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Status Updates posted by Autruche

  1. Wouldn't you know it, short by one 0 guage terminal. I guess I'll pick one up when I'm done with my job interview. Then I'll show you guys something neat.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Autruche


      Dammit, stop rubbing it in.

    3. n8ball2013


      ive got 4,8, 1/0 and a few 4/0 hows that

    4. BassJunkie


      I hate when this happens! Usually is caused by me effing one up by accident.

  2. Just ordered 1000 feet of 14 gauge speaker wire. That's right, 1000 feet.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. blownengine


      Whats next? Hmmmmm........

    3. BeatBox


      Overkill? nah stocking up for 2012 lol

    4. Autruche


      There will be pics when it gets here. And it's not overkill, I plan on running full 4 way active, and with 48 speakers that will each get their own separate wires, I need about 700-800 feet of speaker wire.

  3. Might be doing a blowthrough for a friend... Any good places online to get an acordion boot?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Autruche


      I said a good place.

    3. ineeDBass419


      lol thats the cheapest i found.15 feet for 70ish.everything else was $6-9 a foot

    4. Autruche


      I don't do cheap, I believe in getting what you pay for. I know a there are more than a few guys on here with blowthroughs, so hopefully they'll chime in.

  4. I think my battery is going to shit.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Autruche


      Wouldn't do me any good. I can't afford to get a pack of AA's, so a new car battery is out of the question, I just hope it lasts me the rest of winter. If not, I guess I'll have to push start it.

    3. Watch the bass

      Watch the bass

      He want 80 $ for lookalike Battcaps

      and have other sizes

      for damm cheap.

    4. Autruche


      Seriously, even if he only wanted $10, I couldn't afford it.

  5. AQ earbuds are really disappointing. There isn't shit for bass below 40Hz.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. blownengine


      Thats why I use my truck for bass. No way I am ever dropping 150 on Beats or anything

    3. Autruche


      They came free with my friend's AQ2200 because of a delay, and he let me have them. So no complaints on price.

    4. E a r t h

      E a r t h

      have you heard the DD ones too?

  6. What the hell is with all of the 4th orders lately? I mean, I have nothing against them, it's just that it seems like everyone and their grandma are making 4th orders...

    1. nCOMP1337


      cause they get loud, LOL

      i dunno myself, im more interested in a 6th order or t-line, but not as popular it seems

    2. cc_audio


      Back in the day, when errbody ran sealed. I'm sure some hater of change like you said "Hey, whats up with these ported boxes. It seems everyone and their sister is starting to run them." 4th orders are loud and are currently being perfected.

    3. Autruche


      I'm no hater on bandpasses bro, In fact I clearly said so already. It just seems odd that everyone is doing them now. I agree with Kynto though, I'm more interested in 6th orders.

  7. Redoing my test tones and sine waves thread. Going to get new sie waves and they will be downloadable in groups of 10.

    1. Autruche


      New tones are done. same -4.2dB amplitude and 60 secs long each but they have new fade-ins and fade-outs and are downloadable in groups of ten. Should be more convenient.

    2. OrionStang


      how bout a link

    3. Autruche


      There's a link to my thread in my sig. It's all one big ass file right now, but later on today I should have everything up with the new stuff. The fade-ins on the old zip sometimes caused a popping sound. But the new tones have a 3 second fade-in instead of a 1 second like the old ones.

  8. Uploading nearly a gig of brand new tones. This is going to take a while!

    1. Autruche


      26 uploads complete... 30 more to go...

    2. Autruche


      15 left... My internet is so damn slow...

    3. Autruche


      Almost... Done... Uploading...

  9. Drinking beer and doing some box designs.

    1. blownengine


      I hope you dont wake up and look at the designs and say "What the hell was I thinking?" Haha

    2. blownengine


      I hope you dont wake up and look at the designs and say "What the hell was I thinking?" Haha

    3. Autruche


      I didn't drink that much beer, lol.

  10. Building a box for a friend, but screw standing out in the cold garage all night to do it. I'm building it in my living room.

    1. blownengine


      In the winter I cut the pieces in the garage and assemble in the basement. Like a boss.

    2. Autruche


      Exactly what I'm doing, but I have no basement. If I had a basement I'd have my whole workshop down there.

    3. OrionStang


      I got sunburned today doing my box. Why the hell was it 82 degrees at the end of December?

  11. I had a dream about running power wires in my car. I guess that means I need to run my 2nd power and 2 ground wires today.

    1. blownengine


      Dreams about your car are the best!

    2. Autruche


      Yeah, but this shit was way easier in my dream, lol.

  12. Why is it that the bots only ever seem to start threads in the XS Power section? Odd.

    1. Autruche


      Also, why the hell do I get an error whenever I go to report them?

    2. Omega5002


      Yeah, I noticed the spam problem lately. One was a phone ad, and another was porn.

  13. Just landed a job as an electrician! Unfortunately I don't start until April.

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      Congrats man! At least you have a job waiting for you, and when you do start, money is gonna come quick and easy!

    2. KillaCam
  14. Just got my DEH80PRS in!

    1. BassJunkie
    2. Autruche


      I have yet to install it though. I am getting a migraine trying to figure out how to use the damn thing, lol.

  15. I just thought... At this rate, by the time I'm done with my build they'll be giving away a jetpack for SOTM... Or it will be the day before the world ends...

    1. skittlesRgood


      your build, like everyone's, will never be done.

    2. bassinblazer


      I feel your pain, I am still waiting on my refund check to get goin on mine!

  16. Standing 20 feet away from my car with the windows down, you can still feel it hitting you in the chest and moving your hair. that's on less than half power, time to get the second alt in there and open my sundown up.

    1. n8ball2013


      how many stock interior panels do you have left? cant be many!

    2. Autruche


      I've only broken one of my A-pillar panels and my radar detector so far.

  17. To go along with my 0dB, -2.1dB, and -4.2dB tuning tones, I just made and am working on uploading 1-100Hz tones in 0db, -2.4dB, and -4.2dB amplitudes.

    1. Autruche


      This is going to take a while though. I have slow ass internet.

  18. Smokin a cigar listening to Pink Floyd

    1. bumpinTL364


      that's the life right there...

  19. After nearly two years, I changed my avatar. lulz.

    1. siccostyle


      Thats funny cause I noticed that today. I was like WTF who is this guy using the saab guys name??? hahahhahaha then I seen the sig and was like ohhhhh he change his avi hahahahahahah

  20. Was a hot one today. Hopefully it'll be cooler tomorrow.

    1. BassJunkie


      A humid one today as well.

  21. LED instrument cluster conversion? I think so.

    1. GiAnT4LYFE


      Post a tutorial if you would. I want to switch my GP to blue lights, instead of the red/orange that they are. Thx.

  22. Uploading all new tones for my tones thread.

    1. Autruche


      Files are all uploaded. I will update the links in the thread when I wake up. Later folks.

  23. Landed a job. Looking to get a better one soon so I can get my build back on track.

  24. Bumpin my new RE in the house powered off of my TV's internal amp. Getting 5.3 watts @ 6.28 ohms reactive, sitting in a 6 cube box tuned to 30Hz. I missed having low end.. Yes, I'm bored.

  25. Wow... 21 downloads of my bass added Hotel California already, not bad for posting it only 9 hours ago.

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