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My Parents House Burned Down

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Thanks, I might just have a few questions I'll pm you about after discussing things with my mom. Some local guys say they can rebuild without tearing most of it down, so we'll have to find out.

Whatever you do, so not sign any contracts with anyone. Do not trust anyone. Resto has more firetruck chasers then honest guys. it's a nasty biz thats why I got out.

Designing, building, and shipping boxes. Yahoo IM - kingsuv00If the listening level is too loud, please inform the driver, so he can promptly pull over, and let you out.

not many cars can get me to pluggin my ears but this one.......damn. I mean the first minute is ok but that thing just really starts digging deeper and deeper in your earhole till you cant stand it no more. Seems like it does it with relative ease....16 12's on 8 amps.........gotta love it. :)

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Got so hot it melted the pool liner

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My wife pointed out the sign as I was going in to the hallway (best way to enter the house now. A bit more sick humor, as sad as it is :(

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The office

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There are plenty more pictures, but you get the general idea. It could've been a lot worse, whats left either has small burn marks, or is so smoke and water damaged it still will have to be thrown away.

This is Exactly why I do what I do, Please Install a sprinkler system when the house gets rebuilt, I will garuntee(sp) this would not have happened had Fire Sprinkler System been inplace.

wow that is soooo devastating to see, I have seen alot of fires and thats a bad one, looks like alot of framing is ruined imo.

your family is in my families prays bro, good luck and if you need fire good protection company just holla at me, I got some good connections in maryland.

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I'm at a loss for words after seeing the pics.

All I can say is stay Positve even in the hardest and darkest of times.

I wish you and your family the best. Just hang in there.

Isobaric - Refers to the practice of coupling two drivers together to make them act as one.

"Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go."

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

The Destruction of a person builds character.



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Troy, like Derrick said if there is any thing we can help with. Please let us know.


If you build it, db's will come...

NSPL World Record Holder Trunk 0-1800 watts---147.9 with 1722 clamped watts @ 40Hz(9-20-09).

Competition Only Record Holder Trunk 0-500 watts---148.1

2006 Nissan Altima 3.5 SE

Currently Rebuilding....

My 150db Plus Trunk Build

I do box designs.

[benH] 6:24 pm: clipping doesn't really hurt subs

[benH] 6:24 pm: being an idiot is what blows subs

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Thanks guys. My moms taking things very well. The news reported it that it was a vacant house for sale!? It hasn't been active in the MLS in about a year, so other than worrying that the insurance company will not want to honor things because of how it was described in the news, she's doing good. We went back again and threw some padlocks on the front doors to keep people from wandering in and pilfering.


XS Power


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This is Exactly why I do what I do, Please Install a sprinkler system when the house gets rebuilt, I will garuntee(sp) this would not have happened had Fire Sprinkler System been inplace.

i used to install sprinklers too. always in big buildings like apartments or warehouses, never in houses. tho i've thought about doin it sometime, even if it's just a little one from the water line over the heater/water heater. my great uncle had a fire start cuz of clothes too close to his water heater.



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thats terrible man, sorry about that.. Couldnt imagine loosing so much and so many memories in a few hours..

One thing i noticed is it just me or what??? But when i looked at the pic of the gable and 3 windows in ur attick im assuming i saw a scream mask / devil :blink:

Just at a quick glance?

man i think i am seeing things , and am not to observant tonight .. no windows .. Just a hole in the house :(

** in with the new**96 grand am GT 2- dc lv 3 12'smemphis mc1000d145.3@46 hz** out with old**96 Grand am GT12w71000/1 143.6 @ 46 hz on the new TLhttp://img220.imageshack.us/my.php?image=av1023dc4.jpg

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