specific laws granting permissions exclusively to gays? There are other ways to go about the legal issues they have.
  • Is a flat tax a good idea?
  • is it such a terrible thing to have affordable health care for everyone ?
  • Why are there so many details being publisized about covert militart operations? That @#$% should be squashed immediately.
  • etc. etc.

Which ever side you vote for just remember. This is the BEST form of government in the world [Really, this is the best humans can do?]


  • Alternator:
    1. Stock alt on mids/highs
    2. Isolated DC Power 270 SP - Charging @ 16.8v
  • Batteries: (2) XS D1400s
  • Power Cable: Double Runs of 1/0 KNU Kolossus Fleks
  • Headunit: 80-PRS
  • Sub Amp: DC 5.0k
  • Subwoofers: 2 RE MT 15s /PSI dual .7ohm recones
  • Subwoofer Enclosure: 9.1cubes @ 32hz - brutal.
  • Mids & Highs Amp: CT125.4
  • Active Components:
    • Mids RE XXX 6.5c
    • Highs - 3 RE XXX tweeters per side(A pillar)
  • Noise Control: Damplifier Pro all over the cab.

Build Log

If you do business with me please leave feedback here: FEEDBACK THREAD

Highest Legal Score: 151.0 db
Highest Musical 30 Second Average: 151.6 db
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Think about it this way. How much is 13.9% of what he makes? How much is 26% of what you make? When you look at the numbers that way, should we go to a Flat-tax system? It wouldn't work because either the people making more money would pay less giving the country less money or those of us that don't make much would have to pay more to equal what they pay and we can't afford it.

ETA: just went and looked at the site and you'll notice they only talk about percentages, no real numbers because the less informed people don't think about it that way.

Example- Someone makes $2 million/yr and pays 13%= $260,000

Someone else makes $35,000/yr and pays 25%= $8750

Still think they aren't paying their fair share?

Yeah they pay more total in taxes even with the lower percentage, but at the end of the day, if someone makes 2 mil and pays $260k in taxes they still have 1.74 mil in the same economy where stuff cost the exact same for them as it does everybody else.

1.74mil vs $26250

How is that fair? Taking a higher percentage from the little guys leaves them with less with alot to have to do with it. At the end of the day we all live in the same place where things cost the same for everyone, just because the rich are used to a certain life style doesnt mean anything, they dont have to spend 100k on a car, when a $50k car is just as nice, they dont have to eat at the finest restaurants and pay $200 per person for a meal. If you put that money back in the pockets of the middle class, that is how you grow the economy. Who do you think goes out and spends the most money? Yeah the filthy rich have more of it to spend on themselves, but its the middle class that go out and spend the most money and make the economy what it is.

So we should penalize the rich for taking the initiative to do something with their life and be successful? Let me put it to you this way. I looked at your build log, you have 6 DC lvl 3 15's. No one NEEDS that much bass and I don't have any 15's so you should send me at least 2 of them. I'm also gonna need some of that power, one of your alts, and some batteries. I didn't work enough to get that stuff on my own but you really don't need that much so just give it to me.


He was taunting me. He's all like "come at me bro!" So I'm like "I'm coming at you bro!" And he's like "hey, fuck you" *chomp*. Then I killed it. I win.

^^^ you have truly taken being a lazy fuck to a new level tonight, an MRE. WOW

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I stopped reading the link when the journalist asked if it was fair to hold Obama responsible for the costs of war, which began with Bush, 4 months into his presidency. Um...yeah, wasn't ending the war and bringing back troops the first thing on his list of promises?

Tell me...does this smell like chloroform to you?

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So we should penalize the rich for taking the initiative to do something with their life and be successful? Let me put it to you this way. I looked at your build log, you have 6 DC lvl 3 15's. No one NEEDS that much bass and I don't have any 15's so you should send me at least 2 of them. I'm also gonna need some of that power, one of your alts, and some batteries. I didn't work enough to get that stuff on my own but you really don't need that much so just give it to me.

You've missed the analogy completely. What he bought, he did with his taxed income, which already took a LARGER percentage of his SMALLER income. I used to feel the easy you did with penalizing the rich for being rich, until i found that was just a simple tactic by the mainstream media. It is NOT penalizing them, in fact, when you research and look up 10 years ago who it was that even capped taxes for the rich, hedge funds, of shore accounts etc, you will find mitt romney faced dead center.

