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Status Updates posted by ChillMasterWill

  1. when I was kid I wanted to be like the older guys "w/the cars riding by w/the boomin systems" now I'm one of them LOL

    1. Hotdog


      but the kids are not outside watching now. They are inside playing Xbox

  2. when I'm Rolling Thundering, I miss phone calls sometimes because the bass puts my phone on vibrate, get it? LMAO, BASS LIFE!

  3. when it comes to audio I want to know what you have & what's in your car, not what your uncle, cousin, brother, homeboy or anyone else for that matter does or has, they hear yours & say well I got a homeboy or cousin that's louder, but are you louder, I know ya'll know about this...

    1. soundstream15


      that is soo true, i hear that soo much around my area its not even funny, the sad thing is what there cousin, homeboy or whatever had or has is really shitty lol

  4. when life presents you with road blocks, go around them or go over them don't just sit there, you "Will" not continue moving forward if you do that, find ways to get around your obstacles & keep going, it's all up to you, attitude is everything, have a good day, later...

  5. When my kids & other kids say yes sir & no sir to me I don't feel old at all I feel very respected & the BASS LIFE is a very expensive "hobby" but you've got to put your money where your mouth is to get loud...

    1. zack_e89


      gotta pay to play.

      bass LYFE

  6. when someone finds out you're into car audio, here they come w/stories, I know ya'll know what I'm talking about, most of em' are like fishing stories the lies get bigger and bigger "yo my system em hit so hard it busted out my back glass" Really? Well Alrighty Then, LMAO

  7. when the bass drops they reach for the door handle to get out....SKAR FTW!

  8. When they shake your hand & thank for the demo, you know it went good LMAO SKAR another win!

  9. When they shake your hand & thank for the demo, you know it went good LMAO SKAR another win!

    1. OrionStang


      When they cant breath and bail, AA FTW!

    2. ChillMasterWill


      yeah I sat in an S-10 that had a blow through w/4 15" AA Havocs on 2 Everest Soundlabs 5k's AA's good ish also

  10. When things happen to you in life that you've never been through that's when you learn more about you, your endurance & your ability to overcome...

  11. when working out in a gym full of hot chicks try not to be distracted by them and forget what you're in the gym for LOL

    1. OrionStang


      That 90 seconds between sets, they're fair game.

    2. ChillMasterWill


      dang bro you've got some mad game to pull one in 90 seconds lol

  12. when you can barely walk out of the gym because of the leg workout you just did, you know you killed it

  13. when you get used to having a system in your ride & you're in a vehicle that has a stock system or a system with no bass, music just ain't the same, one love, many brands, BASS LIFE!

    1. audiofanaticz


      Its no problem with me, wall in the truck, stock bose in my car that i drive almost daily.

    2. hoit
    3. juan777
  14. when you give a demo the person listening should curse, SKAR Audio FTMFW!

  15. when you have a system as loud as Rolling Thunder's folks ask if you're home so they can bring friends over to hear it another SKAR win, because when I give demos, I go full tilt, BASS LIFE!

  16. When you prepare yourself for the worst then it's "easier" to deal with when it comes...

    1. OrionStang


      Nope. It still fucking sucks.

  17. When you start from the bottom you can see the top, never forget where you come from, I stand out because I stay positive among so much negative, attitude is everything, a good day I hope you have, later...

  18. when you start from the bottom you can see the top...

    1. 2loud4uboyz


      The best way isn't. Then when you made it to the top it's your rights to be ther.

  19. when you try, you're gonna fail, in order to be successful you're gonna have to fail many times, life's a dance you learn as you go, don't quit no matter what they say, you've got to stay motivated even with the failures to become successful, keep keeping on & have a good one my people, my job is to motivate one a day...

    1. Kyblack76


      Fuck an a. The only people that dont fail, are the ones that do nothing.......

    2. jdshott


      ^ Agree . you have to fail to know how to succeed .

    3. 2loud4uboyz


      Please keepem coming sir. And I do agree also.

  20. when you wanna quit think of those that depend on you & also the ones that want to see you fail, keep on keeping on, I'm here to motivate you, have a strong day, later...

  21. when you're good at something, they hate, I'm the type of person that likes to see people do well in life because of the hard work they put in, not everyone wants you to be successful though, that's on them, don't let em' stop you, it's motivation, keep going, attitude is everything, have a super strong day, later!

  22. when you're really good at something, keep it up, don't let haters or naysayers discourage you from doing something that you're good at, I call it hatervation, have a strong day, later...

  23. when you're successful & doing good in life, they don't like it, everyone don't want you to be successful so they take shots at you, aim high, pew, pew, pew, pew, a good day I hope you have, later!

  24. when you're trying to do positive things positive results will follow...

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