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Everything posted by andym85

  1. been workin with this shit most the day and night and im starting to feel the effects. arms are startin to itch....aint fiberglass fun!! ;D
  2. why would u come on steve meade's forum and the say u dont think steve's stuff sounds good... of course it sounds good, its meade we're talking about....the bass is just so heavy that his cam just cant handle it and makes it sound like all bass..but it aint fool
  3. i could never figure winisd out for some reason...but here is the formula i use, even threw in the excel setup i have Fb = .159*((Av(1.84*10^8)/(Vb(Lv+.823*Av^.5))^.5 Fb = tuning frequency Av = vent area Vb = net volume in cubic inches Lv = effective length of vent effective length = physical length + end correction <---1/2 of the ports width, end correction is only used if one of your walls of the box doubles as a port wall here it is in excel: Av, insert value in b10 Lv, insert value in b11 Vb, insert value in b12 Fb, insert formula in b13 formula =0.159*((B10*(1.84*10^)/(B12*(B11+0.823*B10^0.5)))^0.5
  4. i usually only buy from companies on there with extremely high feedback and a high number of sells. i have bought thousands of dollars of stuff off there and everything has gone smoothly...knock on wood...
  5. def. wouldnt go higer than 14.8...if u wanna do 16v ur gonna have to get the appropriate batteries and amps to handle that
  6. no, not on the one i just built...but maybe one in the future...just a general question really
  7. sorry...yea, i mean putting grill cloth over your port to make it look purty...as long as it dont affect the sound much or contribute to any port noise then i guess im good
  8. he has also been hella busy from the sound of things
  9. yea i have heard of them...but loudest sub in the world... :meh: oh, and the website doesnt work for me??
  10. bandwidth schmandwidth...he's got the funds from all the donations...post away brotha ;D
  11. for the price, i have heard no complaint of them really...
  12. i had this problem as well...i had a loose ground wire inside of the harness...so i yanked it and wired it straight to the firewall. it could be low voltage also as previously stated.
  13. its ok...im more into the rolled bumpers and clean sleek look myself..just my worthless $.02 though...lol
  14. yep..i gutted my buddy's truck the other day i ran into some of those metal clips...they suck...u feel like you are just going to snap the fucker off...
  15. if u want it broken down like that then it depends on box size and port area...more info, if u already have a box... here are a couple of vent calculators http://www.linearteam.dk/default.aspx?page...=ventcalculator http://www.carstereo.com/help/Articles.cfm?id=31
  16. i definately think it will sound better firing forward, sealed of from the trunk. this is usually the best way to get trunks loud and sound good doing it. mine sounds great when the seat is down...when the seat is up, i loose some loudness, but it dont sound too bad. i would highly recommend sealing it off...just plan how ur going to seal it off, cause it can be tricky to make look clean and tidy
  17. basically its all a learning experience...you just gotta start unscrewing things, and most of it is probably held in with plastic retaining clips. and trust me, you will break some of the plastic clips. when i gutted my car, it took awhile, and i broke quite a few retaining clips...but i got it done and now i know what not to do. autozone sells replacement clips if u need them. so just dive in, and start gently yanking away so u can figure out where the clips are..then slowly pry with a flathead or something without scratching the factory panels. u just gotta figure it out for yourself...that the only true way to learn... good luck
  18. andym85

    Hifonics DOA

    check the grounds...i swear 75% of the time it has to do with a bad ground
  19. id go with FL. i attended WF this year for the first time and some of the loudest bassracers were from FL...like Tommy with HoProblems, and Pipo...just to name a couple. i was standing about 2feet away from tommy's truck when he cracked his windshield and got to sit inside of pipo's truck...and words cant even begin to describe how loud and low their shit is... :^
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