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Hugh G. Rection

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Status Updates posted by Hugh G. Rection

  1. heading off to work. im back to doing cabinets again. back to having some sort of normalcy in my life. woohoo!!!!!

    1. Ninja_v1.0


      Stop and say hi to any black thugs you say on da way in ;)

    2. MarioB
    3. Hugh G. Rection

      Hugh G. Rection

      lol, its tattnall county ga, thugs already know better than that over there.....

  2. gotta get up at 4am tomorrow to go to work. yeehaww!

  3. blew up a couple pounds of tannerite today. wife was sick for 4 hours from the shockwave, lol

  4. woohoo!!! havin a cold one, and unwinding from this evenings adrenaline dump!

  5. http://www.blackgunowners.org/index.php --i bet whitegunowners.org would be called racist
    1. Ninja_v1.0


      I'm going to sign up and ask them can i invite you.

  6. looking to go into law enforcement. i need a good career with benefits and retirement!

  7. ive been on youtube all day trying to find a video of white dudes commiting a flash mob robbery. i have had no luck.

  8. 15 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 3 and a half weeks now. im sick of this shit.

  9. BEER AINT FOOD!!!!!!!

  10. L.T. SMOKE, joo are my favorite mudda'fugga!!!!!!!

    1. iceman1575


      ditto, even if he is a obsessivecontrolling asshole mod.

    2. Hugh G. Rection

      Hugh G. Rection

      smokey is the man, he is no asshole.

  11. yay, 100 degrees again!!!! not hardly worth reporting now. we've been above 90 since the second week of february. lol

  12. xentec HID fucking sucks!!!!!!

    1. Dan2427


      for sure I've replaced 3 ballasts already

    2. meade916


      you get what you pay for lol - this is why you dont buy a 40 dollar set of HID's :D

  13. WOOT! just traded for a custom glock 36, booyah. fuck yall little 9mm and .40 bullshit.

  14. my balls itch.

    1. mr.p


      wanna snuggle?

    2. B Slaps

      B Slaps

      u should get that checked out. especially if u snuggle p, u know his track record. lmao

    3. huh?do-what?
  15. in life all things are possible, except straddling a mud puddle with a wheel barrow.

  16. bored at work.... makin' some hand loads for my rifle. WOOT!

    1. hdorre


      Gee, what a shock haha

    2. mr.p


      I make hand loads twice a day myself :D

  17. dont bogart that joint dude!!!!

    1. Azagtoth502


      Fack youz, it's mine..all mine

  18. yall come to chat and talk to my drunk ass, lol

  19. my dad is doing his "captain insane-o crisis mode" routine again. i really think im gonna have to quit this job. i'd rather be friends with my dad and be unemployed than continue working here and not get along with him.

    1. Dan2427


      Sometimes I feel the same way! I work with my mom and dad, we own a trucking business and I'm the mechanic so when somethin goes wrong with a truck on the road my dad comes to me right away. But other than that I love my job most of the time. Talk to him let him know, I havent got in a fight with my parents since that happened but the last time we did I threw a shop stool at him :( felt like such a d bag afterwards

  20. i think i just fucked up the hummer....... FUCK!!!!!!

    1. Hellbound Train

      Hellbound Train

      we know what the fuck we are doing. good to see you are still here hugh.

    2. meade916


      what hummer? and someone told me you left and made a big post about it....what happened? :D

    3. Ninja_v1.0


      code 664. someoen facked up da hummer

  21. would you fuck me? id fuck me...... lol

    1. Hotdog


      lol... so either way your fucked right?

  22. firefox 4 RC is the shit!!!!!!!!

    1. ChillMasterWill


      no, you are shit, the!

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