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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/12 in Posts

  1. it maybe tough to not crack jokes and i get that but you have to maintain a certain level of professionalism in cases like this.
    4 points
  2. Sounds like his mom has some pretty good lip service though. HEY-OH!
    3 points
  3. Kid already is a straight edge. He drinks diet coke and shit.
    3 points
  4. Kid probably wasn't even supposed to have the amp or something with the fact that he doesn't even want it back now and will still refund the money.
    1 point
  5. kids going to be such a straight edge after his a** whooping
    1 point
  6. His mom just asked how much the transaction was what and wanted to know what amp I was expecting. She would get back to me. And he stated he was going refund money I can keep the amp.
    1 point
  7. She's probably the opposite and has big ole pancake nips that the ariola covers like 80% of the boob.
    1 point
  8. maybe his mom will hit him so hard his nipples will grow
    1 point
  9. why you had it in a fucked up pink i couldnt read i'll never understand lol
    1 point
  10. Aaaahahahahaha im loving this Fuckin scammers Oooooo his moms gonna be mad now hahahaha
    1 point
  11. Why stop there Crush? Turn all the bread into "cheese" bread and make him a "tuna" sandwich give him some "sugar" for his "lemonade" bake him some "fudge" and you just made him a "great" lunch for school Edit-holy fuck is my mind that fucked up or something???
    1 point
  12. so who thinks its time for me to start airing someone out.
    1 point
  13. Thanks for pointing that out Kranny. Report the tiny nipples in the Paypal dispute as well. They will understand.
    1 point
  14. Honestly I have a conundrum now. Im sure I can find him. but you didnt do your due diligence either. I dont care if he responded to a wtb or not. He's some punk ass kid and you helped him get around the rules. btw just to piss you off a little more. this is who just anally raped you on the internet
    1 point
  15. Drunkenly driving is the other problem. Be lucky that you fucked your sub up instead of killing yourself.
    1 point
  16. Just ask Steve really nice to post a smiley in your thread then BAM (!!!!!!) 1000 viewers
    1 point
  17. rule #1 always use smiley as to avoid conflict with sensitive individuals. :D
    1 point
  18. Yeah looks like they'll be slapping around everywhere, stitching them to the spider yourself? actually they wont do much slapping, if anything, to me they seem stretched out and could use some slack. with 60mm of linear travel (30mm xmax) I think it could rip them and or cause slap. does it have the little cushions on the cone like some drivers do with leads like that? other than that its a very good looking driver, the crinkle coat looks good and the blacked out plates. Looks like zcon with a bigger bumped bottom plate. What's a rough guesstimate on weight? i will let the engineers at AA worry about if it is going to do damage or if it needs the little cushions. Oh, and sorry but the zcon looks like the Havoc not the other way around. damn man, drinkin that haterade its true, how is that hating? And whats your problem? Nevermind, don't answer that. I already know what it is....speaking of haterade. LOL I think he was referring to my post lol. edit, nvm lol jesus christ......if i dont use a smiley after every sentence, then all the sudden i am drinking haterade. Look bro, i dont have the answers... i run SMD's these are my first Havocs. :D :D
    1 point
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