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it takes more balls to not shoot on this type of situations, any idiot could have pulled the trigger and maybe hint someone innocent

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wtf is up with all these shootings, is it anti gun activist trying to force ban on them?

some idiot in newport beach shot up a mall and just now i seen that they shot a few people in san antonio texas



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they should pass a law that every gun owner should have a gun safe and thats about all we will need.(not that we dont have one already) if the lady would have had a safe her son wouldnt have killed her then the poor kids.. they need to stop blaming guns and blame the irresponsible people. did you guys know the guy actually tried to buy a gun and was turned down by the ffl because he failed to give information? why wasnt that reported to the law.. the ffl should have smelled something funny when a guy doesnt want to supply all the info and is not willing to wait the time to get the gun.. that just tells you he was to no good intentions.

another thing is anti gun people are just dumb and always find the littlest thing to bitch about gun control.. do they even know why we have the the second amendment? have they forgotten that we the people were the ones who won Independence for this country. it was armed civilians that got us our freedom and now they want to take what made this country what it is..

tell me where has gun control has worked. Mexico fail.. they have more gun crimes in a day then what we have a year

Hitler, Gaddafi, Fidel Castro. and Kim Jong have 2 things in common gun control and mass murder of innocent civilians. do we want this in our country?

We don't need anymore gun laws!
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One other thing I have been watching. Here in MI, it is on our scumbag leader's desk awaiting approval or veto, is SB 0059. This bill would allow any legal citizen to take additional courses, with the end result being? Legally allowing concealed carry, in certain situations. Schools, theaters, malls, and a few other locations. Passed already by the senate 27-11.

EDIT: This was passed and handed off the day before the Connecticut horror.

Personally, I agree that trusted officials in schools should be permitted to carry a weapon for self defense only. Maybe a CCDW training with an additional mental evaluation and training to operate a firearm, for teachers and administrative staff. As to how feasable it would be, I'm not 100% sure, there are more arguements that would come from that, and you can't prevent every little thing...


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So apparently this CCW holder has gained some Media recognition from his heroics... Finally one that DOESNT go unseen

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One other thing I have been watching. Here in MI, it is on our scumbag leader's desk awaiting approval or veto, is SB 0059. This bill would allow any legal citizen to take additional courses, with the end result being? Legally allowing concealed carry, in certain situations. Schools, theaters, malls, and a few other locations. Passed already by the senate 27-11.

EDIT: This was passed and handed off the day before the Connecticut horror.

Personally, I agree that trusted officials in schools should be permitted to carry a weapon for self defense only. Maybe a CCDW training with an additional mental evaluation and training to operate a firearm, for teachers and administrative staff. As to how feasable it would be, I'm not 100% sure, there are more arguements that would come from that, and you can't prevent every little thing...

Administration yes, teachers, not in my neck of the woods lol, I wouldn't trust the teachers in my area to be competent enough to handle a firearm, since most aren't competent enough to teach.

"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- (Thomas Jefferson)

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The more shootings in the USA, the more people buy guns.

It will never end.

The problem is not the guns, but the gun carriers. But how can you control gun carriers ? No way. So you should control the guns !

The USA are not the only country "saved" by the people in history. It's one of the only rich country with so much guns around, and so much people using it. Like Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan,...

Canadians have a lot of guns too, but they don't kill themselves, only animals.

This US situation is so sad.

Good luck to you all. Bullets will still fly, be careful !

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they should pass a law that every gun owner should have a gun safe and thats about all we will need.(not that we dont have one already) if the lady would have had a safe her son wouldnt have killed her then the poor kids.. they need to stop blaming guns and blame the irresponsible people. did you guys know the guy actually tried to buy a gun and was turned down by the ffl because he failed to give information? why wasnt that reported to the law.. the ffl should have smelled something funny when a guy doesnt want to supply all the info and is not willing to wait the time to get the gun.. that just tells you he was to no good intentions.

another thing is anti gun people are just dumb and always find the littlest thing to bitch about gun control.. do they even know why we have the the second amendment? have they forgotten that we the people were the ones who won Independence for this country. it was armed civilians that got us our freedom and now they want to take what made this country what it is..

tell me where has gun control has worked. Mexico fail.. they have more gun crimes in a day then what we have a year

Hitler, Gaddafi, Fidel Castro. and Kim Jong have 2 things in common gun control and mass murder of innocent civilians. do we want this in our country?

I agree with all of this so much, the thing I can't stand more than anything is when people who don't know shit about guns, don't have guns, don't know shit about how to get one or the laws associated with them, and only watch fuckin watch CNN at 8 oclock think they know absolutely everything and that guns have minds of their own that kill people. My mom is one of those people and it drives me crazy. Shit way worse happens in other countries EVERY day, like I always tell people who want guns to be gone..okay go ahead and see that if they did ever do that say hello to a shit load of more unregistered guns and there won't be anymore school and mall shootings, it'll be bombings instead...

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Well it looks like his decision to draw did save lives. How many more would have died if he hadn't caused the shooter to turn the gun on himself?

However . . .If he had taken out the shooter, he would have been in a real bad situation when the police showed up. I mean, in civilian clothes, how can they tell who is the good guy, and who is the bad guy. They can't, and he would have been treated like a criminal until an investigation would have been completed. For all the 50's know at first, the guy in the news story could have been the bad guy shooting, and the dead guy could have been the one trying to stop the active shooter. And if someone would have gotten pictures and sent it to the media of him walking out of the mall in handcuffs while they were sorting out the story . . .

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