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Everything posted by rubbernutz1

  1. lol 2 12" super blues, a old ass pioneer shaft style cassette deck with a sony cd walkman running through an cassette adaptor, a pyramid 300 watt 2 channel amp that was at the time big lol. kenwood 4" coaxials and kenwood 6x9 coaxials. old skool shit back bout 17 years ago lol. funny ass thing is i still got 1 of the super blues and the fucker still works good
  2. (12)12's??? Wat kind? dont laff to hard now lol, cheap ass pryamid hyper pros. the fuckers slam for what they are thow
  3. dude u dont have to have a fancy wood shop to build decent shit. look at my box build its fuckin huge and all i had was sum saw horses, a circular saw, and a jig saw, a drill,and a air nailer to build it. as long as ur pretty good with a saw and can cut half decent straight lines thats all you need. im sure theres lots of guys on here that will agree with me on that. and as far as the premade boxes for a FI , i woulndt even atempt it. just my opinion thow
  4. 18:12 for now lol 4 / 1" tweets 6 / 6.5" mids 2 / 8" mids 2 / 4" mid/tweet 4 / 5.25" mids and 12 / 12"s
  5. well im sure we'd all like to welcome u to the basshead world. u got a good platform to start with thats 4 sure. u can do sum insane shit with an s10. good luck on the 1st ride ad hope u got a decent build log 4 us to see
  6. ya dude $200 is kinda low for a sub that will do 1500 rms. u mite be able to find uses 1s but i doubt ul find new 1s for that kind of money and if u do they gotta be trash
  7. can u say possible SMD built lexus demo car? hehe that would be the shit dude
  8. i think what STEvil is tryin to say is the coils can only take that kind of abuse for a short time like for compititions. if u try to run that kind of power to them all the time on music it will probly kill them quik. but if u split that 8k watts between them they should be ok
  9. ya dude it definately sux big donkey nutz to have that happen this time of year. personally id git me another car to drive and some time down the line fix the other 1 and throw a system from hell in it as your weekend play toy lol. but about ur motor it sounds like the top deck of the engine block isnt completely flat. if they arent then they will blow the shit out of head gaskets then crack heads
  10. he could run them in series/parallel and git bout 1.5 ohm out of the coils give or take a lil bit. id run a 2000 watt monoblock amp that will drop to 1 ohm on them. at least that way if he wants to upgrade from them kickers to sumthin else a lil better hes got a lil bit of juice to run them. if , your looking for a cheaper priced pretty reliable 1 look at maxxsonics stuff. (crunch, autotek, mb quart, hifonics)
  11. ya dude theyr all rite but i seriously dont see you gettin 6 15"s in an accent. 6 12"s would prolly fit thow. at least that way you'd most likely have enough airspace for the subs to work rite. 6 15" would need a hell of a lot bigger box to work rite than one for the 12"s. idk its ur car thow lol im just speaking from experience. i did 12 12"S in a 6th order tunnel wall in my astro. but like evry1 said it takes time to plan the stuff out. it took me bout 2 weeks to get evrything planned out and measured b4 i even started to cut any wood. the box build its self took me about 2 weeks to finish lol bastard was big
  12. all depends on the kind of subs, wat kind of amps ur using, how low will the ohm load go on the amps, what ohms the coils of the subs r. theres just alot of shit u have to consider b4 deciding sumthin like that. tell us a lil more about the subs ur using and maybe we can help a lil bit
  13. oh and ur 1st choice isnt bad as long as u use a crossover on them and dont over power them or they will pop. for the price hell u cant expect much thow
  14. cadence is actually sum good shit. they do look a lil funky but im sure they can be flush mounted
  15. ya dude if u got headers on it the starter is probly fried. id try replacing it. headers are bad for killing starters
  16. happy turkey day tomoro evry1 eat to much drink sum beer and watch sum football!
  17. if its a high output alt what most ppl dont no is they have a certain turn on rpm speed. the alt wont really start to kik in until u git the it up to that set rpm. im sure if u contact mechman theyl tell u the same thing but they can probly tell u what rpm it should start powering up. most likely its gonna be a higher rpm. but a smaller pulley on it should help u sum thow
  18. pioneers are notorious for having ground loops. try grounding the rca's like said before. it that dont work then you may have a bad ground some whee else.
  19. any1 watch the new american chopper this week? the spider bike looks pretty bad ass compared the the other 1s Jr built. the geico bike looks neat to. heres the link to them they are finished if you didnt already know duhhh lol http://motorsportsnewswire.wordpress.com/2010/08/20/paul-jr-design-unveiling-in-sturgis-0820101/
  20. the 3.8 motors are solid as long as they have been maintaned. but the superchargers on those are notorious for going bad. the bearings in them wear out. you can get one usually pretty cheap from a junk yard to replace it thow. the transmissions, same thing. if they are taken care of and get the fluid changed when it should be they last pretty good. but the price is a tad high. you could get one of those for abut $2k around here in great condition. and the gas gauge could be a bad gauge, bad sending unit in the gas tank, or a bad ground on the sending unit. could be a pain in the ass the trace down.
  21. yeah you definately need to have the capacity to store or use the power the alternator makes if its a huge one, like 300 amp. i mean if you got1 battery and your using a 300 amp alt then yeah your gonna fry something. either the alt is gonna burn up or your gonna fry the battery. if you got a couple batteries to store the power then you should be ok with the system off. trust me i know from experience lol. i had a 240 amp on 1 big battery and it cooked it without the system on
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