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Status Updates posted by ProMaxx316

  1. Damn rain. I was gonna see if my car was gonna be green by the end of the month. And i wanted to do my front door speakers damn it. Oh well. We need some rain.

    1. Kyblack76


      sucks balls huh...

      And, i was in a groove on my build..... in the zone so to speak..

    2. ProMaxx316


      well i guess i'll be doing some COD tomorrow then. I bet treyarch did some shit to make all this rain happen.

  2. Played the power ball today. I'll give SMD a shout out when i win. make sure you guys play.

    1. imnew59585


      Powerball is like 600+ mill correct

    2. ProMaxx316


      yes it is. It's gonna be insane if no one gets it.

    3. purplesyrup


      Sweet man if you win I'll split it with ya!

  3. The bridge is over, the bridge is over

  4. On my way to work i see a DHL and UPS truck racing down the highway. I mean going in and out of traffic hauling ass. Im sure i saw the DHL truck put it's hazards on ftw.

    1. boom50cal


      That woulda made my day lol.

  5. $1.09 188 tracks of Orchestra music on amazon. Ehh why not.

    1. 8ight


      You can't go wrong unless it's low-quality files. Never bought music from Amazon, if I can get this lossless I will.

    2. ProMaxx316


      I downloaded all the tracks on the amazon mobile app. If you look for the album it is Big Haydn Box - Various Artists.

  6. I like calling part places and asking if they got a bottle of Complicated Green.

    1. revoracing247


      lol did you find any?

    2. ProMaxx316


      I had to go with the next best thing. Simple Green

    3. Jessica


      Is that the "prince Albert in a can" of our generation? lol

  7. The Master and Slave have gone bad. Clutch Master and Slave that is. Oh well it's only money. Get it every friday (or every other). And i need a car to get that money.

  8. Broken front engine mount bracket FTW

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ProMaxx316


      I know what i could send ya if the money is right. A nice 10" Fi BL that would go perfect in your car ;)

    3. WastedTalent


      Haha. Not a XS 3400? Not some RE XXX comps? Not even wire, spacers, or fuses? (my build list haha)

    4. ProMaxx316


      nah cant help you there. I do have about 135' of 12 gauge wire.

  9. let see if I can score me this 10" Fi bl today.

  10. Well one the 8" speaker is slowly dying. But if i replace one. the other 3 looks older. Then i would have to replace 4. For just one going out. Now what P.A. am i gonna replace with?

  11. Woohoo new windsheild getting put in tomorrow. No it's not from bass. Not loud yet. 236k worth of grit and my windsheild looks like it's sand blasted.

  12. Park my car. Start my little walk to bodega. hear a loud pop. Now i dont know what kind of bird this was. But im suprised the bird crap didn't break my window. Hell if it hit my head i think i would of been knocked out.

    1. 8ight


      Sounds like you were in Dallas

  13. once and a while a little salsa & merengue to change it up a little.

    1. 8ight
    2. __d_a_v_i_d__


      I get down in merengue lol

  14. Pre-Order the S4 or wait it out??????

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Wasted, get rid of that flip phone! LOL. Looking like Zack Morris and shit haha

    3. WastedTalent


      No, Zack had the brick. C'mon now. Mine's just a tad better than that. Look up the Samsung Gusto and mine's very similar. So figure wait til the 27th when Sprint is releasing theirs and hopefully I'll find a store with one in stock. This pos phone can last until then

    4. IBleedMusick


      I mean anything on the market right now is going to touch this phone. The S4 is basically this phone.

  15. Moday. So far so good. Pandora played a good set of music with minimal ads, traffic wasn't to bad, won $75 on scratch offs. But the deli made my sandwich wrong :(. That's alright cant win them all.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ProMaxx316


      i was craving for a good Bacon egg, and cheese, with a egg cooked over easy with the yolk dripping ever gracefully on to a toasted roll. Then they give me a sausage egg and cheese scrambled with ketchup. I still ate and gave tip.

    3. 8ight


      You can deal with Pandora quality in the car?

    4. ProMaxx316


      Pandora was playing some good tracks, with not many ads killing the drive. I use to play music off USB but my headunit is good with my S3.

  16. Customer phone call - Hello you do mufflers? Me: Yes, What kind of car you have? Customer : a 90sumtin Toyota Accord. Me: That changes things sir. That is a very rare car that i never heard of. Maybe Jay Leno might wanna buy it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bigsix


      how the fuck do you not even know what you drive around in everyday?

    3. Keith77


      Six you would be surprised. I get that every day.

    4. Bigsix


      lmao. stupid people are stupid. I deal with some of the dumbest on a daily basis myself. I am not surprised at all by the stupid, just wonder hoe the f some of these morons function every day without having someone hold their hand.

  17. Coffee Is For Closers.

  18. Yeah buddy. Sold the 6x9 local, and got money owned for a sandwich bet. wallet not full of lint today.

  19. Customer : i think i hit something and my Trans is acting up. Me: Let's take a look. (check car in shop). Go to customer holding rag with aluminum/steel peaces of trans) Customer: Ha April fools right? Me: No you need a trans.

    1. Kyblack76


      Tell him if you wanted a joke, youd follow him into the john, and watch him take a leak.

    2. 8ight


      "April what? No, you fucked your shit up."

  20. Flat tire FTL. Doughnut Tire under sub box FTL. Good thing 50series support my car enough to get to my job to buy new tire.

  21. 216 million dollars. i'll invest into that.

  22. talking to myself on the drive to work. What's that noise? *turns radio down* Lots of loose interior noise and semi trucks squeeking brakes. Ok all normal *turn radio back up*

    1. Azagtoth502
    2. WastedTalent


      Lmfao. I get that same thing, except smells. I drive by some power plants or somethin where OH LAWDY... it smells. I thought I blew my subs or somethin one day, no joke. But nope, just that area.

  23. Got the thumbs up for police officer when blasting Stevie Ray Vaughan cover of Voodoo child. He even did a little air guitar action.

    1. ProMaxx316
    2. Carbon


      the peter griffin version lol

  24. Well ma'am, if you dont want you car to smell like weed, tell your son to stop smoking in it, or take the bag stuffed near the cabin air filter out.

    1. ProMaxx316


      She trying to act like she dont know.

  25. More work stuff. Cutomer giving me hard time. Me: Sir if i wanted someone giving me a time every morning i would of got married.

    1. n8ball2013


      you havent learned how to sympathize while telling them to fuck off yet.

    2. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      ^^ its a skill you will learn over time... or become a telephonic CSR lol i learned in quick

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