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Status Updates posted by DLHgn

  1. Got the sub in today. Girlfriend opened it and was very excited.

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. DLHgn
    3. Hotdog


      Buy her a Sub now get your man card back.

    4. DLHgn


      What do you mean? I already bought her a sub.

  2. Walked the stage this past Friday. Need to take one class this summer and i'll officially have my degree. Working in a research lab this summer with one of my professors and a couple of other departments. Hoping to possibly get an invite to the Master's program. 

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. ARMYofONE


      It is a military town, besides that the cost of living is low and pay is good.

    3. ARMYofONE


      I am headed to bed brother. I will be on the lookout fr the box design when you get a chance to get to it.


      Thanks and again, Congratulations.

    4. Jessica


      good luck on your career. 

  3. I will be buying a new instrument in about two weeks. I'm extremely excited to finally get one of my own. I've wanted one for years and really miss playing/performing. May post pictures of it once I get it. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DLHgn


      Check this video out. Arguably one of the best players today. His name also happens to be....Steven Mead lmao If you watch it and see him making weird faces or funny sounds, he likes to have fun during his solos/concerts and make people laugh. 



    3. 8ten8


      I've always enjoyed the "page-turner"



    4. DLHgn


      That was actually pretty funny 

  4. Got a message from a guy saying that i'm going to be charged with vandiliztion from the head of my department? Don't know why but uh...yeah that has me worried.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DLHgn


      Oh, I'm not paying anything just to have it dropped. I was saying that I didn't care about paying a fine, I care about losing my job. That sucks what happened to you.

    3. frogcase2002


      What happen? Seems like you know what there talkin about

    4. DLHgn


      I didn't until today and it's not looking good for me. We'll see how this plays out

  5. Lol That Dark Blue theme is pretty bright

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kyblack76


      I don't see any dark blue:/

    3. DLHgn


      I can't see it anymore. When I saw it I also saw the "Red Rain", "Panda" and some others that I can't remember 

  6. I'm actively trying to pass this class. I'm doing all assigned homework every night and going to office hours when I have questions. Hopefully I can make a good grade in it and be done with this degree. Unfortunately my work schedule is killing me. I want to ask for less hours or to get off earlier but I need these hours to pay for the class. Oh well, looks like i'll be pushing through until this class is over. Thankfully it's only 5 weeks. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DLHgn


      It's not the amount of hours, it's the time the hours are. So far i'm getting it all done but the juggling is a bit hard. I also have my on campus job for the summer to deal with. Like I said, it's just for 5 weeks. Just have to grind for the next month and I should be okay. 

    3. 06RTCharger


      Working overnight shifts then going to school? Damn. I know those overnight shifts are harsh on ur body/health. Wherever i had to cover the overnight shifts id end up getting pretty sick afterward. Much respect man, i couldnt mentally handle doing all that at once. Keepin grindin bro.

    4. DLHgn


      I just finished up my homework for the night. 15 pages....it was 15 pages...took me 7 hours. Luckily i'm on-call tonight so I wasn't working my overnight shift at Taco Bell. I had time to sit here and work. This prof. assigns hours of HW every day (class is M-F). I bought a new 70 page spiral notebook for this class on Monday and i'm already through half of it with notes and homework...The overnight shifts just start eating away at you. My job isn't really mentally tasking or hard for that matter but standing there constantly pumping out orders for hours on end starts to beat you down. Like, I didn't know this Taco Bell was literally always busy. 

  7. Got a job at Taco Bell. Making $9.25 an hour working graveyard. Wish I was doing something in my field that paid better but after it's all said and done I'm just grateful to have a paying job so I can pay for this last class. First time working fast food and I can say it's definitely a new experience for me. On another funny note they will have to order special gloves for me. My hands are too big for their XL gloves and keep on splitting them. Oops

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kyblack76


      Work is work. Pay check is a paycheck. 

    3. DLHgn


      Honestly my degree can be used in any field. I have a computer science degree with a minor in Math. Thinking about going back for Electrical Engineering with a focus in Computer Engineering since I already have over half the credits taken care of. 

