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Status Updates posted by gally

  1. finished a slot ported 4.8cuft box tuned to 32, tried a couple of songs..sounds good but needs a little bit of something

  2. finished the 5th night shft this morning...feeling somehow, relaxed...slept for over 8 hours...and enyoing the 2 day off..

  3. finished the box for a 15 incher..aero ports are on the outside of the box, cause it sounds so much better(at least to me) also tuned it a little bit higher than normal and sort of did a not so good of a job with carpenting the box..(never carpented a box before)

    1. bolanorthhighlands
    2. gally


      yeah..dont know how to say it properly..

      like i never did liek wrapped a box with carpet..or somehting

    3. Jessica


      carpet is a bitch to work with. just takes practice

  4. finnaly its here..finnaly i got the time to get it ..pics commingf soon

  5. first snow over here...its been snowing for all the day..over 15cm of snow, just today....need to warm up my 4wheeler to get me some fun :)



      you need one of these.

  6. found a nice car for me..but it is a sedan version so its a no go cause then i would need to fold the seats all the time..so next either a hatch or a wagon

    1. Miguels


      Stop being a pussy and port the deck.. If you like the car then get it and make it work

    2. OrionStang
    3. Broke_Audio_Addict
  7. found me a good deal..gonna get me a Galaxy S4 as soon as i get up...local shop has 50% off of older model of galaxy S4,S5...

    1. Phaeton


      if i give you money will you buy me a phone? lol

    2. gally


      probably no...moere or less

  8. found out that my car needs some special 40pin canbus adapter for working to other aftermarket radios...that piece of shit costs nearly 40€

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gally


      had some cars before and you buy the adaptor and everthing was fine...now on the newer models you have to buy different adapters for a single aftermarket radio to play..

    3. OrionStang


      So buy the fucking adapters and carry on.

    4. gally


      cant....other than that adapter there is another adapter that gets in between the first adapter and the radio...and i could not find it anywhere

  9. found out why my sub gets hot...small box...well i built today a way bigger box tuned to 37-38..lets play

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nikitaaa


      A smaller box increases thermal handling if the sub is being overdriven in a larger enclosure and it is causing the sub to heat up

    3. BoomZoom808


      I would think smaller box helps mechanical power handling not thermal...

  10. found that my quad chasis is broken in the middle...need repairing, but it need to wait for a couple of weeks before i get it repaired, also the twist throttle is really tricky to drive with and also need some new front tires

    1. mcfalcon


      Damn man. I just bought our first quads and im trying to learn about them now.

    2. gally


      they are fun to ride especially in woods, snow

  11. Fuck it..im getting me either a 3 door or a SW

    1. boom50cal


      station wagon? Wagon's are the bees knees. Love them now, like the new V60 T6 AWD!

    2. RCP Audio

      RCP Audio

      heck yeah! my old man just picked up a xf sportbrake. that thing is mint!

    3. gally


      i hear that they are good for bass, and have plenty of space...

  12. fuck man..the new civic type R looks verry nice..also the older ones looks good..might get one in the future..

  13. fuck the saving space...now i cant even put a decent box in my trunk space...guess i will need to relocate my amp position...damn..and i thought i would bang some GZ today

  14. fuck..got a deal for a car and when i came by today the seller told me the car was sold this morning for way less than i would have bought it..fuck that..also my quad need some new tyres..

  15. GAVE UP with the plexi glass...well im gonna finish my box for my new 12 incher...and then bass...literally cant wait..(oh..-.a 100 for a DD 2512?))

  16. gettin 2 12s for now maybe 4 12 in future....done wit hthe 15s...recones are so pricey...

    1. gally
    2. OrionStang


      Stop blowing them 15s, then.

    3. Kyblack76


      never reconed a sub in my entire audio life. ... :shrugs:

  17. getting an SUV over here is a pain in the ass it seems..

  18. Getting another M1B this afternoon

  19. getting pissed off,,,these new cars have all the Fakra inputs...and i have to relcate the antenna, because the stock radio had in in the fakra connector...damn...

    1. Azagtoth502


      ya gotta spike the ball fakra!

  20. Getting TIRED of murdering the bass remote of my DD amp...ordered a couple of PAC LC1

  21. going for a aero ported box maybe this time...dont know yet

  22. going on either a Dragster ir a Ground Zero newish series subwoofer..

  23. Going to do a box for a single 12inch and plaing with 2 aero ports of a diameter of 8cm each..ports are gonna stick outside as well as the sub is going to be inverted

  24. going to italy today....gonna get me some subs

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gally


      pizzas are pretty good if you know the plAce to go to...other than that...meatballs...mmmm

    3. IBleedMusick


      I will send you my shopping list while you're there.

  25. going to try and build me a gaming pc so i can join you guys here on SMD and play with you..also..build is going to be slow..

    1. LoweredA34


      If you want any help with parts and such tell me your total budget and I'll get you setup with something nice on pcpartpicker.

    2. gally


      got me some sweet parts already on the list..

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