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has anyone ever wanted to fight you for your system being to loud?

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had the neighbor lady tell my older brother (not me for god's sake) that i woke up one of her kids (theyre renting the house next to mine and i know the owner (for the record)) BUT her kid is in pre-k...and takes the bus to school at noon.....im never out of the house before like 1pm....

Feedback Thread: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/152368-littlebuck1919s-feedback/#entry2177586

i think you'd stick your dick in a blender if it told you it was 40 wtih two kids your age. lol

6/18/82 - 4/17/12

R.I.P. to my sister Shana

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Stab everyone that complains, problem solved :P

australia03junehl4.gifCURRENT SET UP

Factory HeadunitGladen dual splits

Audio helon 4ch amp

Audio Helon 9kwrms monoBlock

2 15" Custom built Pap subs rated at 3kwrms each

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I'm not loud either and I've had several complaints from the neighbors across the street the last time when he came over it's was around 2pm yelling at me to turn it down as he left he said stupid motherfucker it got so mad I almost told him to say it to my face just cause I'm semi crippled or else we would've gotten into a fight

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Lol, leaving the liquor store waitin on traffic the guy came out yell "hey you deaf son of a bitch turn that shit down your rattling the bottles on shelf." he threatened to hit me with cordless phone in his hand. I try to be courteous to people but sometimes the mood strikes and I wanna jam out.

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one time my friend came over & was listening to his 12" jl w6. He picked me up at my house then we just about go down the block when an old man came out of nowhere infront of us, made us stop & threatened to hit the car with his garden hoe in his hands lol. It was pretty hardcore haha, we told him we wouldnt play it around there anymore just to be respectfull but he took it a little to far haha.

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I've had a lady purposely cause an accident...we weren't going fast but she slammed on her brakes and I bumped her..there was no damage but when the cops came she was tweaking out saying how loud my music was and that's why i hit her..either way the cop knew she was a nut bag and took information and nothing happened no report was ever filled out and i was good.

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Some guy stopped in the middle of the road and got out of car and come at me flailing his arms around like an idiot yelling to turn it down, told him to move or hes getting ran over.

Had some other guy freaking out shaking his fists. Caught a spot next to him and his wife at a stop light and asked him to roll down his window. He wouldn't, but his wife did so I apologized to her sexy ass and she said it was all good and smiled. The guy just sat back all pissed off lol.

And the fact more than one person agrees does not make it a circle jerk, it makes it a bukkake scene and you're in the middle ;)

Chick took 3 shots of Jager, and then, pissed in my mouth..

B5 Passat Build Log


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