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Everything posted by Freshman6969

  1. Someone really just pulled near me, turned there bass up looked at me and smirked, then he put his window up after I turned my shit up half way lmfao smh

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    2. HatersGonnaHate


      You'd be surprised. Especially while driving a 5-speed. I like to think of it as an awesome skill that I can put on my resume one day.

    3. Ballen194
    4. Crandis16
  2. If anyone.needs a sundown 4500 hit up Mike Bridge he needs it gone asap!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kyblack76


      i was just,.. nevermind...

    3. Sheena


      lol no nate did not just troll a status.

      thats adorable to the maximum.

    4. Kyblack76


      i thought i ... nevermind..

  3. Im up damnit

    1. KillaCam


      I woke up to my bitch neighbor banging on my window and peering threw it.

    2. Lbox88


      Should have given her the goat then.

    3. KillaCam


      I'm working on giving her something.

      Posted Image

  4. Fart can and rubberbands on a softtop Jeep, gtfo

    1. Socky


      its a mall crawler not a jeep then.

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  6. i dont ever have to turn the weather channel on, facebook is the new weather channel apparently....

  7. could prob get 500 off CL if you dont sell the h/u rcas and big 3 wire..
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  10. Cant fix stupid

    1. KillaCam


      You know that whole "duct tape fixes everything" saying? Well apply it to the mouth of said stupid individual.

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  12. Not looking foward to doing a 55 Chevy today

    1. n8ball2013


      old cars are easy as shit.

    2. pimpnFosgates


      do wat? oldies are goldies. especially to work on

    3. Azagtoth502


      you get to mess with a 55? times is hard...TIMES IS HARD

  13. plug in the 4ch rcas see if you get anything aswell...just think common sense youll figure it out
  14. he says they both light up in the first post man kranny your loosing your touch!! and i just noticed your llamas back...fuck yeah! edit: im an idiot LOL i thought you were splitting the rear rcas to the sub amp, dident noticed you had a subout...dont mind me just to be sure...your did plug the rcas into the INPUT of the amp right? not the output? my next guess would be put a test speaker on the amp see if you get anything out of it
  15. can you draw a diagram? i think i know what your saying but i wanna make sure...also the speaker outputs put out AC voltage, not DC.... could be a multitude of things....do the subs read correctly on the ohm setting on your meter? do you have them wired correctly....do you have power ground and turn on? have you tried a test speaker? i really need to see how you did the rcas, thats my best guess at your problem edit: kranny if he did that his rears would be playing low freq...correct? i could be wrong but thats why i ddient include it in mine
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  17. Why do I always gotta be the good guy

    1. tdsa23


      Its who you are happen to me to

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  19. Whos trying to go to AC for my bday

  20. your nothing but a hater

  21. Well 18 south is backed up to all hell

    1. Crandis16


      that's what the birm is for lol

  22. to all you girls doing drugs, that shit is not fucking attractive

    1. OrionStang


      I would like to add smoking cigarettes to the not fucking attractive list.

    2. KillaCam
  23. So my boss decides to shut the garage, turn the fan on and shove me in the back of a 2 door to take the deck out, instantly just lost 15lbs

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