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This Is Fucking Unacceptable!

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im bout to up to Baltimore and tell officer riveri who hes dealin with

if i was in that situation and the cop tries to stranglehold my board away from me i knock his fat ass down man.

first of all im not big on authority cause most of these people just get it handed to em and demand respect just cause they exist. not gonna happen from me

i really wanted to see his ass get knocked out by that kid

at the end it sounded like he said i better no see myself on youtube lol

That video seems like everything was acted out :blink:

DC Audio - Singer Alternators - Knukonceptz - XS Power - Hybrid Audio - Rockford Fosgate - Second Skin Audio - SMD - Sundown Audio - Elemental Designs

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That video seems like everything was acted out :blink:

It is very real it was on the news and the cop is suspended w/o pay, or with pay according to different news sources...

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It is very real it was on the news and the cop is suspended w/o pay, or with pay according to different news sources...

I see.

In that case, that was a really stupid cop.

He must have really hated punk kid skate boarders like I do :)

All these stupid kids do is vandalize people's curbs, drive ways and door steps anyway.

DC Audio - Singer Alternators - Knukonceptz - XS Power - Hybrid Audio - Rockford Fosgate - Second Skin Audio - SMD - Sundown Audio - Elemental Designs

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I ride bikes. I hate skateboarding. But I believe that skaters have a right to skate just asmuch as any one else. "He must have really hated punk kid skate boarders like I do" That statement kinda rubs me very wrong.

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That kid was really smart about one thing. He didn't do what most people here would have done and I'm sure what everyone here would have wanted to do.

Let's just say this. All law-suit options go out the window when the police have an "assualt with intent to do bodily injury on a peace officer" charges on you as a bargaining chip. This kid has ground to stand on. There is nothing that they can really threaten him with. If he hit the cop, they would drop the charge in exchange for him not bringing a case. Or they would tell him to bring his case on and they would bring theirs. You really don't want to mess with charges like that.

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