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Everything posted by andym85

  1. im fuckin drunnnk...i just finished a 12 pack while working on my install....as soon as the amp gets here we are ready to go :D
  2. looks like a badass show with some beautiful trucks!!!!!
  3. if that is the port opening on the left hand side, then i would go with the first pic....keep the sub furthest from the port as possible...i mean i dont think there is gonna be a huge differece in either one, but from my limited experience, and what i have heard from others, numbers will go up a tad with the sub furthest away from the port as possible...
  4. im pretty sure you get instantly butt raped, so im sure you will drive as fast as you can now...
  5. ^^yep, you want to fill in all of the screw holes and seams with like a body or wood filler, sand the beotch smooth...then like david said, 4 or so coats of primer, b/c that mdf will soak up that stuff quick. sand it again. then we put a couple of coats of paint on, sanded, couple of coats of paint, wet sanded, then the final coat of paint....box came out VERY shinny, you could see your reflection in it no problem...we used probably 4-5 coats of primer and the same with the paint...take your time..
  6. whats up! i live in jtown, and the only "local" shows would be in etown, plus some more a bit further away..

  7. id seriously be interested in one...anxious on how the testing goes...
  8. im pretty sure u can transfer money to a debit card...can u do that?
  9. my buddy's audioque hdc3 is just starting to loosen up after over a month of play time...quit worrying and get back to slammin on it!!
  10. totally not true..we welcome anyone...we all had to start out sometime, and this is a damn good place to learn a few things... but for $500, your not gonna get a very good system, you might be able to squeeze a half decent amp and one sub out of that, but that is it....i saved up for awhile before i bought anything for my first system, and am so glad i did so, i spent $450 on two subs $350 on an amp, $300+on a battery, another $300+on a 200amp alt, plus all the $$ for wire/terminals/building materieals...took a long ass time to save but i did it, and i highly recommend you do the same so you can buy some quality stuff...no saying you have to spend that much, but at least save up until you have $1000 or so to drop on a quality system....
  11. my buddy has a malibu that we put a couple of 12"kicker comps in...one under the dash on the driver side, the other on the passenger side in the cubby, both subs downward firing...however, he was saying he is starting to see a lot of people do two 10" under the driver dash..kinda like in a wall boat: sub on driver side: sub on passenger side: i also put two batteries in the same cubby as the passenger side sub....nothing fancy at all, but sounds good and gets the job done, id really like to build something big in the rear compartments where the ballast goes...but he wont let me...
  12. it doesnt matter where the current wire is going...just add to it, and fuse it... if i can do it to a 92accord, and he can do it to a 2000, then there is no reason that it cant be done to a 96
  13. i havent posted here in forever (whats wrong with me??) anyways...last weekend at the lake... all gone in two days...i drank that liter of whiskey in two nights.../story
  14. i love it when he hits the bottom..and says 'fuck me'...lol..at least he has got a sense of humor
  15. how bout we just all go to the elizabethtown show on sept. 13th?...only like a 45min drive for me...probably sucks for the rest of ya...lol
  16. i got to see this at the last show....and you should see the flex in person...its so much more crazy, not to mention the excursion on the sub..nuts!!
  17. you can take the following for what you will also... one 15" type r was about 1db louder then a L7 in what was a pretty much a direct swap in basically an extended cab ranger one 15" hdc3 was about .5-1db louder then a type r in a dircet swap in a blazer.. but those type r's seriously impress me when you consider how cheap you can get them for...
  18. let me know when you plan on wiring all that shit up and installing it and i will come up and we can make a weekend of it! maybe i will drag a long another pair of hands also...
  19. crazy score....yesterday a guy with two 15" nightshades and two 3000d's did a 128.xx in drive-by 2....which is just nuts considering he did it only 80amps worth of fusing or something rediculous like that...my db scores blow, i dont even waste my time with it...maybe later.. crazy crazy score!!
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