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Everything posted by evermaxx

  1. Anyone have/know where to get CCA 8gauge speaker wire? MUST BE RED/BLACK

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    2. Karkov
    3. Karkov


      Did you ever find any??

    4. evermaxx


      No.. I texted Jon and he said he has some coming in.. but, I need some pretty soon, I wouldn't mind going with what you posted but its shiny af lol. I messaged the seller and he sent me a pic.

  2. I had that problem in my Mazda 6... Bought a LC6i and it took that problem away.
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  12. This build is top notch dude. That sundown logo set this box off!!!!!
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  15. Came out this morning, and none of my rear doors will open, nor the hatch... WTF

    1. hdorre


      bruh. Chrysler elect problems.. Dads ram has similar shit going on.

  16. Someone got butt hurt LOL. There is PLENTY of videos and threads on it. Search your damn self.
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