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Status Replies posted by deathcards

  1. Please don't hate me

  2. due to what was said in this video i am wondering if wd-40 would help in transfer of power in car audio

  3. finally tested my oldschool Zapco out today. little thing is a monster even with 8 ohm mids.

  4. Had a cop approach me demoing with pioneerforlife today. It was a guaranteed ticket cause he walked like 1/2 mile from the police station and around a wooded area because his desk was shaking. Ended up kissing major ass and got out of the ticket. No more playing the wall around campus for me lol 3 encounters is too much, i think my luck is about used up. oh well my bad

  5. went shopping with my dad and then later we were driving home..while surpassing a truck the truck moved slowly into my lane and as i began to slow down my dad just fainted..luckily we were near a hospital at that time so i just took him there..the doc said his pressure was too high and he prescribed him some pills for his high pressure..dont know how to say it more right..when we came home he colassped on the ground...but it was not the pressure this time..it was freakin dog piss..

  6. some install shops should not be allowed near cars

  7. Just scored a Gladen SQX for "CHEAP". Still need a 4-way DSP or P99.

  8. We are having a potluck at work, someone asked me to bring homemade salsa. Somebody is going to wish they didn't ask

    1. deathcards


      ass hole roulette one of these salsa's is mild, one hot, and one cruel death choose wisely

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  9. when driving home i was being pulled over for tinted lights and windows..as i told him it was already in the package when i bought the car he gave me back the midle finger, and then told me to just drive off..couple kilomers later he stopped me again and asked me if the camera was rolling..so i confirmed that the camera was recording...and he just asked to not tell anyone..was reported anyway..fuck stupidly ignorant cops like that..

  10. Today is my birthday.. and it feels less exciting every year.

  11. repaired my 2-stroke today...cant wait to get it started..and go for a ride..guess how mush CC the engine has?

  12. intel SSD, plenty of ram, decent CPU, and windows updates are like "12%......28%......15%.......9%.....78%......45%........ reboot. Updating 67%.......34%.......12%

  13. Congrats to all 5 winners in the SMD Speaker Tweaker Giveaway....ENJOY

  14. with enough horsepower and torque anything can be quick

  15. YES! Got my singer alt in!

  16. my wife just put on leopard print panties, but she's on the rag. i called her Cecil the lion and i was gonna track her for 40 hours and finish her off. she was not amused

  17. that "FUCK" moment when I realized I forgot to run the ground when everything was already put together.

  18. My power level is definitely over 9000 today

  19. laughing, coughing, sneezing, all F'ing hurt like a mofo. doesn't matter if I'm doped up or not, it hurts!

  20. just got out about 20 mins ago. my gallbladder was trashed!!! bsf news is, im stick here at least one night and im in a shit ton of pain and drugs. took me like 25 min to type this. also throat is trashed from the tube they put down it. it esd a tube down my throat, nothing else!!!!!

    1. deathcards


      remember when your are all better you can go bump :)

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  21. i knew that jared guy looked like he sniffed bicycle seats

  22. two days till surgery

  23. Should I wallsocket one of the 12s?

  24. I don't get it. Why can't some people just accept they are wrong. Shut up and fix it instead of blaming everything and everyone else. Btw FB arguments with people I don't respect for the win

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