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Status Updates posted by WastedTalent

  1. If these men represent the law, I'd rather be an outlaw.

  2. Reported job to Department Of Labor, check. Although won't do any good until AT LEAST shutdown is over. Now? Just keep doing what I'm doing and make that money.

  3. Hopefully... this is the last fix for the car for awhile. Tired of things going wrong on it that are not due to modifications. I can handle fixes due to mods but things such as tires? Really?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jessica


      i have an 87 accord you want to talk about nickle and dime?

    3. Soccerballzs


      Seems like as soon as it is paid off!!!!

    4. WastedTalent


      I'm only saying that cause unlike you all... it's a new car. I could see if it was a 96, 91, 87. Lol. One advantage of new, as doesn't need starter, battery (well does, but long story), pumps, filters, etc.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Never looked for tvs at that time so never noticed what models are for sale.

    3. Dwn4BassAlan


      The closest walmart to my house becomes a breeding ground for morons willing to go to jail for 20% off....

    4. WastedTalent


      same tv at best buy for $1 more. Maybe like $1.99 or somethin like that more but yea.

  4. Am I the only one who shows up few mins early for work? I got here 10 mins before could clock in. It's now 2 mins after can clock in and relief ain't here. Happens almost daily. Think bout time I start doing the same thing...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Miguels


      same shit happens to me at work.. i get there 30 minutes early and have to wait for the guys to come get work. some even get to work early but come get work from me late

    3. Sergeant_Skyrim


      I kept saying the same thing to myself Wasted, then I realized that when I'm going for a promotion or raise vs. them I can bring it up. Keep being the good employee, may help you in the end

    4. WastedTalent


      Id say the same but we got the buddy system here. Not a friend? Wont get promoted.

  5. Haters these days are so funny, haha. Talkin spit, blah blah blah.

  6. So saw the new vid with Miley. Not too bad if you edit out Miley. I think it's pretty confirmed now. Miley = White Nicki Minaj. White girl who thinks she's all that, that no one can stand... at least anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. k3n12ock
    3. TRTC360


      also nicky minaj has ass and tits, i'd still put it in mileys butt doe

    4. CNF Kevosinn

      CNF Kevosinn

      she is trying to be lil debbie wtf....if you dont know who that is look her up

  7. UoP can seriously go F themselves. Now they want me to write a 3 page letter in APA format, because I have an opinion. I won't, but feel like I should write them "Want a letter? I'll give you two. F. U."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WastedTalent


      If they dropped everything and let me continue? I'd still drop. Not going to be associated with a butthurt college.

  8. I may have found an alt. Woot

  9. For anyone/everyone who's following my mom's thing... 2 fractured vertebrae. No idea how but that's what. Txt if want more info!

  10. It's not that we're better, we are fucked up. But we do have a few good things and we strive to be better. Exceptionalism is only bad if you are blind and have no humility.

  11. Well, starting the process to snitch on old job. Harassment and wage issues. Let's see what happens...

  12. Everywhere I go, people looking at me funny cause the music is too turned up as I ride through the city. So ignant but you listenin, that bass loud when I'm ridin through. (J Reyez - Turn it up)

  13. Well, found my first LOCAL meade hater. All I can do is shake my head.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Just talkin shit bout Meade. We know Meade, great guy. Even if you don't support his products for whatever reason, has damn good character.

    3. Swordlordboy1234


      I love meeting those people. Or the opposite of Meade haters saying how he hits 194 db in his Tahoe on 40 thousand wattszzzzz

    4. thefourth


      Haters will do what they do best... Hate.

  14. Well, I just saw something that definitely gives me courage/the fight to do 2 jobs. A supposed 4 year time frame difference in paying off car.

  15. Today is day #1 of new job. Let's hope it goes well.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kyblack76


      Good luck man. That first day is awkward. Can be a lil un nerving. But, thats life. Go get it yo ...

    3. Purplehaze


      First day is the worst day... just remember that and you will be fine!

