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Everything posted by cc_audio

  1. So you make stickers, like good outdoor back window stickers? I was looking into getting decals made locally but its a little pricey. Can you make my cc_audio logo? I have the vector illustrator file. I only need like 6 decals that are around 12" wide. If you can help, let me know.
  2. Mushroomhead - 12 hundred It has some crazy sweeps half way through it. Korn - Dead Bodies Everywhere It starts out with heavy sweeps. Anything Korn really. Are you looking for rap style sustained bass within rocks songs or what are you looking for? Cause All that Remains, Sevendust, Bullet for my Valentine the list goes on for days of beat-your-chest-in double bass.
  3. I still have my 1999 GT Performer hanging in the parents garage. It was heavy and the ACS stealth mags were weak, but the look of the bike is what kept me on it. Loved that bike, put it through hell. Not sure whats a good brand nowadays. When I quit riding, it was Mosh, GT, Haro, DK, Hoffman. Not sure if thats the case anymore. My favorite bikes that I had were GT Fueler, GT Bump, Mosh DJ3, my GT Performer. All heavy, but I was comfortable on the trails and street with them. I think I might get the ol bike down this summer and see what I can still do. Good luck finding a bike bro, I went through a lot of them looking for one I really liked.
  4. Damn, I think your rims got bigger by two inches with that paint job. Those finished pics looks soo good. I wanna see this thing in person so bad now.
  5. So what magazine will the new truck be in next? I expect to see this truck featured in truckin. One of my favorite colors right there, like a dark candy brandy wine. Pure sex.
  6. That is really clean. I wanted to do something simular to that when i had my elipse with 5.1 ability. My car just isn't worth the work. I really like it.
  7. I've got a 170amp alt, a kinteik 1400, 1800, and 2400 with pos/neg run of 1/0 and my voltage dips to 12.4 full tilt at stop lights (700rpm idle). And I'm getting every bit of wattage out of that amp, even a little clipping. I think you might wanna test them yellow tops out, might have a bad one.
  8. I really like your builds pioneer~saturn. You really pay attention to the details and every build looks well thought out. Very nice, makes me want to put up pics of the builds I do, except i never remember to grab the damn camera. I think I'll take some pics of the cars I'm working on now. Again, very nice work.
  9. Happens a lot, I just started bulding amp racks that hid all the nice buttons that nubes feel the need to play with. Many a times, customers come back saying their systems stopped and blame me. 9/10 times a fuse caught it before something died but other times, they usually smoked their subs. I have to explain to them again to NOT touch the audio settings on the H/U and to NOT touch the settings on the amp. They never listen, but the amp racks I've been doing might be a permanent thing, the little extra work keeps me from getting a head ache later on. Nubes, think they know it all til it breaks, then its someone else's fault.
  10. I would never ever fight him, cause if you start to lose, there's no backup plan. Kick him in the nuts and he'll keep right on ass kicking, the ultimate ninja right there. I can't handle a rough tickle, let alone a ninja kick to the balls. OWWW!!!
  11. Whats up newbie, bout time you get on SMD. The granite sub box is almost done, only thing stalling me is mounting holes. Can't find my old basket to use as a template. Hopefully today, it'll be done but I say that a lot.
  12. Great guy, easy to work with, fast responses, very fast shipping. Thanks a lot man, would definately do business with again. -cc_audio
  13. So... whats the problem? Jk, what are you going to do with the basket and motor now? I'll bet forevrbumpn can hook you up with a recone for that.
  14. Those motors are FAWKING SEXY!!! These might just be my next subs, I like my motors like I like my women. REALLY BIG AND HEAVY!!!
  15. As soon as the check gets lighter and the cars are no longer free, you better believe Ken will be running away from Ford. That fiesta is still sexy nontheless, even though its a ford. A really big check can only explain a switch from Boobarus to a ford.
  16. Oh, you know, just four T4ks leaning up against the fence there. Curious to see where he hides more batts for that much power, since he's only got a 200amp in there.
  17. Btw, that shipping crate looks really nice. I'm praying Fed Ex doesn't fuck it up, I've had bad luck with recieved shipping lately. Anyway do you think this will be enough power, or do I have too much?
  18. The countdown is on! I can't wait to get this monster back. I don't even know how much I have invested anymore. Now if I can only find another Ground Zero motor...
  19. Did a two-part deal with Ed back in August. After many many months of frustration and patience on both sides the deal has come to an end. CIA Engineering really kinda fucked both of us over, but i will say Ed is a real stand up guy. Thanks a lot Ed, hope your future business goes a little more smoothly than this one has. Thanks.
  20. Yep, your boat is nicer than my boat. Haha. Except I could go a whole summer on the gas that thing would use in a day. Very very nice. I like it! Can't wait to dewinterize and upgrade my boat for the new summer.
  21. I clean subs all the time, its really easy. Just get a nice clean rag and get it completely wet with warm water. And then squeeze as much water as you can out of it so that its just damp. You don't want the sub trying to absorb the water the rag can't hold. Just squeeze everydrop out of it and wipe the sub. Dry towels can scratch the cone and dustcap. I always blow subs off with the air compressor first to get rid of most of the dirt. EDIT: Using any kind of cleaners can be risky and usually make it worse, just use a wash cloth.
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