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presidential debate - wtf was wrong with obama?

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LOL I had to watch it for my AP Gov class and here a little recap for anyone who fell asleep during it. Romney really likes to show off that he can count to 5 when listing his plans. Obama loves the floor, literally.

All jokes aside I really don't look forward to either of the 2 running the country. Now it looks to me like in this specific forum theres quite a few republicans? I'm not looking for a heated argument or anything I'm just saying, (unfortunately he didnt, but;) Obama could have gotten more done if he had not wasted so much time on Obama care and if the hyper-pluralism effect wasnt so strong in the house, and Romney is too flip-floppy and defensive and slimy to ever be an effective leader.

Biomedical/Behavioral Science Major, The (Self-Proclaimed) Undisputed-Homemade-Woofer-King

Super-Neodymium-Woofer Build Log: The D4BA-V.2 http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/169236-diy-super-neodymium-woofer-build-log/?p=2475620

Fucking love Alan you goddamned fucking super nerd lol

When Alan uses big words I don't understand

It's warming up enough that the donut-punching cyclist douchenozzles are getting their two wheeled fagmobiles out.

Everytime I see a guy driving a mini cooper I cant help but think he loves cock & (2/29/16)-My wife just bitched at me about throwing out things we don't really use. My response of well we don't really use your vagina so should we throw that out was evidently not the right response. I had to leave the room.

I missed Alan.

RIP 5/29/15 - I love you son.

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I don't mean to Offend anyone by this post- so when you read it, realize that this how I feel from my experiences, from what has happened to me over the last 4 years, what the statistics say and what the facts are since Obama took office. Remember that this is the political forum and this is my Opinion here and nowhere else on this forum.

*don't blow any gaskets guys*


I could write a book on the things that Obama has done that are Wrong. Not my opinion on right or wrong, but things that are not acceptable for him to do in the office of President.

I know it is politics, but he lies his butt off constantly. And he has surrogates that do nothing but say complete Lies as truth... all you have to do is check the facts. He has made more Presidential Decrees and Executive Orders (I think it is 963- double check me on that) in three years than ANY other President has done in 8 years multiple times over. The purpose of these decrees is to bypass the process. If he faces resistance, he just bowls over it. Then when things go wrong, he blames someone else. That is what a Dictator does, not a President of The United States.

He has "bailed out" the automakers- "saved the industry" he said in the debate- has anyone checked GMs market share? DESTROYED. Did you guys know that the government wiped out many private investors in the GM deal and gave the majority of the interest to the Unions? Gee... I wonder who "gave" gobs of green to Obama's '08 Campaign? Did you know that the government forced the former CEO out? Did you know that the other day GM tried to purchase back their debt and stock from the Government and the Government said "No"? Hmmm.... Control, control, control.

Don't get me started on the debt. $5.2 TRILLION since he took office. A trillion is One Million Million. So... Five Million, Million.... plus some. That is a lot of subwoofers guys.

What has Obama EVER done when working in the Private Sector? ...oh wait- he never worked in the private sector. So- who would you rather be the President of These United States? Someone who has never worked in the real world, or someone who is and has been a CEO, Capitalist, made the Olympics happen and go off without a hitch in Salt Lake City (Obama as leader of the free world couldn't even get them in his home town- before there were even any problems...), a Governor who ran a state- WELL.

Obama will say Anything to get a vote. Anything to keep power. He has jammed himself in such a corner that I can't see any way he can win the Presidency again. And Heaven help us if he does. He has alienated the Jewish vote because he won't support Israel (that's a big deal). He has alienated the majority of the Latino vote because he is forcing Catholic health care providers to provide contraception and abortion (Most Latinos consider themselves Catholic). He has alienated the majority of the Black vote because his support of gay marriage (Most Black / African Americans consider themselves Christian or prescribe to Christian Values). He has alienated the young vote because the economy SUCKS. Those people who voted for him when they were in College don't have jobs now. And on the Economy- it has been 4 years, he owns it by now. -Less than HALF of College graduates have a job when they get out of school. There are more people unemployed now than there have EVER been. Ever. There are less people working now by number and by percentage than when he took office. Gas is more than double. The Average household annual income has dropped well over $4k since Obama took office. I can go on.... seriously.

