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Status Updates posted by Wood

  1. Yep, So after demoing my setup for the first time, I get the famous "I had 2 12" Kicker L7s that busted my back glass" speech LOL! Now that my Sa's are breaking in, my car is flexing like crazy even with up to 2- 4 layers of deadening from the rear deck to the hatch. I'm DEFINITELY gonna post more vids up in these next couple days :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wood


      Lol, I want to eventually get to that point!

    3. n8ball2013


      If youre slick you hit the electric door lock before they can bail. And then the fun begins.

  2. Yep! So I'm loving the system so far and my friends and fam love the build quality (as I do myself also)... I'm going to shoot some vids tomorrow. It wont be too much flex but hopefully the sound quality will transfer somewhat ok! The 4 layers of AT deadener in my trunk lid and 2 layers on my rear deck is literally keeping flex and rattle to a MINIMUM! And the best thing for me is, the sound is contained mostly in the car!! :)

  3. Getting off work at midnight, but soon as I get off I'll be FINALLY firing up my system!!!



      as your lawyer I suggest, e-40 ,yellow gold ,ball out ,etc... block brochure 4,5,6..

  4. I need to find a garage so I can finish this damn build! I'm 2 ring terminals away, that need to be soldered, from my system playing! ONLY 2!!! x-(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Keith77
    3. Wood


      Well the torch I have is a little handheld one (From Harbor Freight), pretty good for the most part, just doesn't burn hot enough in this weather.. and It actually may be the solder thats cooling too fast now that I think about it

    4. Karkov


      map gas burns hotter than propane, try that

  5. Finished the box today so updates! Slight cosmetic imperfections due to rusing but fixable... All ready order what I need to fix it so no worries.. for the morst part, it looks GOOD!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wood


      Just noticed I spelled "Rushing" "Already" and "most" wrong lol .. typing too damn fast

    3. Jessica


      inb4 box implodes because of rusing.

    4. Wood


      tune into my BL before you assume... my box is done correct, and cure time before use has been more then the alotted 24hrs.. I'm talking cosmetics... but hey you just didn't know.. i think they call that ignorance SMH

  6. This DUMBASS Texas Weather is keeping me from progressing! Went to go solder terminals to connect to the fuse holder, it was so damn cold outside, my torch couldn't heat the terminal enough for the solder to melt -.- it would pull this shit before turkey drag!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Wood


      @Wasted & Deathcards LOL HELL NAW!

      I'll forever be a southern boy! I can't do those crazy temperatures!! Fu Dat!! LOL

  7. I Got some work to do tonight!! Gotta beat this bad weather!!

    1. Karkov


      high tomorrow where I live is -2, yes 2 below zero, oh and we got a solid foot of snow yesterday.....

    2. Karkov


      reg temp, wind chill is like -30 cuz it's windy as fuuuu. Hating life right now

  8. A lot more progess was made today! I'm 85% done with my enclosure, all wires in place for my amps, factory carpet mounted over false floor AND SHCA 0ga came in today! Great progress before work! Should be up and running on schedule!!

  9. Quick Question!! Most of you know, I plan to run to Sundown Sa 12s. My question is, If I dont have bracing, but I fiberglass the inside with chop mat and resin, will it be equally stronger?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Miguels


      you need to brace the box if you want it to last.. get a few broom sticks from your neighbors and cut them to size.

    3. SnowDrifter


      Fill it with concrete. All the bracing you could ever ask for. But for real: For some SA-12s, all you should need are some 1.5" dowels. Not sure you'd see any benefit from glassing

    4. Wood


      Ok, so if I get the dowels can I just glue and glass them into place? And as far as glassing the seams you dont think it would make it stronger?

  10. Updates Tonight! PLENTY of Progress and PLENTY of Pictures ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wood


      Alright! I'm going to start updating now! ;)

    3. Kyblack76


      hope it went smooth for you

    4. Wood


      It was a LOT of Tedious and DIFFICULT work, but I got thru it ;) tune into the updates... I have PLENTY ;)

  11. Although Nissans are reliable FUCK THEM!!! When I tell you it was a PITA just to run power wire, I almost gave up and took it to a shop.. But I finally got it ran myself after 5hrs!! Not to mention it took 3hrs to take out my factory tweeter because they wanna put a screw mounted vertical at the edge of the windshield SMH, but I Have A LOT of Updates Coming soon!

  12. Just Ordered my SHCA for my big 3 upgrade... Life is great right now lol

  13. Quick question, If I have a H/O Alternator but a stock battery, will I be ok to run a 2k rms (total) system for a month?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Miguels


      i never noticed the battery was shot because my other batteries would start the car. for a month it should be okay if you want to save money get a deka group 34. it cost $160

    3. Wood


      @Miguels I had no idea about deka! I was looking into XS Power Group 34s and if I can save $100 I'm all for it!!! Thanks bro

    4. justin0943


      yeah deka are good battery's I've seen them perform they hold better then stock

  14. Getting off this 12hr Shift... Going to go home and work on my box haha!! Flush Trim all corners, Put some coutersunk Screws in and Tomorrow Will be ready for Rounded corners and Putty!

