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Status Updates posted by Herokight

  1. All day I've complained about the lack of skate parks in Georgia, and then I saw this. http://californiaska...nnesaw-georgia/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Herokight


      Ah.... Damn... Basically, a bunch of skating foundations have gotten together and are having a 1.2 million dollar park built about a hour or so away from me. The project starts this summer. Good thing I started back. Maybe I'll be pretty good by the time it's done.

    3. c.director
    4. Herokight


      Kennesaw. Google "new skate parks in ga" and it should be the third link.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Herokight


      Wasn't really going for the chrome look. Was going with the black ones:http://www.tirerack.com/upgrade_garage/BigPic.jsp?wheelMake=ATX&wheelModel=Crawl&wheelFinish=Flat+Black+Painted I'm considering the smaller ones though. Right now it's just some ideas until I get the truck, but I'm planning on a Silverado.

    3. REVOofRustler
    4. Herokight


      O.O I'm about to google my ass off on those.

  2. "From an engineering stand point, this is pretty incredible." See! There's just something about bass!

  3. "Make fun of Kim Kardashian’s name choice for North West if you want, but that baby is going straight to the top. And slightly to the left."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Herokight


      What I hate more than anything is how much the press eats that shit up. Seriously, they're just people. Not even talented people.

    3. 97Jetta1637


      are you kidding me? you ever sucked a mean dick like that before, kim has a lot of talent.

    4. DTS909
  4. 2013, come at me bro.

  5. A friend might be able to get me on as a shop hand at a dealership whenever I get off workers comp. That's really making me consider mechanic school since I'd already have my foot in the door...

    1. Amart88


      Hell yeah man. Good luck.

    2. Herokight


      It seems like my best shot. Judging by what I'd make as a shop hand, I'm really stating to wonder what techs make.

  6. After watching a video series on how to make molds of body panels and copy them iwith carbon fiber, I think I'll just stick to fiberglass.

  7. Anyone know of any good video editing software? My budget is cheap or free. Right now I'm using NCH VideoPad. It has great features, it's just so slow...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. justin0943


      I used sony vegas and PowerDirector real good program free you can get "full version for free like I did" don't tell nobody

    3. k3n12ock


      I use Sony Vegas, free and full version too LOL

    4. Herokight


      Meh. *shrug* I'll probably figure something out.

  8. Back in my hometown til Christmas Eve. Feels good seeing all my friends again after being with family for almost two months.

  9. Damn guys. I went from engaged to single.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Herokight


      She's not a model or anything, but she's damn gorgeous to me.

    3. Lbox88


      Meh, just go find some new strange then. Just think of all the money you can save now and how much more time you can devote to your builds.

    4. Herokight


      Haha. Already thought about it. Got plenty of time to build without getting bitched at.

      I'm taken. Her names "Molliboo"

  10. Damn. I feel like I'm blowing this place up lately. Hell, It's all I really have to do these days though....

    1. pa-pa-platypus


      eh someones gotta be the post whore..may as well be you lol

    2. Herokight


      Hell back when I had a car and system I hardly ever posted, now I don't have either and I'm blowin' it up. lol

  11. Did not enjoy that E.E.G today... Probably because I found out I'm mildly allergic to the jelly stuff they use to put the sensors on... >.

    1. SnowDrifter


      Lol I had one today too. Wayy too easy to fall asleep

    2. Herokight


      Did they use the bright ass strobe light on you too?

  12. Dog is officially in the house and chilled out. No way was he staying out in the single digits.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Herokight


      He gets all hyper when I let him inside, especially at a new place. I'm just glad he's quiet now. Like dealing with a little kid. haha

    3. pa-pa-platypus


      i sadly have to keep mine outside i've tried to bring him in and he DEMOLISHES the house lol hes outta the wind and has an insulated dog house with a ton of straw and a tarp over the dog house to keep even more of the wind off of him along with a heated water bowl lol hes doing alright he was playing in snow drifts earlier acting a foot

    4. Herokight


      I hear ya. My first dog was outside only and I felt bad leaving him out in snow and such. I'm glad mine is so well behaved.

  13. Ever look through old Facebook posts and feel like a jackass? I just ffound a good one I forgot about. Apparently, if I ever get a big lifted up truck, my vanity plate is gonna say "DKSMSHR."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      I sometimes do that with old forum posts

    3. Herokight


      Haha! Same here. I came in and made myself look like a total jackass from the get-go.

    4. Omega5002


      I feel that when I look through my Myspace lol

  14. Finally talked to someone about my getting my first tat. Only been talking about it for a year now. 'Bout time I go ahead and get it.

  15. Finally... 1,000 posts... Never thought I'd see this day.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kyblack76


      want a cookie?

    3. Herokight
    4. Herokight


      Still wish most of my posts were more productive than the random picture post, but I guess that's what happens when you don't have a car. =/

  16. Finally... My dad got a real job and he starts Monday. Now if they could just figure out what's wrong with me, things will be moving in the right direction.

    1. sayhuh?


      Apple doesnt falll far from the tree? :P

  17. Give that bitch a subwoofer. Bitches love subwoofers. Well, I did give that bitch a subwoofer, and she loves it. BUT SHE WANTS ME TO MAKE A NEX BOX. Sigh...

  18. Got my second demo from the local shop. Forgot what 150 feels like. =]

  19. Has anyone ever used Massive Audio? If so, how are they? I'm considering a couple of their 6.5 coax sets.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Herokight


      I was considering the DX. The four channel I'm getting is 120x4 @ 4ohms.

    3. DubNDodge


      SQ came out with their coax again. I have the AQ ones. pretty damn nice.

    4. DubNDodge


      Not that I run them daily, but I installed the 100w 6x9 and it sounded good on hu power

  20. Hookah bar tonight. Oh yes...

  21. How It's Made hasn't taught me how to make ANYTHING.

    1. Purplehaze


      Totally your fault ;)

    2. kirill007


      It's: how it's made.

      It's not : How can you make it ;)

  22. I didn't like my beard at first, but then it grew on me.

  23. I don't usually bitch too much about it, but homelessness sucks.

    1. WastedTalent


      True that. I experienced it for awhile.

    2. Herokight


      I'm lucky enough to have family to give me a bed to sleep in, but it's still hell. It's not my own place with all my stuff. Plus the place is a wreck.

  24. I finally named my car. I shall dub thee, "Molly-Boo". Unfortunately, I just wrecked Molly... Damn tree limb was in the middle of the road and I didn't see it til the last second so I smashed through it... Luckily, it's just cosmetic damage.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Herokight


      Nah. Just a couple scratches and the top piece on my girll came loose. It just had a plastic tab holding it on. If anything, I could get a can of colormatch paint and go over the bad spots. She's not lookin' too shabby, especially not for a '98.

    3. Herokight


      Haha. I see what you did there HatersGonnaHate. I would gie her a bath, but I live on a dirt road right now so resistance is futile...

    4. Lbox88


      abs system on the Malibu is notorious for failing. Mine did. Tried replacing all the wheel bearings, since the sensor is in there. Didn't fix it. Found it was the wire that goes from the wheel to the computer. got a quote for $300 to replace 2 wires and a plug.=, to which I replied Posted Image

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