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Everything posted by IBleedMusick

  1. Are you talking to me or IV?
  2. how much do u want for it but im looking for somthing big They are 15's its on my for sale thread I would like $103.30 shipped bishes is heavy so shipping will be a bitch but it would be the whole sub too.
  3. it looks like he came out of the closet with sunglasses on to take the pic, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about lol
  4. Not to mention Haters will be fapping and pouring hot oils on himself to all of you guys pics .
  5. I have 2 cvx's I can sell you the motors from if you're interested pm me don't know if that counts as big.
  6. There is something extremely weird about a bunch of dudes looking at pics of each other I'm just saying. Haters, I bet you feel right at home . Waiting for the pics of the shirtless dudes.
  7. I have a big ass King of Fans in my home garage and I know how you feel it gets hot as the Devils balls in there but I crank that baby on full and it keeps the air circulating. Your boss could also look at spot coolers not sure if they would work well in a garage but we use them in both of our server rooms in my office and they are great when the A/C in the building is on the fritz.
  8. Can you buy pre made durable shims?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. n8ball2013


      fixmyspeaker dummy

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      Lol shut up. If you're really concerned about it, PM Ray or ask him in his tech support sticky if there are any for sale somewhere

    4. IBleedMusick


      :rofl: I actually lol'd hard at n8's post, I can feel the love he reminds me of Red Forman :roflmao:.
  9. Item purchased: I traded my Sundown SA-8 v2 for his Forevrbumpin 12 Date purchased: June 2012 Experience: Positive Shipping: Very fast shipping packed really well with a box within a box, lost of padding. Overall: Trouble-free experience. Very communicative and helpful with all of my questions through both text and PM. Would definitely deal with him again .
  10. My Clarion does bluetooth playback really well plus you can control the music from the HU like changing songs, pause play, ect and isn't that expensive Clarion CZ501 very feature packed unit as well.
  11. Does anybody have any experience with onlinecarstereo.com?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. IBleedMusick


      LOL I'm guessing the Free Shipping for orders over $100 doesn't appl to the APO's

    3. Real96SS


      It sure doesn't even though APO is still considered the US.They have some fineprint somewhere that says if you order something like oh say a Kinetik 2400 you have to pay extra shipping.Even though it clearly says $29 at checkout. LoL sorry had to throw that in there

    4. Trey_Dog650


      always thought they were a scam site with their prices and terrible reviews online... but maybe not

  12. I'm wondering if anyone would actually interested in buying these blown CVX's I have?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Fuck that shit. Put em in your f/s thread and see if you can get a little dough for 'em

    3. IBleedMusick


      LOL, everytime I tell someone what they will cost to fix I get that response. They are taking up room I need for the new newness but I am sending you a pm respond with your opinion.

    4. HatersGonnaHate


      Stop telling them how much they cost. Duh haha. Waiting on PM.

  13. I would think if there is no load there should be no current draw but there is only one way to find out...TEST THAT SHIT and then report back with your findings.
  14. I laughed my assssssss of he is funny as hell
  15. Yeah mariob 2 12" xls one is blown I say you buy em both and recone the blown one.
  16. Hit up Mario he is selling a pair of m1 xl's
  17. You could also look at the Sundown E or SD line those are solid performers.
  18. Then find me some damn coils I am still trying to find those coils to finish these damn recones. Oh yeah and thank you for the kind words.
  19. I think $100 on a pair of gently used never abused 8" Kicker mids would be the best money you ever spent.
  20. Great guy I traded some install stuff (4 gauge wire, fuseblocks and terminals) for his SA-8 v1.5. Very communicative, stayed in touch with me with constant updates without me having to ask first. Even kept in touch to make sure I was happy with the sub afterwards.
  21. Thanks If you have a feedback thread link me to it and I will leave you some positive feedback in return.
  22. Gentlemen thank you very much for the kind words glad you all like the items.
  23. Anyone know how to design a Banner? If so, hit me up please.

    1. LT.Smoke


      Hit up Tlej... Dude is sick with his ability

  24. Anyone know how to design a Banner? If so, hit me up please.

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