    4. DLHgn


      Like I said, I am grateful that I have a job whatever it may be. I know there are a lot of people who can't find a job and have bills to pay and mouths to feed. I actually got this job relatively easy. But you're right, once I get that better paying job that interests me more I will be much more grateful for it. Unfortunately every paycheck I will receive this entire month will have to go straight to my class payment. The paycheck I received for my research will have to go to it too. It is what it is 

  8. My department has finally done it. They finally found a reason to terminate me. I'm going to talk to the Assistant Director before I sign my termination papers. Talked to my old boss and he said what they're doing is fishy so go and talk to the ass. dir. They decided to make me homeless 3 days before Christmas...fun

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kyblack76
    3. DLHgn


      I think so too. I understand that my grades are my fault but at the same time, life happens. My grades took a major hit last semester after my girlfriend shattered her leg and had to have plates put in. I spent most of my time taking care of her. This semester was just hard plain and simple. If I had known about the probation I would've dropped a project class and done much better but by the time they told me, it was too late. I passed all of my classes but didn't pass high enough to...

    4. DLHgn


      meet the requirement. Losing a job wouldn't be that big of a deal right now but this job provides me my place to live and food to eat. With all the experience I have with this job and department, I figured they would want to try and hang on to me (have over double the experience of at least 75% of the other RAs). Just trying to relax at this point.

  9. Started work at Lowe's a few days ago. Today was my first day on the sales floor. I'm working Inside Lawn and Garden/Seasonal. So far so good. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DLHgn


      How was that? 

    3. Wishuponasub


      It really wasn't bad but I was doing A/C work during the day and Lowe's at night. I was also remodeling my son's room and I couldn't hang so I quit Lowe's.

    4. DLHgn


      Gotta do what you gotta do. I'm liking it so far. It's really not too bad. Pretty laid back as far as I can tell. The most stressful thing is having to change my department constantly because it's seasonal but that's about it so far. 

  10. Total crap that I had to spend almost an entire month's pay for this school project.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DLHgn


      Sounds like a plan

    3. Soccerballzs


      A big Paper Mache Project?

    4. DLHgn


      Lol I wish it was that. Had to buy and modify a camera to pick up a clean IR signal to track the position of a user's eye for Human Computer Interaction

  11. Step mom just got in a wreck on the highway. Thankfully she's okay but the car may not be.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Fuck the car, it's replaceable.

    3. Kyblack76


      Pics of step mom?

    4. DLHgn


      Oh no, I totally agree. I'm glad she's okay and came out with no injuries but the fact of the matter is that was their only car (besides my dad's work van) so if it's can't be reasonably fixed, they're gonna be in some trouble.

  12. Good news. Should be graduating in May. Will not receive my degree until the following fall because I have to take a class in the summer but I will be able to walk the stage this May. Finally getting some good news is a pleasant change of pace for this current semester. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DLHgn


      Yeah, just trying to figure out what I'm going to do afterwards. Thinking about possibly going for another degree that is related to this current one. Not sure 


    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      congratulations man

    4. DLHgn
  13. Getting the shaft for everything in this job is really starting to get to me. Skating on thin ice

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DLHgn


      No, these situations are legitimately not on me. It's how this department works. Not just me.

    3. Jessica


      im just yanking your chain

    4. DLHgn


      Gotcha, sorry. Been dealing with my staff all day. So in other words dealing with a bunch of asses all day. Can't wait to be done with closing the building so I can relax and get my stuff packed for break.

  14. I hate everything right now. I spent all of that money for this project plus going out of my way to get to some power tools only to find out that the camera I have doesn't have a modifiable lens. Not to mention i spent hours trying to remove the damn filter. The ps3 camera has two versions of the lens. One that can and one that cannot have the IR filter removed. The project is due Thursday and I still have to run code for the camera that can't be built. I'm so screwed right now....

    1. _paralyzed_


      That's called crunch time. It's expected. Kick some ass and do the best you can. Run that code. You've got 3 full days, you can sleep when you're dead. Get 'er done!

    2. DLHgn


      I ordered a new lens/mount for the camera's PCB today along with some heatshrink. Should be in by tomorrow. Thank the student crunch time lord because the project deadline has been pushed back to next Tuesday.

    3. _paralyzed_
  15. These residents are trying my patience with their stupidity and lack of common courtesy. This building is not a playground

  16. This final is going to be long and tedious but i'm just glad it's a take home.

    1. Keith77


      pics of girlfriend

    2. DLHgn


      lol My profile pic is of us.

  17. Digging the night shift theme. A bit dark but I still like it. Easy on the eyes. Liked the Carbon Red too but the Red was a bit too bright for me. 

