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E a r t h

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Everything posted by E a r t h

  1. My question to your friend would be,....Why would you want to allow vocals to play through the subs? defeats the purpose of the application
  2. Last night was the party night, and today is the aftermath of which was. So...with that being said,... I have a cold glass ''O'' chocolate milk Ahhhhhhhhhhh yeah!!!
  3. You might want to send Nick an e-mail about the inquiry
  4. You can use 1/0 to 4 gauge reducers, if you don't want to do a run of 4 gauge for the small amp
  5. I guess it's time to bust out the dmm. How did you wire it up? I hope not in parallel. Anyway, put your dmm on each coil. If it is a D1 sub, each coil should read around .7 ohm cold, give or take a tenth. Or put the probes on the speaker output of the amp for total DCR Oh yeah, I don't know why you would want the D1 if you're trying to put a 1ohm load on the amp. that sub would either be, 2ohm in series or, .5 ohm in parallel
  6. They were no where near full excursion. There is alot more left in it
  7. I was like when I saw your title thinking the NS4k was already out Got me going for a minute there. Congrats on the higher output mane
  8. The amp would have revisions for more power input if it needed it from the factory. You're actually over thinking it a bit, but that's good, you're being inquisitive about the installation. On the rear battery, if you have a short enough run of 1/0 from the batt to the amp, the cable will be completely capable of handling the current load you will induce through it. Since music will be played, you wont come close to the fuse capacity anyway. Full power on tones is another story.
  9. I know right,...but even without seeing that, she doesn't do anything, for me anyway
  10. Damnit, I hate not having a camera. I carved one with SMD on one side and Fi on the other
  11. Hahaha.....Now all you need to do is walk down the middle of the road
  12. Lawls...figures that's how it would turn out
  13. A computer swap or upgrade will be the biggest increase even with nothing else done. Tuning the engine management system is the best thing you can do
  14. Whats the exact vehicle and model + sub model? Start with the basics first like battery voltage, plugs wires,intake filter
  15. Measure from the firewall to rear in feet. 1130 divided by your # in feet divided by 2 = wave resonance So 1130/ feet / 2 1130 divided by your # in feet divided by 4 = 1/4 wave resonance So 1130 / feet / 4 The above is a rough estimate to start Play tones above and below this frequency area to find peak using a TL on both wave and 1/4 wave Hope this helps
  16. See if Steve can get you a deal on the T15k Muahahahahaha G/L on the tough decision
  17. When stuff starts breakin, you know your pouring on the power hehehe
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