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Everything posted by Ecco

  1. Respond to my email about banners! Also, there are 2 logos that I would like to add to it!

  2. Isn't that theft? Anyways, back on topic. Congrats! I bank at Bank of America. Glad to hear that ya got a job.
  3. Lots of prep. When the paint goes on, any laziness or cut corners will come out sooner or later. make sure everything is sanded and looks nice before you even think of painting. Also, fix minor dents. might seen insanely tedious, but the look just improves dramatically. I guess I don't need to tell you about how to apply the paint with the gun.
  4. That does look a lot better. I still do prefer your old Lexus, but hey, can't get it back. Looks good though for sure. Nice blue calipers.
  5. I've never heard of that brand ever. Personally, I wouldn't. But just because I've never delt with that brand or had anyone talk about them at all.
  6. From what I know about current technology, we aren't even close to having this kind of stuff available for consumers, if it's even possible. The technology for this would be insanely complicated and filled with problems..
  7. These guys are way too good.
  8. I'm sure in context, it was quite humorous. Butttttt.... What do I know.
  9. How much ground clearance does that thing have?
  10. On this page, go up to where you see your name at the top. Just right of your name is a little red arrow. click it, than when the menu pops down, click "My Content". That's it. It works for everyone.
  11. I was in 4th grade. My mom was listening to the radio while getting ready for the day, she heard the news. I walked into their bedroom as my dad turned on the TV to the news. I knew something bad happened, but at that age, I couldn't grasp the severity. I think seeing that has made me want to be a firefighter today. God bless all of the innocent people who were victims, their families, and those that risked their lives to help their fellow man.
  12. I contacted Dwight for my sub. Uhmmm Tell him the situation, and I'm sure he'll help you or find someone else. Also, your local rep might get a talkin' to. I wouldn't like hearing that at all. And under the DC thing on here, there's a list of all the people you can contact (local dealers and if you don't have a local dealer).
  13. I've heard that Boss was bad from some people I've ran into.
  14. Dude, you should play this with your system:

    Played it with my little 10" and man, that thing rattled my cab like no other. :P

  15. I would love to sit in that seat! Unfortunately, I'd never drive all the way down. But man, looks like he enjoyed the upgrade for sure!
  16. Glad to hear that you're joining! I have a friend in the Air force, and a friend in the Marines who is currently stationed in Japan. They both love it.
  17. Do you guys see anything from the Oregon fires, east side of Mt. Hood and central Oregon both? I have a friend who's currently battling those fires.
  18. Jealous of his system! But my Ford doesn't have that room in the back. And I'm worried about theft, so I'm keeping it as incognito as I can. (I'm strapped for cash big time). Besides, my truck is a work horse. In the future (sometime), I'll get a proper system in a second hand car. Steve, if you find yourself up north in Portland, give me a shout, maybe you can check up on my truck and it's 'system'
  19. I'm pretty sure that if you do get money from the videos, YouTube will have links where you can buy them off of iTunes or Amazon. I would think that the edited songs aren't that big of a deal, but YouTube might think differently. Written permission from Decaf should be used though, it's always good to have that. Basically, it really just depends on the popularity of the song that's altered, but (from my experiences) it should be ok for some songs.
  20. This is gonna be an awesome build, I can tell already! Good luck!!
  21. Both of the dogs I have are rescued. One's a German Shepard Blue Healer mix (Murphy), and the other is a Blue Healer Border Collie mix (Molly). Molly has hip problems, but she's still full of life. They're both about 11 years old, but they might as well be 4. They act the same as they did, it's amazing. By the way, an old neighbor of mine had a bassethound named George, and his, ahem, "transmission" was nearly scraping the ground. That's what I see when I hear bassethounds. But good job with saving that little guy! :drinks:
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