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Everything posted by MrSkippyJ

  1. If you are adding CCF why bother with a second layer?
  2. Some really smart people that know a lot about bandpass enclosures (not me) will tell you to ignore the ratio.
  3. those are rated at 300 watts RMS, 800 RMS is way too much.
  4. Haha. one alternator company all up in another alternator companies business, should be fun
  5. if it were me, i wouldn't be relying on battery power to run that at .5 ohm, i would put money into a couple of really high quality, high output at low rpm alts.
  6. OOH fuck I feel stupid. Sorry about that.
  7. I'm sure this is me being ignorant, but what are you asking for??
  8. that is really nice man! can't wait to see it all back together!
  9. wouldn't let it trouble you too much. being blood doesn't mean anything really. if someone isn't in your life at all, what does it matter how they are related to you?
  10. my first system was 2 optimus 15s with horn tweeters in the back of my chevette running off an audiovox EQ. it was bad lol. 2 of these!
  11. It's around a 2.5 to 1 and it peaked at 48hz. But it is real musical, thats what I was after! We all know that some ratios and a peak tuning are not enough enclosure details for Triticum...lol
  12. I would wait and see what other people say, the 3000 might be fine too, I'm not really familiar with that sub. But me personally, I always tend to shy away from almost 2x RMS on a sub for daily use.
  13. If you are worried about how much electrical you have you could just run a smaller amp. That is a lot of power, you probably wouldn't be disappointed running the SCV-2000d. Just my opinion though.
  14. it was all good advice. Don't do it is perfect advice. Not sure how loud someone's setup is has anything to do with giving good advice.
  15. The problem with using them is they boost around a certain frequency. if you are literally only playing that one frequency they are fine, otherwise they usually aren't helpful. i personally would leave both turned off
  16. so you missed the question about how you set your gains...
  17. Im on board Nooooo don't ban ky!!!!!
  18. Thanks, it's a bit of a pain to report on mobile.
  19. I almost fell for a troll...boo
  20. If you understood what it was doing, you would understand the benefit.
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