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Status Updates posted by iceman1575

  1. Sometimes when you're at your wit's end about your life, you just have to crawl up in a ball and let the storm pass...and if it doesn't, just keep waiting I guess.

  2. Stopped up nose for the past 3 days, haven't been able to sleep or eat at all. At least it's not flu or pneumonia.

    1. SnowDrifter


      Ehh you get used to it. I have some pretty bad seasonal allergies. Stopped up for weeks

  3. NEVER bring a steak dinner to the firehouse expecting to eat it before you get called out for a structure fire. Bah. At least I got another afterwards.

  4. Why the hell can't we just have a normal 3-6" of snowfall? Is that too much to ask?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Miguels


      we haven't even had much rain here.. winter here is like summer

    3. gally


      rain rain rain an foggy over here...been up to 18°C in the last week as it was already spring....also not an inch of snow this year

    4. alaskanzx5


      the weather here sucks. warms up enough for the snow to flood the yard then freezes and snows again so that when we go outside someone slips and falls everytime. so far I haven't. I just jinxed myself huh?

  5. So much for a couple quick games of Battlefield 4...was too close to getting new sniper rifle, pistol, and assault rifles. Goodnight normal life.

    1. 95legwagon


      lol happens to us all

  6. I can safely say this is the first time my stomach has not agreed with me eating cereal, this is a new one..

    1. notorious97200
    2. deathcards


      agreed milk only good for 2 weeks after opening

  7. No use in getting upset over dead weight. Especially with people that would have gotten me nowhere.

  8. Paged out for a fire call, supposed to be a brush fire, wondered the whole way there how there could be a brush fire in snow. Turns out the outbuilding was on fire. Damn old people..

  9. Fuel filter, some Seafoam, and a full tank. Let's try to beat this 8-10mpg city nonsense.

    1. nCOMP1337


      i seafoam my gas tank every 3 months. though i have driving 8000 miles since my last oil change, im overdue for one i think, lol. Luckily though i got a 4cyl, even bogged down i still get 20mpg or more

    2. iceman1575


      Little bit different in a diesel pickup. Seafoam didn't help me at all. Time to go down the list...

  10. Not looking forward to running sound in the snow tomorrow evening. It is nice to have a decent snowfall this year though, I'll take it.

    1. RCP Audio

      RCP Audio

      doing a outdoor show?

      ive only been in snow twice...

  11. Worked my first fatal fire tonight. Not a fun night. Make sure your smoke detectors are working and you are extremely careful with heaters, and cigarettes (if you smoke)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WastedTalent


      I'm by no means an anti-liquor person. Hell, most people can't keep up with me as far as drinks (when I do drink). But, I do feel like any source of fire should be kept FAR away from liquor. Often results in some bad shit.

    3. iceman1575


      No kidding. I don't care if someone drinks, IF they can control it.

  12. That awkward moment when you get out of the car and Jimmy magically appears in the driver's seat.

  13. Seems like more and more I watch shows on Animal Channel, the more I dislike the general population and love my dogs.

  14. I'm sorry, but if you're in that much of a hurry to get to the hospital that you have to illegally pass me with your four-ways going, and blow through every red light you come to, CALL 911 AND QUIT TRYING TO GET YOU, YOUR PASSENGERS, AND OTHER VEHICLE OPERATORS KILLED!

    1. SnowDrifter


      Maybe he really needed to move the port?

    2. Raptorman
  15. Guess who gets to drive 27 hours after dinner?  Merry Christmas...lol

  16. I'll take an episode of Doctor Who over an entire season of some retarded drama or reality show any day.

    1. RobertR


      Watching Dr who at this very moment

  17. Had to drive 12hrs last Friday, fucked my sleep up.  Finally got it back on track the other day.  Guess what?  16 hours last night to Nashville and back, now I'm fucked again.  T.T

  18. Not sure if I should be pissed or not.  At this point, I really don't care.  Washington Courthouse, Ohio sounds like a good plan right now.

  19. Eye doctor appointment tomorrow.  Finally, these contacts are way too fucking blurred...

  20. Have to ask. Who's your profile picture man? Lol.


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