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Status Replies posted by jcarter1885

  1. Played final flag football game tonight. Two people got thrown out of the game for unsportsmanlike conduct. People take it way too seriously.

  2. SP4 12"? yes please.

  3. SP4 12"? yes please.

  4. Why do people call crescendo equipment "nendo"? Where does that extra n come from?

  5. Just thought of something in the audio world that I've never seen or heard of. Now how to make it come to life?

  6. having no tweeters sucks!!! Amp comes in today but can't install it till next Friday because I have to reconfigure my whole amp rack.

  7. Eric stevens horns ordered.. next beymas, power window kits, and door fab.

  8. I went to valley battery(battery world) Friday to look at batteries and the guy said "voltage don't mean shit"

  9. So I became a Grandpa last Thursday to a a beautiful baby boy. This kid will be spoiled.

  10. My Tahoe brothers, did you have to unbolt one side of the drivers seat to run 0 gauge

  11. wonder what i said to gunnem to have him block me.... im sure it was offensive.

  12. Heard back from Crescendo today and they said that they have been prepping for a show they are putting on and it probably wont be till the end of the week till they test my amp. At least they emailed me back.

    1. jcarter1885


      Horrible customer service in my eyes. I used to love Crescendo Audio until I had my cs issues on the past.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. so there was a guy at the red light and he was yelling to shut down the music so he could listen to politics..me being an ass..i turn it up even more and added some bass in it..he then closed the window.. then i turned it up even more.. and watched him laughing my ass off..he was bitchin all the red light...

  14. wanted to know which 18" subs out there like small boxes. I know the DC Level 6 18" requires a 5.5 cub.feet after displacement. my current box is 11 cubs after disp. I have a sundown NS-1 @ 1.4ohms. would like to run it @ .5 or .7 on my next upgrade build. not sure what other subs tho.

  15. Seems to be a lot of butt-hurt due to lack of patience lately. "No one answered me fast enough, wahhh".

  16. It's my birthday, I'm 39 today & I only keep real people in my circle & I have enough good people around me that support me in what I do, I don't have time for negative, fake, or two faced people at all, if you're fake you gots to go, may your day go smooth as my bald head, later!

  17. prolly bout to order my amps for my knew set up

  18. what program does meade use to test his systems decibel levels with?

    1. jcarter1885


      Haha. There are only three of them so just pick one, not gonna make a difference if he uses it or not. TL is the most popular and used at majority of the competitions.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  19. Somebody posted a map of Texas showing which counties do and do not require emissions tests. I can't find it, any help?

    1. jcarter1885


      Learn something new everyday. I thought it was standard and didnt know it was limited to certain counties. And im from and i live in Texas.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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