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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/13 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. my Gopro's were locked in the Palms with the Lex and for some reason, my normal Sony Camera wouldn't acknowledge my finger (touch screen).....so i had to bust out the Iphone 5. I know it sucks for video but oh well, i couldn't not film this. Here we are rollin down the strip tearing shit up with 64 10's They are only RF P1's but there is so much cone area you wouldn't know that LOL Tim, if you are looking, it was a pleasure and i LOVE your van!
    1 point
  3. Your gonna have alot of fun with that blow through lol and people trip out when they see the hole in the cab, they do when they see mine
    1 point
  4. congrats bro! No one has ever heard of Fi, Skar, DC, or anything else really where i live either.
    1 point
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