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Status Updates posted by Freshman6969

  1. phones shut off...yeahhhhh

  2. Point the biggest skeptic out, ill make him a believer

  3. Power!! 8 days later -.-

    1. blownengine


      My parents were running on generator power for 5 days. it barely rained where I am.

    2. blownengine


      My parents were running on generator power for 5 days. it barely rained where I am.

    3. Freshman6969
  4. pullin the box out tom. for a few days, gunna get really high on some resin, paint, and glue, then enjoy my MPG go up for a few days ;)

  5. Pumpkin picking with the lady. =]

  6. real long day at work, time to kick back and drink a few

  7. really fuckin heated right now

  8. Rip Jeff Teamdeadlyhertz Lockhart youll be missed bro, great teammate and good friend, rest easy brother

    1. Azagtoth502


      was a cool guy from what I saw

    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Was a cool guy. Period. Surely will be missed.

    3. Baydestrian


      RIP, what happened?

  9. Sanchez couldent hit the side of a barn door...

    1. Katt


      he just takes the whole fuckin thing out.

  10. sayreville, then philly, leggo!

  11. Scarface type of night

    1. Kyblack76


      Your saying hello to your lil friend?

    2. Nick580
    3. MarioB


      got one for me?

  12. see the world as you wanna see it, not how your told to see it

  13. seeing as im out of work for a little bit, thinking about getting the wall done, should only take two days....hmmmmmmm

  14. she said she wanted to blow it before i put it in like a Nintendo game cartridge

  15. shenanigans!!! that is all...

  16. since I was forced to put my wallet in my other car, I have no id to buy cigerettes -.-

  17. Sitting outside since the otherguy forgot his keys and my boss isent coming till 10 fml

  18. Slappin bitches, grabin digets and I occasionally laugh at midgets

    1. KillaCam


      I'm a professional hoe smacker myself.

  19. so i need some extra hands to get my box done tom. anyone?

  20. so i saw one of the new scion fr-s this morning, i came...

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