Another good question, mitt would hate to fuck over the rest of his rich friends, so how does he fix a 16 trillion deficit? You say don't penalize the rich...so continue breaking the middle class because the poor are cared for and the rich...no, don't penalize them? He has brought no legitimate solutions to even addressing the deficit.

Tell me...does this smell like chloroform to you?

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So we should penalize the rich for taking the initiative to do something with their life and be successful? Let me put it to you this way. I looked at your build log, you have 6 DC lvl 3 15's. No one NEEDS that much bass and I don't have any 15's so you should send me at least 2 of them. I'm also gonna need some of that power, one of your alts, and some batteries. I didn't work enough to get that stuff on my own but you really don't need that much so just give it to me.

You've missed the analogy completely. What he bought, he did with his taxed income, which already took a LARGER percentage of his SMALLER income. I used to feel the easy you did with penalizing the rich for being rich, until i found that was just a simple tactic by the mainstream media. It is NOT penalizing them, in fact, when you research and look up 10 years ago who it was that even capped taxes for the rich, hedge funds, of shore accounts etc, you will find mitt romney faced dead center.

Another good question, mitt would hate to fuck over the rest of his rich friends, so how does he fix a 16 trillion deficit? You say don't penalize the rich...so continue breaking the middle class because the poor are cared for and the rich...no, don't penalize them? He has brought no legitimate solutions to even addressing the deficit.

I didn't miss anything but it's looking like you did. By buying his equipment with money he earned he essentially earned that equipment. Rich people don't just have money handed to them, they earn it. Do you think they earn all their money from their every day job? Highly unlikely. These people are smart when it come to their money so they invest it and let it make them more money. They invest what they earn into more money just like CJ invested what he earned in his equipment. He's saying we should take money the rich earn to cover everyone else. I'm saying we should take his equipment to cover me. Same thing, smaller scale.

BTW, I'm not really saying he needs to give me anything, just using it to make a comparison.


He was taunting me. He's all like "come at me bro!" So I'm like "I'm coming at you bro!" And he's like "hey, fuck you" *chomp*. Then I killed it. I win.

^^^ you have truly taken being a lazy fuck to a new level tonight, an MRE. WOW

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So we should penalize the rich for taking the initiative to do something with their life and be successful? Let me put it to you this way. I looked at your build log, you have 6 DC lvl 3 15's. No one NEEDS that much bass and I don't have any 15's so you should send me at least 2 of them. I'm also gonna need some of that power, one of your alts, and some batteries. I didn't work enough to get that stuff on my own but you really don't need that much so just give it to me.

You've missed the analogy completely. What he bought, he did with his taxed income, which already took a LARGER percentage of his SMALLER income. I used to feel the easy you did with penalizing the rich for being rich, until i found that was just a simple tactic by the mainstream media. It is NOT penalizing them, in fact, when you research and look up 10 years ago who it was that even capped taxes for the rich, hedge funds, of shore accounts etc, you will find mitt romney faced dead center.

Another good question, mitt would hate to fuck over the rest of his rich friends, so how does he fix a 16 trillion deficit? You say don't penalize the rich...so continue breaking the middle class because the poor are cared for and the rich...no, don't penalize them? He has brought no legitimate solutions to even addressing the deficit.

I didn't miss anything but it's looking like you did. By buying his equipment with money he earned he essentially earned that equipment. Rich people don't just have money handed to them, they earn it. Do you think they earn all their money from their every day job? Highly unlikely. These people are smart when it come to their money so they invest it and let it make them more money. They invest what they earn into more money just like CJ invested what he earned in his equipment. He's saying we should take money the rich earn to cover everyone else. I'm saying we should take his equipment to cover me. Same thing, smaller scale.

BTW, I'm not really saying he needs to give me anything, just using it to make a comparison.



When your at the top everyone is coming for you, friends, family, haters and even those who don't know you.. my advice.. KILL EM ALL

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Glad I'm not the only one who saw that.

Clean, I didn't miss it, but you honestly did miss the point ENTIRELY.

Tell me...does this smell like chloroform to you?

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