    1. meade916


      there is another red that is less bright, try that one ...Oh try SMD Blue i think it is "less" dark.  :D thanks for your feedback!

    2. DLHgn


      Also, I don't know if it's my browser or not (chrome) but I can't see the emoji you put. It's just a white box with some blue/green image in it. 

  18. Had a meeting with one of my bosses last Friday and they spent an hour saying they're not responsible for what they did and I must have somehow slipped through the cracks. Said that last Spring I should have focused more on my grades than on my girlfriend who shattered her leg and had a highly infectious chronic GI infection. Gonna be talking to the head of student affairs and the HR department.

    1. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Do yourself a favor and just find a new job.

    2. DLHgn


      Trying to. I am still notifying someone about what is going on. They will not get away with it. More shit has popped off since this post. 

  19. The University of Houston is thinking about hiring me to help  develop some stuff for them and to be a kind of support for their College of Technology. I would get to stay where I'm at. They're thinking of starting at at least $20/hr if not more. I'm glad I ended up going to this meeting today. Also glad I treat everyone one with a base level of respect regardless if I know who they are or not. Really helped me today. 

    1. Karkov


      Do it up man!

    2. DLHgn


      Thanks, i'm trying. If I can get my foot in the door with this University and actually help them get some big things done in these fields they're researching in, it good open up to a whole realm of great jobs. Also, the University of Houston is playing with the idea of inviting me to participate in their graduate programs. That would be nice. A graduate degree that's paid for by the school. 

  20. Just finished a test that was open book, notes, computer, phone. Literally anything but the people in class (someone called their sister last semester). Holy cow was it hard. Wouldn't have been able to do hardly any of the questions if it wasn't at least open notes. 

    1. 06RTCharger


      "Regis, I would like to use a life line" 

    2. DLHgn
  21. Went to someone even higher in the department. Said essentially the same thing that the others did. Done with that department but now i'm talking to the "Omnibudsman" (think that's how it's spelled). He's essentially a lawyer/consultant on campus meant to be non biased to the university. See what he has to say. Unfortunately, I now have to pull $4600 out my ass in order to pay for food and housing with no job and definitely not enough savings.

    1. Broke_Audio_Addict


      It's as simple as getting a job.

      Let me ask you question, you're going around starting all kinds of drama to try and get your bullshit job back, and I'm assuming that to do so you are attempting to throw a bunch of people under the bus for whatever you think it is that they did wrong, how well do you think they will treat you if you did get it back?

      Move along, man, get another job and chalk this one up as a loss.

      All this time you've spent whinging and crying to everyone who will hear it could have been spent landing a new job.

    2. DLHgn


      I actually am in the process of getting a new job. While getting a job helps it doesn't change the fact that I have a $4600 loan out and that's not a student loan with low interest. Also, i'm not trying to get my job back. I've given up on that a long time ago. I'm trying to get people to face justice for the very shady things they have done. Please don't assume you know what i've been doing the past month because you're probably wrong. On the note of throwing people under the bus, i've tried leting the department correct what they've done but they refuse to so now everyone can find out. 

  22. Just finished my homework for the weekend. It was 38 pages....This is getting ridiculous. It seems like my prof is assigning more and more HW as the semester goes along. I'm still doing it all but jeez. 

    1. WalledSonic
    2. DLHgn


      I guess so lol I didn't have HW last night because we had a test but I can only imagine the amount i'm going to have to do tonight. Haven't look at his email yet. Dreading it. 

  23. Have two finals tomorrow. Don't care about Linear Algebra (retaking class) but this Calc. based prob and stat is gonna be interesting

    1. SkarredSierra


      Good luck. That shit makes my brain hurt. Lol.

    2. DLHgn


      Yup. Not really that hard but I missed quiet a few lectures towards the end so i'm playing catch up. Got some of the homeworks done and am finishing up my review.

  24. If all goes as planned I'll be graduating on May 12th! 

    1. WalledSonic


      Congrats, whats your major?

    2. DLHgn


      Majoring in Computer Science with a Minor in Mathematics 

  25. Applied for an IT Support Engineer position at Amazon a few days ago. I've heard that they can be pretty slow at responding so here in a few days i'll hit up the warehouse and talk to them in person. This job would provide a great opportunity for me so here's to hoping I get a chance! 

    1. Broke_Audio_Addict
    2. Wishuponasub


      Good luck man. Hope you get it.

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