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Status Replies posted by audiofanaticz

  1. so the WCC CTS-V that was built for Justin Bieber has a DC Power alt on it

  2. Console pictures are up.

  3. New TV Time. I really think a 70 inch would be nice.

  4. Noob Question; Can I send a full signal to a tweeter that has an 12db inline crossover or do I need to use the high pass on the amp?

  5. With all these "repo" shows around, I have to wonder: Why does no one ask for paperwork? Seems like it would be easy to setup some sort of scam with this

  6. Day 15-order status: awaiting fulfillment........sigh (fi recone kits)

  7. Eminems new song just leaked!

  8. if something is not in stock or backordered they should say that before I buy it and wait a week with no answer. am I right?

  9. im thinkin about a 6th order bp box for my single 18 obsidian what do u guys think

  10. if something is not in stock or backordered they should say that before I buy it and wait a week with no answer. am I right?

  11. a shop quoted me $200 to sound seaden my whole car including roof with hushmat. not bad at all

  12. a shop quoted me $200 to sound seaden my whole car including roof with hushmat. not bad at all

  13. Gun control is putting 5 rounds in the same hole

  14. time to buy an AGM battery today, decisions decisions........

  15. The Tahoe officially has a 3sixty.3 in it! Got the optical cable off the Mac Mini and it sounds great! I love it! Just gotta clean it all up tomorrow and be back in business!

  16. I have the urge to buy a new gun. hmmm

  17. my nephew is a fucking asshole, no matter how many times we bail him out of jail, fix his car for free, let him live under our roof for free, he still continues with his asshole ways. I say it's time to kick him to the curb and see how long he lasts without our help.

  18. Can a mod tell me why my technical advice posts keep getting deleted? I'm not trying to be hostile I'm trying to know what I should not be doing??

  19. Woah what? Where's the random picture post?

  20. Going to flatbed the Ford and sell it. Having a 4x4 toy is too expensive when it comes to a big block and $300 a piece tires...

  21. fiberglassin look to damn difficult

  22. This is ghostrider when he is not hooking up audio. Enjoy!! lols

  23. This is ghostrider when he is not hooking up audio. Enjoy!! lols

  24. gonna set my amp gains today. good thing I have a dd-1 and cc-1 and it wont take more than a half hour to do all 5

  25. We all love you, Dickrider :)

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