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Everything posted by bobonit

  1. Like you said, it doesn't have legs. But your "friend" does. The problem is, now that its left the house, unless you get him to talk/confess, there's probably no way to really find out. Dudes probably on crack.
  2. I feel your pain bro, I was out of work for 5 months. Hang in there, don't give up. Make sure you have a positive attitude when you do end up getting a job interview, they can sense that shit. Good luck !!
  3. Get acronis true image. Works awesome. Do yourself a favor, get an IDE/SATA to USB adapter and you can connect the new drive to the laptops usb port, image the old drive to the new drive, then just take out the old one, put in the new one. DONE. If you need links I can find them.
  4. Now go make me a chicken pot pie biatch !!! Ahhhh hahaha, that was awesome!!!!
  5. I've had 15's behind the seat before and I'm building 15's behind the seat now. It gets plenty loud, and its a wild ride for the rear seat passengers hehehehehe
  6. Used to have Sprint PPC6700 (HTC Apache), not even listed. New phone should be here tuesday - HTC Touch Pro 2, not listed either. Doesn't matter to me, I use Bluetooth Headset.
  7. If you weren't worried you wouldn't be a good parent. Hang in there, we went through the same thing with my first daughter when she was 3. It fucks with you seeing your little kid wired up to machines like that, but they will make him better. I'm glad that he is improving and my thoughts are with you and your fam.
  8. It is clearly seen in the build log that he coated the entire bottom of that plate with foam rubber weather stripping.
  9. You just made me dust off my Rust In Piece cd. Hangar 18 oughta wake me up.
  10. Heat will kill a pc more than the actual act of leaving it on 24/7. As long as you keep it reasonably cool, you should be fine. With the power management of newer pc's, it uses less power at idle as well. Newer processors also use less power and generate less heat. Oh, and clean the dust out everynow and then.
  11. With the DMM you are reading the DC Resistance, not the Impedance. A 1ohm coil usually reads about .7 ohm for dc resistance, a 2ohm coil would be 1.4 ohms dc resistance
  12. To quote Joe Pesci "They always fuck you at the drive thru"
  13. I was driving to work. They came on the radio with the report of the first plane, then the second. I remember it like it was yesterday.
  14. Just to show that I'M paying attention, running a POSITIVE from each alt to the rear buss bars wouldn't hurt anything, but I can't say that it would actually help any. There could possible be a benefit from less current going through each run. Thats just a speculation since current will take the least restrictive path (path with less resistance). Just because those 2 new runs are connected to the alts, doesn't mean the runs themselves would have less resistance. If you have spare wire to use, why not do it. Not sure if it would be worth spending money on new wire though. Wish I could be more help. Have you used a clamp meter to see how much current is flowing through the 2 runs you have now?
  15. I haven't hooked them up yet, still trying to finish the build. Initially I'll be driving them with 120watts. I might try to bridge the amp and see how they take 320watts. Not sure if they will like that or not, but I'll have to see.
  16. I drive about 90 miles each way. Sucks balls until I get my system finished, then it won't be so bad.
  17. 1 - E8's are discontinued. 2 - E8's are rated 200w rms.
  18. I use the US Composites B440 Polyester Resin. Lucky for me I can just drive 10 minutes and pick it up.
  19. I have a HC1800 and although it is a good battery, I wouldn't buy another one just because of price. Having owned it, I can safely say it is the equivilant of a large UPS Battery with a fancy sticker on it. Does it do its job? Yes, but XSPower is a superior product. I have 4 XSPower D925's and the build quality of these is no comparison. Once I get a few more things done, a XSPower D2400 will be replacing the HC1800 up front. Also, anytime you have a problem or question with a powermaster product, you can always come into his forum here and ask him a question directly. Try that with the other brand.
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