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Status Updates posted by Amart88

  1. Can you put oil paint over resin without sanding?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amart88


      I meant will it stick ok?

    3. Lbox88


      I would want to sand it first, even if it's not baby smooth so that the paint has something to fill into and hold onto.

    4. thefourth


      Oil based paint will go over just about anything.

  2. Changed the oil in my blazer today, made a big mess and almost started a fire. Still got it done though. LOL

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      LOL quite the adventure

    3. iceman1575


      One of my buddies was changing his oil in the station, no filter wrench or anything else to take it off, so he spent the good part of an hour to hour and a half screaming, cussing, and punching his truck. At one point, I had thought he was going to turn into the Hulk and throw the truck through the roof. Finally got it off, screaming "I GOT YOU, YOU MOTHERFUCKER" and his mom walks in the station. Funniest oil change I've ever seen.

    4. SnowDrifter


      Tell him to hammer a screwdriver through the filter next time and use that to turn it

  3. Changes the oil in my blazer today, made a big mess and almost started a fire. Still got it done though. LOL

  4. Cold enough to freeze the nuts off a steel bridge out there....

    1. Borris The Blade

      Borris The Blade

      Tell me about it. Got a high of -3 tomorrow, just awesome...

    2. IBleedMusick


      73 Degrees over here and Sunny outside :good:

    3. KillaCam


      63 and sunny here

  5. Damn cordless drill crapped out.... Figures. Bosch here we come!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amart88


      lol. Yes Sir! The Hitachi's been good to me I can't complain.

      Got the Bosch 36618-02. Can;t wait to try it out.

    3. Kyblack76
    4. Amart88


      Got it. Did it Used it. Love it.

  6. Damn snow up to my axles.. guess I got the day off.

    1. Amart88
    2. Keith77


      The day I see that much snow where I live is the day hell is freezing over.. 70* today

  7. Damn vacuum leak in the truck... it never ends.

    1. Amart88


      fixed. Works good now. :)

    2. Kyblack76


      I had one just last week also. My air selection was stuck on defrost. Found out where a hose popped off. Crammed it on and boom. I suspect it will always be like his on a 15 year old vehicle. Not to mention I'm beating the shit outta mine daily. :)

    3. Amart88


      Yep, mine also runs my 4x4 selector. So doing 80mph the front alxe tries to commit suicide. Mine pops off in the drivers side fender. I got new hose and replaced it. Nice and tight.

  8. Decisions, decisions...

  9. First day of march... and -20.. awesome...

    1. locomanny569


      -20? ...... fuck lol

    2. Karkov
    3. locomanny569


      its 34 in RI and I thought it was bad .. guess not

  10. FML... was fitting door panels when I notice condensation inside my whole box... fuck. Wiped what I could reach... hope the paint holds up...

    1. Karkov


      subwoofer box?!?! FUUUUUUCK man, shit.....better turn the heater on high or something, temperature changes outside are a bitch!

    2. Amart88


      Yeah some of it. It has like 3 layers of alkyd rust paint also. It only lasted 5-10 mins and evaporated. scared the fak out of me. I pulled the truck into the hot garage and opened the door like an idiot.

  11. Free shipping is such a load of crap.. why does the extra 2% distance needed to get from the USA into Canada go from free to damn ridiculous..

    1. OrionStang


      You need a friend just this side of the border to ship to. Then just drive across and get your shit, and go home.

    2. Amart88


      Yessir! I wish. I don't mind the small stuff but tons of batts or woofers adds up fast. I paid almost 200 to ship my old btl's and another 200 at the door.

  12. Ft1's otw. Now for the pwx's :D

  13. Full day of glassing tomorrow... I caaaant waaait! lol

  14. Going through bass withdrawal... Can't wait for double the power :)

  15. Got a fiberglass hangover...lol

  16. Got a sweet deal on a tablesaw. can;t wait :D

  17. Got an iv stuck in my arm for the night....

    1. Keith77


      Main Vain the red bull to get some work done? LOL

    2. Amart88
    3. Kyblack76


      Reminds me of high school.....

  18. Got half a case of beer sitting here... can't drink it because of meds... fuuuuuuuuu...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Keith77


      he might be on antibiotics

    3. Amart88


      Yep, I am. Hopefully tomorrows the last day.

    4. ChevyBoy95


      ATM im drinking a saint arnolds endeavor (double IPA).... yum... get well

  19. Got the garage roof fixed, arm is healing and it's friday. Nuff said.

  20. Got the truck all back together and playing. Can't wait for my other amp next week.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amart88


      Yep. lol after all winter, my nose and ears were tickling on 25/33

    3. WastedTalent


      I only went a week. New alt and amp and my voltage...poof. So had the entire system practically "whispering" haha. Re-did some wiring, found out a fuse....didn't blow but disintegrated. Replaced it and 14.6 in the rear and we good to go. Lol.

    4. Amart88


      Hell yeah. I notices one of my kicker 300 amp anl's was pretty black and tarnished but not blown. I replaced it anyways.

  21. Got the truck undercoated, got to let it pound down all the dirt roads. Had a good morning

    1. Kyblack76


      Nice. I need to do that.

  22. Gotta get some custom U-bolts made up, nobody carries the damn things..

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Karkov


      When I did my add-a-leaf I had to get different than stock ones as well but the local O'Riellys had some I nabbed from the isle...

    3. Amart88


      yeah... i'll likely end up destroying mine trying to get em off. East coast salt and corrosion ftl

    4. Keith77


      oh yeah I forgot about you all and salt snow and rust.. Im in southern NM Dry heat dust no rust

  23. half foot of snow today on april 1st..... mother natures april fools joke..

    1. deathcards


      that bitch i know the feels got 1 foot of snow with 3 foot drifts and now its fucking melting

  24. Hate when you go to start the day and realize you are out of something you need.

  25. havnt been this drunk in a while lollll

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