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Everything posted by SR20DAZE

  1. I only ran ther older "ultra excursion" series sub and it was pretty good, before they sold out and made flames on the basket and stuff
  2. Im not sure but im about 90 percent there is a writeup on how to do angel eyes. Just swap the white bulb for a red and try it out. I want to but im too sissy to bake my headlights
  3. I want to do that for my bmw e36 conversion on my car. Low beam rings in white and high beam rings in red as "demon eyes" both on switches for occasion haha Looks good
  4. Edit-typo It feels like ever since ive joined sotm has been more of a popularity contest rather than votes on nice cars with great builds and craftmanship and originality. Sounds like guys here will do anything a woman tells them to do I like that its a nice and simple setup. Not a fan of dc but oh well, thats just me. Goodluck to chodette
  5. Oh wow i spelled wrong cause im typing fast on mobile. Shows how mature you are.....
  6. eat a dick dude, seriously With that attitude no one will fucking help you ass Skittles is one of the people i always see helping other out with the questions they have, but if you are impatient it makes us not want to help cause you want everything handed to you instead of getting helped and educated at the same tome
  7. SR20DAZE


    Probably 1000rms Whats the price on it You can most likely get something wayy better for the same price or around the same price
  8. The poet comes out through the armrest. Through deck there is a few options
  9. Ijust googled it. I want to try it on my wheels and other random thing and see how it looks. And if i dont like it just peel it off haha
  10. 27582 Joined the party late, but bettrr late than never right?
  11. In my bones opinion i would look at my local shops. I can get a pack of them for 5-7 dollars, where if you order online with shipping it would cost about the same. Unless i missed out on some sites with free shipping
  12. One thing i learned from second video..... Dont fuck with david when he has the hammah! Literally.
  13. did you use your phone while your hands were a bit wet? i screwed one like that, water seeped in the little crack in between the button and screen and whoala....water damage from what it looks like, it looks like its part of the circuit board so might not be fixable. but i could be wrong
  14. uhhh if you have d 1.4's you will be at .7 .7 coils will get you .35 I think he ment if he wired both 1.7 coils in parallele and the subS in parallel then it would be .35
  15. X3 on separated zips Example on my thumb drive its just decaf music Zip 1 Zip 2 Zip 3 And so on But i drive with it on shuffle so it plays any song from any folder but lables what zip its under in case i want to look for it
  16. from what i remember, those 4g63 from mitsu were shit, werent called walking cranks for nothing haha were wayyy better on the evos now. im suprised he didnt blow up his transmission on the launch with awd + high rpms + lauch control = blown drive gears
  17. I have skull candy titans. I love them. I used to buy their smoking buds wich are like 10-20 bucks and i would ripp the cord on accident, but with the titans i havent since the lines are braided insulated wich is pretty cool. I have had them for a year and no issues. I dropped them in water once too and they still work amazing Oh and for bass. On full tilt on my iphone 20 or 28 hz makes my eyes water. Pretty cool. I got them for 40 at radioshack Cliffnotes- loud, durable, inexpensive
  18. I dont think so but if they do it will probably cost a arm leg nut and maybe liver
  19. Local ups store wants too much to ship. Way more than they are worth
  20. X2 on the rf Have one myself too. My gf got it for me for 500bucks for christmas. Runs like a champ! Had ray and james scope mine and thr clipping lights are dead on accurate! I love it and will never get rid of it for sure
  21. I suck at making boxes but if its noob and senior too im down. Still wouldnt mind going to watch, chill, and meet you guys
  22. Haha more like james and james. Ray would chill while he works lmao
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