    4. WastedTalent


      Always is the worst cause of the paperwork. Filling out the I-9, the W-4 (does anyone actually know how to fill one out properly? or always just guess? lmfao), employee handbook type crap, ect ect... But went well.

  16. Just found this out... Old, but new to me... May have to go check on him. http://gazette.com/article/705255

    1. WastedTalent


      Just seems like bad news upon bad news comes my way... tryin to keep my head up and smile but damn. I'm honestly not sure how much more I can take...

    2. ProMaxx316


      Keep your head up man.

  17. Well, job search.....over.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Colo. I honestly haven't been picky as I just browsed Craigslist and literally applied for anything I could do and would fit my time schedule as I don't want to quit my other job, unless of course I can find a job that pays enough where I don't need 2 jobs. And where I live, literally, tons of jobs. Checked the other day and 600+ jobs posted by 1 pm. Granted, some were duplicates, some are probably fake and nothing, but I've checked around the country and I do believe I have o...

    3. OrionStang


      So, Colorado is where the jobs are at, Huh? Might start looking there.

    4. WastedTalent


      No lie, I can get someone (anyone that's reliable) a job like nothing. 8 hours a day (It'd be split up, only bad part). Just... gotta re-locate here. And they won't pay for it. Lol. $9/hr. Just needs me as a recommendation and chances are 99% job is yours. They're going through temps like crazy because they can't find someone reliable and isn't a complete retard. Losing me will be a BIG hit to them. I have enough pull (until I quit) that I got someone transferred...

  18. Well, let the owner love me cause then, I got me a new job. If not? Well, then, I have 2 other interviews.

    1. OrionStang


      What kinds of places are you applying at?

    2. WastedTalent


      Anything I'm able to do. This job that I say hope the owner loves me? Is a shredding place. One that'll come to you, pick up your papers, shred it, ect. Applying for data entry, receptionist, warehouse, literally ANYTHING I can do.

    3. HypnotizedMind 91666
  19. So had to pass on that job. Makes no sense. So continue to look for another full time job while workin 60ish hrs a week, plus school, plus other crap. Hard working 24 yr old no?

    1. WastedTalent


      And by make no sense I mean work 40 hrs a week instead of 60, for a lower pay. No thanks. Trying to get more money, not cost myself more.

    2. ghostrider59927
  20. When will luck finally go my way? Going on interview 12 I do believe. Not looking for anything special, just anything.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OrionStang
    3. WastedTalent


      Maybe I should be a lil more specific. A 40 hour job that will comply with my current 40 hour job. Yes, a 24 year old that's wanting 2 full time jobs, 80 hours a week, on top of school. And Orion, I may. Been trying other stuff but no good so far. Except for jobs I can't have.

    4. Nick580


      Good Luck man

  21. Can I just say I love the haters? Showed 2 guys what the system can do and both said "Damn you're loud. Da hell you got in there?". Good and all. Then got others who have never heard and "I'm louder than you" just purely based off of equipment. Better equipment != louder 100% of time. All in install.

  22. Arrived in Commerce City. It shall be delivered today.

  23. This damn paper... Hard. Running out of things to bs about, and still 300 words short, minimum.

    1. RCP Audio

      RCP Audio

      just fill it with 'umms' one paper back in high school i was about 30 odd words short, so at one point when i was describing a situation, I went so into detail it was crazy! haha

    2. n8ball2013


      im hoping my paper writing is over until the end of my terms.

    3. WastedTalent


      I bs'd and came up like 40 words over the minimum. Done. Now it's math. Yeah. Fuck.

  24. Elementary: Here's basic understanding of history and how the world works. High School: That's not right. It's lil more complicated. College: EVERYTHING you know is wrong. History Channel: Aliens.

    1. WastedTalent


      Gotta prepare for tonight. College Algebra, about 100 questions of stuff I have no clue about.

    2. TRTC360


      fuck college algebra lol, that's the most failed class at my college and i'm starting it this fall.

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