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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/13 in all areas

  1. i got an email from Discovery again and they told me that "voting has started".....i have no idea what it means, but vote for your boy anyway LOL! 20,000 watt window shake under "power junkies". This one is not Outrageous Acts of Science (USA) it is "you have been warned" (the one that's been showing outside the USA) anyway, thanks! http://www.discoveryuk.com/web/you-have-been-warned/video-vote/
    1 point
  2. alright, So after pages of suggestions heres what I got for a concept woofer for ya, This will be The 8 m3 Its subject to me making some changes here or there if I see its needed but the concept is here and Im now starting the toolings to build the parts for this driver. Dont ask me for specs, Im still working out some details that answers to questions like that will all depend on how certain parts of it turn out. Time for some eye candy.
    1 point
  3. hmmm, not sure how a number showed up on the fs, i dont have those yet and all columns should have been blank. thats not correct for the fs
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. i like using liquid nails lol i guess thats why i use it. no real reason at all. just tried it once and liked it so stuck with it lol and yes this tahoe we are building is full of fat mat. IF (IF IF IF) its installed correctly it will not fall down. it was installed correctly when it was less than 40 outside and now its about 85 out here its still up there as a side note my trucks full of it also lol stays up perfect for me. but when we install it we take our time putting it in, heat the metal, make sure its clean, heat the material up etc. that being said there are better products out there but not for the price lol
    1 point
  6. The one were doing has about a half a gallon of wood glue in it on the box
    1 point
  7. Go to the link in the first post, scroll down to the power junkies category and look for the 20k window shake vid.
    1 point
  8. Ns-1 would complement it nicely. Extra power on tap never hurt anyone
    1 point
  9. That would be Johnny building an m2 level 5 15.
    1 point
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