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Everything posted by will77530

  1. they could read around 2 ohm or 4 ohm depends on what coils you have my guess is around 4 ohms sense you have two
  2. i believe it has something to do with how the format is changed
  3. have you tried contacting them (electronica direct)
  4. ok didnt see you had a scope too much reading lol sry so went back and re read everything and i dont really see your question it looks like you have all the steps pretty much down the only thing i would suggest is to not use that ssf you have and use the one on the amp no there is no way to get it precise with what you have
  5. yes i have i just think you dont understand how much of an accomplishment this is and how much work actually goes into it......ive worked on a trunk car that was doing 151.xx and i can say its way different than working in an suv and breaking a 150
  6. nothing against you but if you had 4 twelves in a tahoe i dont think youd be hitting a 157
  7. have you ever built a system in the trunk and broke a 150 not an easy accomplishment
  8. it would appear i may have fucked up my truck

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Emmet


      That video a...

    3. KillaCam


      I came to mention the hummer, but ive been beat to it.

    4. will77530
  9. dude ive been to your shop quite a few times now you always help me out and are super welcoming and humble about everything definately a cool guy in my books
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