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Status Updates posted by WastedTalent

  1. Waiting on a package from Tucson, AZ weighing in at a whopping 12 pounds. Excited!!

  2. watchin "That's My Boy". Good movie so far.

  3. Watching "Compliance". F'd up movie man....

  4. Watching "The Sitter". Hilarious. "You came to my house party and puked in my grandma's urn. When I asked you about it, you ran away like a little biatch." "I did not. I ran away like a normal person"

    1. littlebuck1919


      jonah hill is amazing! that movie is great! oh, and he's lost a lot of weight :o

    2. WastedTalent


      I don't like Hill at all. Maybe it's just his roles but 21 jumpstreet? Good movie, hate him. The sitter (so far at least)? Good movie, hate him. Just always seems like a partier/stoner and complete loser. First 2 mins of The Sitter describes how I feel about him. Lol. So Idk, could be just his roles.

    3. littlebuck1919


      lol its possible, i guess i just find humor in simple things :P oh well, could be worse....we could be zombies....and not enjoy movies at all because of it :(

  5. Well broskis, put my friend in your prayers. Found out about an hour ago he got in a car wreck and hospitalized. Is all I know. No idea if just a broken finger or he's fighting for his life. And just to think, I last saw him this morning walking out the door of work smiling, going to get me something to drink.

    1. ProMaxx316


      Keep us posted. Hopefully is something small and just going by the book to make sure it's nothing serious.

    2. Kyblack76


      damn.. sry yo ...

  6. Well fellas, pray for me. Everyone that's come into work so far? "Good Lord, slicker than snot. Ran a few red lights because I just....couldn't stop. Too slick."

  7. Well, found my first LOCAL meade hater. All I can do is shake my head.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Just talkin shit bout Meade. We know Meade, great guy. Even if you don't support his products for whatever reason, has damn good character.

    3. Swordlordboy1234


      I love meeting those people. Or the opposite of Meade haters saying how he hits 194 db in his Tahoe on 40 thousand wattszzzzz

    4. thefourth


      Haters will do what they do best... Hate.

  8. Well, I just proved being here does teach you. I knew nothing. I just helped this guy troubleshoot a problem and found out it's his amp. Go WT!! Lmfao

  9. Well, I just saw something that definitely gives me courage/the fight to do 2 jobs. A supposed 4 year time frame difference in paying off car.

  10. Well, I may get ignored/called names/who knows what else, but... I gotta do what's right. Gotta make sure she's okay. Won't be the one who sat on his ass and did nothing. :/

  11. Well, job search.....over.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Colo. I honestly haven't been picky as I just browsed Craigslist and literally applied for anything I could do and would fit my time schedule as I don't want to quit my other job, unless of course I can find a job that pays enough where I don't need 2 jobs. And where I live, literally, tons of jobs. Checked the other day and 600+ jobs posted by 1 pm. Granted, some were duplicates, some are probably fake and nothing, but I've checked around the country and I do believe I have o...

    3. OrionStang


      So, Colorado is where the jobs are at, Huh? Might start looking there.

    4. WastedTalent


      No lie, I can get someone (anyone that's reliable) a job like nothing. 8 hours a day (It'd be split up, only bad part). Just... gotta re-locate here. And they won't pay for it. Lol. $9/hr. Just needs me as a recommendation and chances are 99% job is yours. They're going through temps like crazy because they can't find someone reliable and isn't a complete retard. Losing me will be a BIG hit to them. I have enough pull (until I quit) that I got someone transferred...

  12. Well, learned a lot tonight in chat

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Told ya Nate, word is out now. I made it public.

    3. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      DAMN YOU! i didnt have time yet to ask N8 to be my best man, or to see if meade would get ordained and marry us

    4. WastedTalent


      With how they are, I'm sure they'll gladly accept. But yeah man, cat's out of the bag. I guess I'll take your "fiance" as you don't need that cover anymore...

  13. Well, let the owner love me cause then, I got me a new job. If not? Well, then, I have 2 other interviews.

    1. OrionStang


      What kinds of places are you applying at?

    2. WastedTalent


      Anything I'm able to do. This job that I say hope the owner loves me? Is a shredding place. One that'll come to you, pick up your papers, shred it, ect. Applying for data entry, receptionist, warehouse, literally ANYTHING I can do.

