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Everything posted by WastedTalent

  1. losing the AC? In times like these? Just roll down your windows and you'll freeze up, screw that AC! But summer time? Ahh, as long as you don't mind bugs flyin in, you be good with the windows down. Think our areas are roughly the same degree wise, i'm good with windows down.
  2. I... actually thought that was normal. It's done it for me since... like ever. If you're constantly going in and out of topics, refreshing the main page, etc, it doesn't do it. But if you leave it up and go to bed? Wake up, you can see the same topic on there twice, three times, four times, etc. Depends on how many responses. I've been a member since... shoot, idk when, but think I've always had that happen. edit- Been online for literally 5-6 mins and I see that topic "please help if you can :(" 3 times in that list. So eh, thought it was normal. idk.
  3. That's the plan. Today... either after I get off this job or after I get off the next one. Just wasn't sure if the 2nd batch was in or whatnot.
  4. How to cite sources on a paper...when you're giving information you know and don't look up? This is why I hate writing papers.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Emmet


      You can't really cite yourself, if the information you know is actually correct it will have a valid source confirming somewhere. That's how they know the information is right and you didn't just make it up :P

    3. DubNDodge


      ^ exactly. I wrote up a research paper on car audio. Even though I knew everything I had to find where my knowledge was backed up. used bcae and this site along with others. It's a pita but it has to be done.

    4. WastedTalent


      Well, I must say I'll go with what Dubin says. PITA!! Lol.

  5. Any information on these Steve? I know the pre-order for the first 100 sold out within, what? Minutes? But just asking what's going on cause says "In Stock" but then in description says pre-order. Haven't heard if you got the new batch in or anything. Figured I'd ask.
  6. If this tax refund is real, HO alt will be purchased soon.

    1. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      Mine is delayed for awhile... Stupid deductions

    2. WastedTalent


      I have yet to actually file, gotta wait for my college. Make sure what form they sent me is accurate. If so? Over 3 G's. Not bad for single and no house or anything.

    3. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      Google 2013 tax delays I bleive the college credit is also delayed... I'm in no rush for my money from the state... I owe the gov. A little under 100 bucks lol

  7. Know what I just realized? Two paychecks today. But that's what you get when you work two jobs and go to school full time.

  8. Has anyone tried this (Kylar) and noticed an improvement on the ps3? I know you said you have Allen for the xbox. I know this was all started because of COD or at least 95% because of it. Not sure how many other games do lag compensation, at least on the level of Cod. I've actually pretty much quit COD because of that lag crap.
  9. System complete? Rolled up to Sonic, girl asked what I had in my car. "Whatcha talkin bout Willis?" "Your subs. I can hear them" Completely caught off guard since volume was 3/35.

  10. Pics of the new ride...tomorrow? This weekend? Idk. Would say today but it's snowing so, yeah.

    1. Katt


      Send dat snow here!!!!

    2. WastedTalent


      Take it. I hate snow lol.

  11. think that's a hell of a deal. literally. that much of a discount price but then also free shipping? Great deal.
  12. This must be Wasted's year. New car Monday. Potential 2nd job soon. Keep it up!

  13. New car. 2013 showroom model. Dealer will tint windows, transfer my system to new car, install remote start, and pay me $400. Great start to 2013 right?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. meade916


      i should try that. Go to the dealer and ask for a new Tahoe and...... haha

    3. meade916


      i should try that. Go to the dealer and ask for a new Tahoe and...... haha

    4. WastedTalent


      Tellin ya Steve, I just went in and told them where the payments absolutely had to be. They got it there and then they were all "Ready to sign?" "Idk. I'm giving up so much like my system, remote start, etc" and then they started offering. Only things I lose from my old car to this car is HID's and tinted tail lights. Combined total of around $500. Then considering you also do the work yourself? I'm sure they'd definitely let you keep your stuff. Just requ...

  14. Pwned college instructor. "Don't believe all you read on the internet" "Well, here's all the source's information and here's even the background of the source including his certifications. Anything else you want?"

    1. SnowDrifter


      Saying don't believe what you hear on the internet nowadays is akin to saying don't believe what you hear/read/see.

      Is it easy to get bad info? Absolutely. But it's also easy to  check that information for validity

    2. WastedTalent


      And I agree. I mean I could say I'm the world's best audio installer in cars. Just because I say it, doesn't mean it's true (it's not. I'm probably one of the worst haha). But, one would only assume since it is a college class, that one wouldn't just say things. One would check for validity. He said to stick to the textbook, well... how do we know it's valid considering it's peer-reviewed? To me, that sounds like wikipedia which isn't always true. Lol....

  15. Aww crap, running with expired insurance cards. Big whoop right? It is... cept for the type of cops that are here. Seems like they do a strip search if you're going 1 mph over the speed limit as a standard.

  16. "Are we supposed to put the topic somewhere on the paper?" "Yes, you will need to provide two (2) sources of information, and you are more than welcome to pick any source you wish." Thanks for the completely irrelevant answer. Don't know if I am supposed to put the topic on there or not.

  17. As Shakespeare said, it's better to have love and lost than to stay home every night and download shameless pornography.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OrionStang


      I prefer random strange a couple nights a week.

    3. WastedTalent


      The Big Bang Theory... for the win. Lol. Raj says it.

    4. Zapanater


      As Ghandi once said, "bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks."

  18. Security is my job, someone left their phone. No biggie, they'll be back to get it since they work here. Alarm set for 445 AM. Can't turn it off, only can snooze as it's password protected. Goes off every 5 mins. Yay!!!

  19. Somewhat sort've looks like Kim K. Could be her, could be not her. Lol. Just throw a blue wig on her and looks like could be her, but Idk. Anywho, very nice batt there!!
  20. What in the hell is up with these body piercings? Like people getting their breastplate pierced, cheek pierced, etc?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KillaCam


      I like those lower back piercings, no idea what the actual name is.

    3. Raptorman


      Just bitches tryin' tp 1-up eachother with who can have the weirdest/coolest piercings and then shit got out of control. I've seen guys put plug in their cheeks (gauges to most people) And you can see through their cheeks.

    4. WastedTalent


      I can see that Raptor. Like someone got drunk and "DUDE!!! Let's pierce my arm. Like put that stud that'd go in your ear into my arm!!" and then others started it and people came up with other shit like the lower back, the chest, etc.

  21. Hmm. What to do at work. Crash an ex's facebook? Remind her of how so perfect her now ex was as she's preggo with another dude's baby?

    1. OrionStang


      At least you have that option. I have to go move freight and teach retarded just-out-of-highschool kids how to put the right product in the right spot. Some of these motherfuckers really are dumb as rocks.

    2. WastedTalent


      Find it funny cause she left me for him, who was 10+ yrs older, they got married (within like 2 months), and moved in together etc etc. Then I just found her dumbass on facebook and she changed her name back, new relationship, and preggo. So no idea if he cheated, he left, she cheated, no idea. But her ex threatened to beat my ass when they first got together. I really want to be like "Awwh, and he was so perfect!!! What happened? He turn out not to be quite so perfect? Lmfao...

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