  15. Should I fiberglass the inside of my enclosure with Fiberglass and mat? Or would it not make much of a difference? I ask because I have everything glued except the top piece and all joints are strong yet I want to be sure my box doesn't come apart in the future.

    1. White Lightning

      White Lightning

      strong bass has a tendacy to "find a way" to destroy a enclosure over time ... just a nature of the beast ...

    2. Wood


      Well with 2k rms would this be a good "preventitive" or would I be ok with the standard wood glue and screws?

    3. SnowDrifter


      I like to throw a few 6" strips in corners

  16. I think Black Friday Should be AT LEAST 1 Friday per Month... Just to help push invetory and make sells quota... YEA, Thats the ONLY reason *sarcastically speaking* LMMFAOO!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raptorman


      Do people really not know the difference between Sell and Sale? Holy shit.

    3. Wood


      Holy Shit STFU! People Make mistakes when typing fast. If you don't like it, write congress!

    4. Raptorman


      Writing them as we speak.

  17. FUCK TEXAS WEATHER!!!! And since its going to be cold and raining this whole weekend, I will NOT Be able to make progress on my box (-_-) . I thought I would be able to start the painting process but obviously not...

    1. IBleedMusick
    2. Wood


      I just told Jeff I thought about buying a tarp, but I dont wanna risk it indoor or out.. I stay in apartments so my patio is fully exposed and we all know how mdf warps with moisture, so I rather not take the risk and indoors I dont wanna risk overspray from the mist... This just sucks!! A Full weekend WASTED

  18. anybody know where to get a Flush trim bit for my router? 1/4" shank thats 3/4" long so I can flush all of my 3/4" MDF that home depot cut and F'd up?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Wood


      @Soccerballs Scooter recomeended me a nice carbine at HD ;)

    3. Soccerballzs
    4. Raptorman
  19. Tomorrow will be like MF Christmas!!! 7 tracking numbers show all my items are in my city!! Better believe I got my shit on Will Call, because soon as 8am hit, Ima be at UPS Front door like its Black Friday! Lmao :D

    1. WastedTalent


      Well, won't be at their front door, but same here with the xmas thing. Got I believe 4-5 products coming. Lol

    2. Soccerballzs


      Man like a Kid at Christmas!!

  20. A LOT of progress this past weekend!!!

  21. I went on a buying FRENZY today!!! I purchase the rest of my install equipment, tools, a T1500bdcp, and TONS of stuff for my box build!! I have pretty nice plans instore, So I can't wait to start building it!! :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wood


      @Soccerballz Besides buying nothing! But I have the WHOLE project ahead of me... I was waiting to collect everything before building and now the time has come ;) I'll also be throwing in a couple of side projects along the way!!

    3. BoomZoom808


      What subs did you end up going with?

    4. Wood


      @Boom I actually ended up with Sa's .. Decided to go with a smaller project to start so I can get my car exactly how I want (coilovers, rims, aftermarket sunroof, retrofit projectors) then I'm going to upgrade! I'm seeking more of an overall appeal rather then JUST audio

  22. Trying to decide what to buy this paycheck! I'm SO close to having everything yet it seems SO Far away!!! 2yrs bassless and now I'm finally here!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wood


      Thats the bummer Kylar, It is everything I need. The kicker is I won't be able to install my electrical until next month BUT It will be installed the same day I put in my subs. For now, I'll be deadening, running wires and building my box and amp rack that way when the time come, I can drop my subs and electrical in the same day! So I'm just figuring out all the little tedious stuff I need

    3. Kyblack76


      cool. get some good rca's. Look at duals for the amp(s). That sorta shit. That shit adds up, fast.....

    4. Wood


      I was looking at Knu RCA's , I was going to buy 2 sets of their 2 channel.. One for my front stage and one for the Sub amp.. But yes, The "Little" stuff is adding up FAST!

  23. I Just got the word from Mike Singer that my alt is capable up to a 5k rms system, in which My original plans was for a 3.5k system, so even when I'm ready to upgrade back to my normal plans, I will have a BEAST at hand!!! Can we Say HIGHLY UNDERRATED !!! Kylar You was not BS'n my dude!!!! This Singer Alt is a BEAST!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Josef344


      Yup, Singer FTMFW.

    3. Kyblack76


      Get it in fool ..... abuse that thing....

    4. Soccerballzs


      Just inquired for one for the Commander!!! Will see what he says!

  24. Damn, I got no love on my BL updates.. :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wood


      Lol I had 50 sumthing ppl watching it (mostly guest) and only 2 comments... I thought it was a pretty dope update, esp with it being "different" ...

    3. Kyblack76


      Build for you man. Your doing it fine. Build for you.

    4. Wood


      Thank you Kylar!!

  25. Once my pictures finish uploading, I'll be updating my BL :)

    1. pioneerforlife


      hell ya man that's what im talkin about. tuned in.

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