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Everything posted by sprkn_ranger

  1. Do you know if this works with the Bose 6 disk head unit?
  2. DD-1 > clip light. The DD-1 Was designed specifically to detect clipping/distortion. Trust your tools my friend Edit- oh and you should relocate your ground from the seatbelt bolt to a strut tower or the chassis.
  3. Good luck man! I think it would be a very good gig for you. As far as your past injuries, I don't think it should impair you as long as you can prove your capable of performing the job, but I don't know how they handle things like that. Anyways, good luck again bro Edit- I do think you should still finish your classes while going through the process as well... It will only better your chances (obviously)
  4. I would really like to hear your thoughts about this if you have a min...pm me if you want
  5. Where is it grounded at? Do you have the big 3 done? And where did you check the voltage at?
  6. Check your ground. Where is the amp grounded at? Is it sanded down to bare metal?
  7. Dang man I'm so sorry for your loss, my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family.
  8. If you build the right enclosure for them, and tune your amp properly then you shouldn't ever blow one in the first place. I would go with the 4 12's
  9. How long will the 30% off you guys offered going to happen for? Cause I unfortunately did not win any Congrats to all the winners though!
  10. Man, I'm sorry for the tough times. I've been there quite a bit the last few years because the type of work I do (construction) is pretty dependent on real estate, so I know all too well the feeling. Just get out there and pound the pavement man, eventually you'll find something worth while. Ad be persistent! Remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Good luck bro
  11. 220 for parts?? That's kinda pricey IMO. Hmm, have you tried taking it apart to see what the screen manufacturer is? Might be kinda hard to source that digitizer cause they are usualy made specific for the product.
  12. Does the screen still work? Like the touch screen part? You might be able to replace the digitizer glass but not sure if they even make one for that particular screen you can buy. Probably be best to send it in and see if the manufacturer can fix it for you.
  13. Did you add .75" to the outer dimensions of the box and then put 1 in the "number of extra baffles box? That's the way you want to do it. And then once you get that you can mess around with the port length to get the tuning you want. Just remember when you change the port length, it changes the net volume.
  14. When you add extra baffles, the calc still uses the outside dimensions you put in. So if your useing .75 thick wood then the calc will show your volume decrease by however much another baffle takes up.
  15. COD is hacked on Xbox live?? How do you know if your getting hacked or whatever?
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