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Status Replies posted by SnowDrifter

  1. site just went offline for a minute, now its slow. guess all the gun pics in the RPP has the NSA squirming a bit. lmaoi

  2. Today is Psyph's B-Day? Happy Birthday, man!!!!

  3. They should have made The Statue Of Liberty out of SHCA OFC.

  4. just DEMOLISHED the windshield on the DGAF tercel and broke a 160.2 at the dash! Instagram video clip is up and i am working on a YT video now. The 7" roundover on the port made a huge difference although it keeps blowing out even with large screws and washers.

  5. I moved my alternator ground from the battery and now my shit stays above 14. Why?

  6. Since I already took my final exam, im not real motivated to go to the last class meeting tonight. Still stuff to learn I guess.

  7. Why did I wait so long to get ABP? Awesomeness.

  8. Just heard the blazer back at full power. Sounds great, always love getting a demo from that thing

  9. So um what's everyone see for my avatar

  10. So um what's everyone see for my avatar

  11. That moment when you accidentally drop a wrench across bus bars..

  12. Anyone on here with connections to DC power? I need a rebuild kit - pulley, brushes, bearings, but they don't want to sell to me, insist I send the alt there. I don't want to wait

  13. wifes republic of gamers laptop showed up today. such a little beast.

  14. Hank blows amps.... at battery rest.. good job hank..... you dumb ass..

  15. Just got email from XS power on their super cells, who else got said email?

  16. So, today marks the one year anniversary since I last worked, since my injury. So depressing to think about a wasted year of life, life is too short already.

  17. You guys with super caps, have you ever jumped anyone off? I'm just wondering would there be a spark show.

  18. For some reason my alternator didn't start this morning? I was driving and noticed my voltage at 11.8, pulled over turned off car and back on and it was at 14.9. Any idea what could cause this?

  19. Did I just do Peyote in the desert? Or was I just listening to Wicked Game by Chris Isaak?

  20. Remember those HIDs I've been working on for the past 6mo? They're almost done. Waiting for glue to dry then comes assembly. N8, you have some competition for world's slowest worker

  21. A 162 on music daily vehicle is being sold near me for a little over 19. Droool

  22. is it bad when u have your system full tilt and the lady next to you covers her ears and all your Windows our up and so or hers?

  23. Man, sad to see the black nasty smashed. beautiful truck, hope he gets it fixed soon

  24. FOAD lithium on the way

  25. is anyone else having issues with the site?

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