    3. HypnotizedMind 91666
  14. Well, reputation definitely follows you. Went in for a job interview and all I had to say was my name and got offered the job.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. hoit


      well done, good reputation and respect will take you as far as you want to go!

    3. Miguels


      So which corner will you be working out of now?

  15. Well, soap is almost done. Gotta get ready for work, then shoot vid so Carbon gets jelly. Hope he has some bread to make a kick-ass sandwich with that jelly

    1. WastedTalent


      Think the deal fell through that I was sorta hopin would work. Damn. :(. Now to find something else yet again to do...

    2. purplesyrup
  16. Well, starting the process to snitch on old job. Harassment and wage issues. Let's see what happens...

  17. Well, what a week, and it's still not done. What else can happen? Updating thread Sat... will be worth the wait, stay tuned. I didn't forget, just no time.

  18. Well, wish me luck. CPR test. If I don't pass, it's fine. I stay for the class. But then I miss my job interview for a job that, if I am offered, would make my life so much easier.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Amart88
    3. bigmizzle99


      Lol. The power of a tight resume! Wooo

    4. WastedTalent


      Not entirely sure it's cause of what you wrote bigmizzle (warehouse job, wanted more of my military experience which yeah...) but i honestly dc. still...however long it's been... surprised and impressed with what you came up with. Still give you props lol

  19. Welp, found some jobs. Will apply later today most likely. Big raise for some of them.

    1. ProMaxx316


      Dude you will so get the job now that you got a up to date phone rather than your flip phone. I bet once you pull that out they will hire you on the spot.

    2. WastedTalent


      Lmfao. Not sure if I'll actually take any of the jobs as some are.... not that good. Just browsing what's out there as I already do have 2 jobs. If I were offered and do accept one of the ones I found, it'd replace one of the ones I have now. Just tired of the bull... although yesterday I was told that I "do damn good work and am praised a lot"... yesterday was the straw that broke that back. But I do know, the grass isn't always greener on the other side so no rush.

  20. Welp, no system. Not yet. Shop went overboard and well... when it's done (in a few weeks), it'll be amazing. You'll see.

  21. Welp, time at this job is officially over. Onto the next one. Let's hope it's the right move.

    1. ProMaxx316


      If it's more money. Then it shoudld be a good move.

    2. Amart88


      Hope all works out for ya.

  22. What a day. Noob (myself) can tell when other so called "pros" from local area are full of it. Sad day.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WastedTalent


      According to "pro", you need negative bass to break windshields. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of all of what he said.

    3. Nates_Veloster


      tell me more of this negative bass? Is it just bass that is always pissy? Pessimistic bass perhaps?

    4. WastedTalent


      Idk. I was laughing to hard to listen.

  23. What in the hell is up with these body piercings? Like people getting their breastplate pierced, cheek pierced, etc?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KillaCam


      I like those lower back piercings, no idea what the actual name is.

    3. Raptorman


      Just bitches tryin' tp 1-up eachother with who can have the weirdest/coolest piercings and then shit got out of control. I've seen guys put plug in their cheeks (gauges to most people) And you can see through their cheeks.

    4. WastedTalent


      I can see that Raptor. Like someone got drunk and "DUDE!!! Let's pierce my arm. Like put that stud that'd go in your ear into my arm!!" and then others started it and people came up with other shit like the lower back, the chest, etc.

  24. What the fuhk? First snow of the year... did I ever mention how much I hate Colorado?

    1. WastedTalent


      Ok, along with the first snow, it then clears up and roads are dry then it becomes a blizzard. So first snow then first blizzard. Damn do I hate this damn state.

    2. Omega5002


      I live in Florida, I wish it was cold

    3. WastedTalent


      No you don't. I know humidity isn't fun, but since I've experienced both? Colorado can suck it. People are idiotic, you can literally experience all 4 seasons in 1 day (I've seen it be about 20-30 and a white out blizzard only to turn into 80 degrees and sunny as hell few hours later), and this place just sucks.

  25. When will luck finally go my way? Going on interview 12 I do believe. Not looking for anything special, just anything.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OrionStang
    3. WastedTalent


      Maybe I should be a lil more specific. A 40 hour job that will comply with my current 40 hour job. Yes, a 24 year old that's wanting 2 full time jobs, 80 hours a week, on top of school. And Orion, I may. Been trying other stuff but no good so far. Except for jobs I can't have.

    4. Nick580


      Good Luck man

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