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Everything posted by woodzyspl

  1. H: chicken breast with chilli flakes. T: KFC S: ice cream..im addicted to it
  2. sex, im a sex addict. i need it atleast once a day...but thats good right? lol and starting a new build
  3. well, that would suck lol how bad is it tho? as in NOTHING sticks to it? or just not as strong as others
  4. dam net crashed, but sick. but is it possible build a extreme car to peak at like 45 but play down to 30? i wanna bassrace 160+ lol but i love extreme cars and wanted to jizz when saw inside it.
  5. nice! and i think we have a second skin rep over here now at my mates shop, gonna have try get me some prices and stickers lol
  6. with 4 12's we got a 149-150 from less then 3k then a 152.2 from 9k. yet with 2 15s in slightly diffren't box the 3k did a 142 then 9k did 153.4 then with 1 15 3k and 9k was only 1db diff, don't remember scores tho.. yeh teammate loves building 100's of boxes 2 days before a comp and we try build a wall in under 2 days, still got a 152 lol our first wall so i suppose every box diff lol
  7. you know how you see drag cars with big scoops on bonnet, that would be only way id fit 5 in stacked up lol
  8. nice scores, one day i will be up there can i haz team dc aus lol
  9. hmm send this to friends.. http://www.google.com.au/#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&safe=off&source=hp&q=do+a+barrell+roll&pbx=1&oq=do+a+barrell+roll&aq=f&aqi=g-s4&aql=1&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=5831l63063l1l63492l1l1l0l0l0l0l261l261l2-1l1l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=8d4669255e001ef5&biw=1024&bih=485
  10. bump if anyone knows someone or has some
  11. wouldn't a small mounting plate do it lol but dc level 6 is sexy as..
  12. how much are they tho? considering asking dc to custom make one for me lol
  13. as title says i need about 3. dunno what they usually cost lol gonna recone 3 with either dc or psi or i dunno yet but wanna try some 18's, altho nobody here in aus seems have any lol so yeh any basket really that will fit im up to try. cheers
  14. i was always told port behind subs is a NO NO. why did this work here?? only good for burps? how is it louder then subs and port back?
  15. agree TL it for the fun of it..say where you normally work..any score over 130 would be sick lol
  16. what about when they 2volt cells wired up to 18v LOL make it bit harder, but i guess your right. hmm
  17. is. going from 18v and drop to 14v after bassrace bad for amp? seeing it ment take 14v.. not that i am gonna drop that low lol but i don't see why it would be bad
  18. well im getting these 4 big ass batts, weigh in at about 600pounds just them LOL if not enough add MOREEE
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