My 2 cents. I'm done though- if you even read all of that... I never said Romney is the way to go, just that Obama most definitely is not. Herman Cain was my man.... and the first one out of the race. ...I just hope we all get out of this and we recognize America in a few more years.


Best Score to Date : 160.5 dB Outlaw (47Hz)[4 XM 15's & 2 Taramps Bass 12k's]

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it is funny how people are voting off of how it betters themselves rather than bettering the future of the US where your kids will be living after you die. The way things are going, there probably wont be one.

Best Score to Date : 160.5 dB Outlaw (47Hz)[4 XM 15's & 2 Taramps Bass 12k's]

BL :  http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/147800-chevyboy95s-4-15s-7krms-wall-1533-db-on-half-power/
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/hitemwiththeflex/

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it is funny how people are voting off of how it betters themselves rather than bettering the future of the US where your kids will be living after you die. The way things are going, there probably wont be one.

Well said. Sad but true too. It is just like how most people believe that government spending should be cut and people should pay their "fair share" in taxes... but when you want to cut something that they get (oh... let's just say food stamps or financial assistance) or make them pay more taxes (perhaps cutting out the $1,500 child "credit" for example) people get really pissed off. Strange how that works, isn't it?

12 - 12"s in the STAY PUFT 1989 Chevy Astro

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You have a beard of a mysterious sea captain. I would follow you to hell and back.

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I think it would make sense if people: Vote Democrat while they're in college, Republican once they graduate and get a job, then Democratic again once they have children if they are not rich. I'm not saying its morally correct in anyway, but it seems to be a pattern in voting data. My favorite part is when people believe no taxes would be good, and socialism would be more effective. I mean look at Somalia and Sudan, those people are so well off with no taxes or capitalism aren't they? It really amazes me when people don't see what taxes do, Yes I know for a fact most of it is not spent they way it should be, but public services are public services, and as of right now, you might not find a much better place than America....

Biomedical/Behavioral Science Major, The (Self-Proclaimed) Undisputed-Homemade-Woofer-King

Super-Neodymium-Woofer Build Log: The D4BA-V.2 http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/169236-diy-super-neodymium-woofer-build-log/?p=2475620

Fucking love Alan you goddamned fucking super nerd lol

When Alan uses big words I don't understand

It's warming up enough that the donut-punching cyclist douchenozzles are getting their two wheeled fagmobiles out.

Everytime I see a guy driving a mini cooper I cant help but think he loves cock & (2/29/16)-My wife just bitched at me about throwing out things we don't really use. My response of well we don't really use your vagina so should we throw that out was evidently not the right response. I had to leave the room.

I missed Alan.

RIP 5/29/15 - I love you son.

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it is funny how people are voting off of how it betters themselves rather than bettering the future of the US where your kids will be living after you die. The way things are going, there probably wont be one.

Well said. Sad but true too. It is just like how most people believe that government spending should be cut and people should pay their "fair share" in taxes... but when you want to cut something that they get (oh... let's just say food stamps or financial assistance) or make them pay more taxes (perhaps cutting out the $1,500 child "credit" for example) people get really pissed off. Strange how that works, isn't it?

I agree. I believe stuff should be cut, but also, I wouldn't complain about it. I mean go ahead and cut the child credit. I don't have a child, but the way people talk about it? "I can only claim 2 so if you want, you can claim my 3rd"... Dafuq you mean? It's your child. I am having no part of defrauding the damn government. You smokin that good shit apparently!! And if I were to have a child, yeah, it'd be nice to claim and get that $1500 but... if it were cut and no longer existed, wouldn't complain. I understand things change.

Definitely agree though that people say to cut this and cut that, but when others talk about cutting what that person uses or needs, then they throw a hissy fit and riot.

Sheena = pedobear

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"America is not the greatest country in the world"

On a more serious note I am not a fan of either candidate, but what the hell has Obama done in the past four years? In my opinion not enough for another four years of hope and change.

Head unit: Pioneer P880prsFront stage: Alpine Type X 17PRO componentsComponent amp: PPI BK 800.4Subs: Two SSA XCON 12's in 4.5 cubes tuned to 34hzSub amp: PPI BK1300.1Sound Deadening: Second Skin Damplifier Pro, Spectrum, and Sludge

Team SSA

Team Alerion

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