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Status Updates posted by getonerd

  1. playing with windows 8 trying to get used to it

    1. KillaCam


      I have some sort of free update of that threw my school, debating on trying it out.

  2. Rain and my wore out body don't mix I everything is hurting

  3. Rain rain go the fuck away

    1. BeatBox


      same here, rather have snow and i hate snow

    2. nw1234567
    3. nw1234567
  4. sign the papers now im in a shitty mood i thought i be happy

  5. sleepy didnt go to bead till 4 ish to much on my mind and do anybody have an 600 git sandpaper so i can frost some plexglass

  6. So far this fuck*n week sucks

  7. so freaking mad right now not in the batman mood watch stay4 play minecraft on twitch till i pass out

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      That's what Batman does when he's pissed off. Plays minecraft.

    2. Katt


      Mindcrack is the shit though, so duh. of course Batman's gonna play minecraft.

    3. yUmadBro


      Good thing you didn't go see Batman in Denver last night. That shit is horrible

  8. so ready to blow

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      You need to specify.... There's easier ways to make money man.

    2. Sheena



      Blow it

    3. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      There are some congress men that Im sure will pay good money.

  9. somebody need to quit waking up a 7:30 lol

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OrionStang


      Can't tell if trolling or......

    3. dkindle613


      i think he mad bro...


    4. IBleedMusick


      The goal of a good trolling is to leave people asking (is he serious?). I don't know how to be mad on a forum.

  10. sooooooo tired but i know i wont got to sleep as soon i get upstairs i will be wide awake

  11. SPL testing and an stomach ache don't mix lol I feel like throwing up im such an DA and I don't mean district attorney lol miss u Sis

  12. starting on fiberglassing the ipad

  13. starting on fiberglassing the ipad

  14. starting on fiberglassing the ipad

  15. starting to hate wood floors

    1. bcpballer64
    2. bcpballer64


      lol, have you been to a walmart with the curved bathroom entries? I see a giant box apperaing there all the time in my head lol

    3. locomanny569


      lmao it must be done one day!

  16. Stayin up till I pass out

    1. BassHead1990


      me too, not by choice'

  17. still a little bumb but i like windows 8 but i will love it if i had a touch screen pc hint hint

    1. SnowDrifter


      Windows 8 FTL. It's OK on a mouse, but sucks donkey balls on a touch pad

    2. Crandis16


      Mac OS X right here

    3. bass_stalker
  18. Still feel crappy but I be ok someday

  19. still feeling shitty i feel crappy

  20. That's sad when u wake up bored

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