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Everything posted by crispy_chick3n

  1. Yea I'm doing it myself. I have the tools, and the people around me with more expierence than myself, but it will defiantly be a challenge
  2. Lol thanks guys. It should get interesting. I've never supercharged any of my cars before, so this will defiantly be a challenge for me. Lol
  3. Just bought it today. It's a 96 Chevrolet camaro with a 383 stroker from a corvette. This thing has some balls now, but it isn't quite what I want. I have on order a lt4 kit for it, and hopefully soon I will have the cash for a supercharger. Then I'll put it on the dyno and run it down the quarter mile and post some results, as well as pictures and videos along the way to the quarter mile. But for now here are some pictures of the car on its first day at its new home.
  4. Walmart+ Brandon and Robert+ Bluetooth radio = Dixie horn blasting over the radio. Lol

  5. I got some extra thinking grenades. Anybody need any?

  6. charge the system. without refrigerant in the system if you have even one leaking seal it will let moisture into the system and it will be absorbed by the desicant in the accumulator/reciever drier (whichever your car has) and it will ruin said accumulator/reciever drier. adding roughly $30-50 onto the cost to get the a/c working again. don't leave the system empty. you can trust me i am MACS certified, if you want to check my certification number is 4113247.
  7. what you were reading was the voltage that the charger is putting out. try this. turn your charger on and measure the voltage from the charger without hooking it to the battery. money says it is around 14.5v. 12.5v wouldnt signal a bad battery to me. you should be ok. if you wanted to be sure you could have the battery load tested, i thing just about any auto parts store should be able to load test it for you, that would tell you for sure if the battery is good or not.
  8. if you pull the pin out of a grenade, can you put it back in and let go? im going to need a quick answer on this one....

  9. if you pull the pin out of a grenade, can you put it back in and let go? im going to need a quick answer on this one....

    1. Purplehaze
    2. OrionStang


      As long as the spoon doesn't fall off lol.

  10. not to get technical, but technicaly yours is a repost. you see this topic was started at 12 pm on december 11. yours was started at 7 pm on december 11. therefore i have you beat by 7 hours. lol jk. as for the avatar i can only find 2 more pics of her. here they are
  11. you ever have one of those drunken nights where you wake up in the morning and find your shoes in the freezer?

  12. you ever have one of those drunken nights where you wake up in the morning and find your shoes in the freezer?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 98GCLimited


      found my socks in the toilet in the morning once...

    3. bumpinTL364


      found my shoes on my hands and hat covering my bare ass once...

    4. crispy_chick3n


      yea. it took me like 2 hours to find my shoes this morning, and i wasnt looking for them when i found them. i was tryin to find some breakfast, and there they were.

  13. Ight my game hat is on. Its time for a throwing knife rampage

  14. i might be able to come up with something. depends how long my internet wants to work at home. im at work now tho
  15. ive called several times, i keep getting the same every time i call they have to run "tests" on the lines, the "tests" come back good, so they transfer me to the "super over-the-phone repair techs". they run their "tests", they come back good, so they set up a time for a tech to come out, every time the techs come out they cant seem to find much of anything wrong. they just kinda say well this could be the problem, they tinker with something for about a half hour, and say you're good to go, and they leave. and not 5 minutes after they leave, boom, internet drops out.
  16. ok so here is my issue. ive been having a lot of trouble with my internet going down. it started several months ago, back when it was a decent temp outside, so im positive it isnt a weather related issue. im using at&t dsl. 1.5 megs download speed (supposed to be, its at about 1.3 when it works, so im not complaining) anyway my problem has been constantly getting worse. randomly my internet will just drop out and im left with this . i have called at&t and they have sent someone out 3 times now, and they have done everything short of rewireing the house, in fact i believe the second guy did a lot with the wiring on the house, and out at the road. the first guy replaced the modem, the third guy looked over the wiring at the road, and he said he removed some loops that interfere with the dsl signal, but every time i call them out here it doesnt get any better. it does the same thing on all 8 of my computers, my ps3 and the wii. it drops out now about every 5 minutes. i just want to know if there is anything i can do myself, or should i just keep calling them out here, and hope they fix it? any help is much appreciated.
  17. For some reason people are getting mad when they get killed with a throwing knife. Idk. I think its funny

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. crispy_chick3n


      well your sn sums it up nicely. haters gonna hate

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      Yes sir.... It's very fitting in numerous situations lol

    4. Purplehaze
  18. Red solo cup i fill you up lets have a party

    1. blownengine


      I really like how you're easy to stack, but I really hate how you're easy to crack, cause when beer runs down in front of my pack, well that my friends, is quite, yucky!

  19. How does a riot shield keep you from getting hurt by an rpg at point blank?

    1. n8ball2013


      im very let down by mw3


    2. OrionStang


      Yep, the shooting delay is retarded.

    3. crispy_chick3n
  20. Worm shaft and ball nut

    1. bcpballer64
    2. MikeMartel
    3. blownengine


      Now you can upgrade to a new shiny shaft.

  21. Quickscopeing with an rpg

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