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Status Replies posted by meade916

  1. smokedOutImpala....you should know better. h ahah JK bro you had me sweatin for a sec GG https://www.instagram.com/p/BJ9VcVGAufE/?taken-by=meade916

  2. Joe Rogan is a funny dude. Podcast is the tits

  3. anybody heard from Ken/OrionStang in awhile? I'm 99% sure I have a way to contact him. 22 a day is too many, hoping he hasn't because a part of that statistic.

    1. meade916


      it's what i love about this place. When someone is gone too long we all worry about them. And we don't even really know each other. Thats cool shit.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  4. for all the box gurus out there, how do you find volume of a angle baffled box?

  5. for all the box gurus out there, how do you find volume of a angle baffled box?

  6. Everyone is talking about martial law, what y'all think

    1. meade916


      ain't no damn "martial law" gonna happen. Settle down.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  7. Everyone is talking about martial law, what y'all think

  8. Arguing with my my friend because my RCA's are ran on the same side as my power has lowered my life expectancy 10 years

    1. meade916


      it's an old wives tale. A MYTH. Don't buy into it. You can wrap your RCA's around your positive wire it shouldn't do anything.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  9. Congrats on the 10 years SMD! Hoping for 10 more!

  10. Hey guys I have a confession. I have 2 accounts on this website. Totalnoob is me as well...just wanted to let you guys know, if you dont already know. Just goes to show don't be afraid to ask the simple questions.

  11. 522 error all morning, couldn't get on this site, lol

  12. Raiders to Nevada?? Don't do it!!!

    1. meade916


      Can't fill the stadium? seems pretty full to me. Maybe if they win a few more games the demand can go up some more. If they leave though...fuck them.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  13. Pizza is circular, placed into a square box, eaten from the inside out with triangles

  14. So I walked into my garage and saw my dustcap broken (Nephew poked it with a screwdriver). I don't need a recone do I I can just replace the dustcap?

  15. Congrats on the marriage of your daughter Steve. Grandpa!!

  16. Fuck me, I have to make a choice......I can't even

    1. meade916


      damn. So sorry bro. damn. do what you think is the best for him no matter what.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  17. Buy/watch the fight tonight or nah?

  18. Unfadable so please don't try to fade this. We are all getting a good laugh right now. Nice try though yo! LMAO

  19. must be snitch season.. Some dude tried to tell on me on RF's FB page. I am not sponsored by RF so i don't know why they are trying to rat me out like i am gonna get in trouble...SMH LMAO!!

    1. meade916


      @broke_audio_addict actually it is good for business. I made more sales last night than the night before for sure. Made new fans too.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  20. must be snitch season.. Some dude tried to tell on me on RF's FB page. I am not sponsored by RF so i don't know why they are trying to rat me out like i am gonna get in trouble...SMH LMAO!!

    1. meade916


      same guy who ratted on me thinks he is going to "bang my wife like a real man"...so this is the type of person telling on me to RF and saying "what kind of person are you sponsoring" SMH

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  21. must be snitch season.. Some dude tried to tell on me on RF's FB page. I am not sponsored by RF so i don't know why they are trying to rat me out like i am gonna get in trouble...SMH LMAO!!

    1. meade916


      easy, go to RF's FB page. dude is crossing the line and gonna pay for it.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  22. must be snitch season.. Some dude tried to tell on me on RF's FB page. I am not sponsored by RF so i don't know why they are trying to rat me out like i am gonna get in trouble...SMH LMAO!!

    1. meade916


      i told this dickface troll to kill himself and the internet is in an uproar. I should have said /yourself instead and i would not have got told on. hahah

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  23. Tony is getting his hands on a taramp to show why the dd1 doesnt work on them

  24. What the shit. Dave Mirra killed himself. Sad day for the BMX crowd

  25. New Unreal Tournament being built. Game is free to play during development just go to Epic Games. Maybe we can get Team DbB to play it.

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