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Status Replies posted by SnowDrifter

  1. Welcome back boo. Please to go to 18plus now ;)

  2. This little dude is funny as fuck on tramadol. He's high as a kite LOL

  3. note to self remove battery handle b4 pitting in truck damn that hurt

  4. Over 5ghz on my I7 6700k on air and running 3dmark several times. CPU only 52c :)

  5. Suppose computers advance to the point where we can simulate the human brain in an artificial world. Would the simulated brain know it's not real? What if we are the ones in the simulation?

  6. must be snitch season.. Some dude tried to tell on me on RF's FB page. I am not sponsored by RF so i don't know why they are trying to rat me out like i am gonna get in trouble...SMH LMAO!!

    1. SnowDrifter


      Ratting you out for... Telling off haters?

      That's as bad as kids trying to get eachother in trouble

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  7. Only owned my CNC 3 months and ALREADY got bootleg mothafucka's flat out copying my products. Jesus, could you be more blatent? Want my drawings too? SMH LOL.

  8. sitting at work today, "oh look, a new post in the RPP" *click* "whats this, a gif of a girl walking aaaand she naked" oh shit, 18+ rpp XD

  9. who remembers where you were 30 years ago when the space shuttle challenger exploded

  10. What if everyone on earth has the same consciousness that was sent back from the future, memory wiped, and put into every body as part of an experiment to see how it interacts with itself

  11. What if everyone on earth has the same consciousness that was sent back from the future, memory wiped, and put into every body as part of an experiment to see how it interacts with itself

  12. Can you guys take a minute of your time and check out (and sign) this petition, please? Its for awarding the Purple Heart to military members afflicted with PTSD. Thanks, guys. http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/ptsd-deserves-purple

  13. Can you guys take a minute of your time and check out (and sign) this petition, please? Its for awarding the Purple Heart to military members afflicted with PTSD. Thanks, guys. http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/ptsd-deserves-purple

  14. buying an air compressor for the garage, problem is i live in an apartment complex. any ideas to keep the re fill noise down?

  15. Feeling like i should give away some shit tonight. Stay tuned.

  16. that moment when some Skeletor looking tweaker calls me fat and looks like he has been up 4 days. Ill take the food over the meth, thank you very much. Stay skinny, Skela' bro.

  17. I need a crossfire rep please. Can someone help me out?

  18. Please don't hate me

  19. due to what was said in this video i am wondering if wd-40 would help in transfer of power in car audio

  20. Why do people call crescendo equipment "nendo"? Where does that extra n come from?

  21. Some of the doomsday folk say an asteroid is supposed to crash into earth today and destroy everything... I'm still waiting

  22. AMI Customs called... Install will start this week!!!! I am hoping he is ok with the day I texted him, tomorrow. So elated...

  23. was going home today it was about 9PM and a cop stopped me..said that having a dash cam is illegal and i should better hand him over the camera--my dash cam is a gopro so i say nope to him..he also bitched about all these videos going to youtube, so he asks me if i have a youtube accout..as i said no i asked him if i could get the video with him on facebook..he just stood quiet for a moment and then drove off...((hand him my gopro? hell no...))

  24. You know what would be cool? Fuel cells and super caps instead of batteries. But FUUUU fuel cells are some EXPENSIVE sucekrs

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