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Everything posted by corey0928

  1. Or dc 8. Or sundown x8 None is "better" than the other. The dc or sa8 will handle more than 400. What amp are you using? Or what kind of power
  2. Congrats its all downhill from here lol. Wish i would have appreciated high school for what it was and how easy life was. Oh well, What college are you going too?
  3. With $1000 I'd get a dc 1.2k or aq1200 with either a pair of sundown sa12s dc lvl 3s or aq sdc 12s. You can do a lot with that much.
  4. I remember getting offered $900 for my collection said no then went back at the end of the summer and the Guy said tthe market took a dump and he could offer $35. I was pissed
  5. I had same exact problem. Same router. 2 weeks after the router just took a dump and we bought a new one. My Xbox would work off mmy phones internet and hardwired just not that router When I couldn't connect my Xbox I just bought a modem off eBay and hardwired it to the Xbox.
  6. Wrong section? And it's really only worth what the motor and basket are since its no longer a good sub
  7. Stole it from Jacob on CACO This I was going to guess cadance. O well
  8. What's your budget and how much power?
  9. I cant wait for the remake. Halo 1 was one of my favorite games of all time.
  10. Who is hitting 150 at 30 Hz with an 8? Its all about how much space the woofer can displace. 18 having more cone area can displace more air therefore it moves more air is my understanding of it.
  11. Skar noone has those and iI believe they are OEMed by sundown. Look in to obsidian as well
  12. Ill be there around 230. Bringing some potato wedges from my work lol
  13. I am. No sub. Ready to throw my mids out the window lol.
  14. Haven't seen you around here in a while lol. The xls get nasty.
  15. This forum loads faster than others for me on my Droid incredible
  16. Team has no pole vent tighter gap and has the same motor force is the same or more as a stock level 5
  17. Same one i had. Its a d1 basically new ran on maybe 1200 lol. And hes in Canada just send a pm. Idk if they still make the team version.
  18. It's hardly bigger than aa quarter lol. Its out of a Kia spectra
  19. Lol swapped out my stock speakers finally and just thought I'd share what they look like...
  20. Budget? Look into dad bd as well same subs that twisted had
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